Okay, so I've spent just about every day since the tour was announced trying to convince my parents to let me go, and they refused to give me an answer until right now, about an hour before the presale ends, leaving only those seats you can't see anything from. I guess it doesn't matter, though, as the answer was a big, fat, no... Hmph. Well, this means I'll have to live vicariously through you guys... I will do just about anything (as long as I am capable, it's not illegal, and it's not, like, giving you my address : D) for you if you give me personal Benjelle accounts and lotsa pictures! My email address: I know it's a while off, but I'm still planning ahead!
~ Moose ~
MizzGlib: Hehe, I like looking at it that way, better : D
a) Thanks! My email address is
b) What city are you seeing it in? A lot of the presales were today.
~ Moose ~
My parents won't let me go either! I feel your pain Moose! But *sigh* .. life goes on.
MizzGlib: 'Shrimp' I do actually agree with it, though! (It just also happens to make me feel more warm and fuy inside about my parents sucking : D)
~ Moose ~
Some of my keys don't really work... Gr
Ha, your precious bunny.
Meet his fruity side...TRACY.
You've probably already seen this side of Travis.
Heeeeeeeeeey... Be nice to da Bunny... Or his quail will be left orphaned (Taylor should get that).
~ Moose ~
Erm...quail? Hmm, must be a Tayoose inside joke, grr. Tell me that Trav's crossdresser side doesn't crack you up.
haha. Quail! lacey!
I wonder what Travis will do if this spreads. wow. I love Bunny.
This picture amuses me but after a while Im just like OMG. And then I start getting paranoied like I usually do. "omg! What? PEople are gonna find out! He will dbe disqualified! NOOOO BUNNY"
I dont think this will affect anything on the show, but dang. I would just die if something so personal was on the internet of me!
Poor Bunny :(
Although he is workin that pose! Darn Right he is!
-Taylor :P
So, since I couldn't find any tickets that I thought were good enough to justify spending my hard-earned money, I won't be going to the tour concert =(. I may check back later in the week to see if something opens up though. Otherwise, I'll just live vicariously through you all's experiences. Besides, I have all my favorite routines already and "It's good as the first time - Sade".
Those Travis photos....hmmmm...scary! I hope those don't come back to haunt him...
Poor Travis... There's nothing wrong with that, so I just think it sucks to have all those pictures on the internet, and everyone talking about it. I LOVE YOU, BUNNY (and your little quail, too!!! *cackles*). Shrimp, not in an evil way, of course....
~ Moose ~
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