Friday, August 25, 2006

Benji's ten facts about The Lacey

benji's ten facts about lacey...

(go to benji's myspace to find out lacey's 10 facts about benji)

Okay!!! I only know these...well now so does everyone and they're mother...but anywho...on with the show....Lacey's ten facts!!!

1. Lacey has freckles on her knees and elbows!!!

2. Lacey used to throw my mom's pumps at me when she was mad!!!

3. Lacey had a "lazy eye" when she was younger.

4. She cut my placemat when I was in the second grade and thretened to stab me with scissors because I got more jell-o than her.

5. She used to sing and gyrate in front of the mirror when she was 5!!! (hello britney)

6. Her first staring role as an accomplished actress was iun the elementary school productrion of the Nanny Goats Gruff.

7. She is an amazing "crump" dancer.

8. She's definatly affraid of bees and would leave her newborn child to run from a wasp.

9. Her mission in life is to make me a "metrosexual".

10. She makes crazy sounds and faces that only I can understand...really ugly!!!

but in the end....

lacey is also my:

best friend

most SMARTEST!!!(aww great loretta!)

the one who understands me the most

favorite person to social dance with

challenges me to be a better dancer

is the most honest person with me I know

she's the most talented dancer I know(season 3 anyone?!?!?)

trick love da kidz.....

....trick luv da kids....


she deserves the upmost greatest life...I hope Ill be able to give it to her before she gets it for herself

she loves animals and is really sensetive to them

she makes random friends that most people wouldn't even look at. she's done this since she was a little girl...

...she doesn't realize how Christ-like she is.

she has a big bruhver who luvs her sooooooo much!!!!!

....lace- you so have been an amzing support in these last few months and have always been there during my mission and we've been through a lot and the fact that we've become best friends in the latter half of our lives is a gift from God; He knew we needed eachother and Im grateful to have you not only as my sister but my best friend. (doctor evil voice)

"you complete me"

love ya bunches more then you know my lil' sissyduckling


AWWW! Thats so sweet. And I was cracking up sooo hard at number four! BWAHAHHAAHHA!

-Taylor :P


Anonymous said...

omg lol. i love lacey's ten facts out lacey. coughtaylorshouldpostthemcough. any whooo, they are so adorable. such an awesome family. & i love them. rock on.

Anonymous said...

Dontcha just love the Schwimmers? :)

Breaking News!
Benji called Vixen last night and she got to Interview him! (Yeah!) It's a great interview with some Q&A we haven't already read about in other articles. I suggest you hop to it ladies!

Anonymous said...

yes i love love love the schwimmers lol i think benji is so sweet and is a great brother and i pray lacey trys out next year cause i need my schwimmer fix =)

ps-vixen is so incredibly luck im so jealous and yes the interview is really good =)

Anonymous said...

yes i love love love the schwimmers lol i think benji is so sweet and is a great brother and i pray lacey trys out next year cause i need my schwimmer fix =)

ps-vixen is so incredibly luck im so jealous and yes the interview is really good =)