Saturday, August 26, 2006

YAY! Candy Cheek;s story! Part 2!!!

Chapter 2
Your the one i turn to..

Donyelle and Tahir walk to the car.Tahir looked at her she was staring at the floor so tahir wouldn’t see her face directly and he grabbed her hand and started walking faster. Donyelle felt as if she was running and accidentally dropped her cell phone. When she went back and got it she found benji watching, making sure she got to the car safely. She gave him a big smile and then stuck her tongue out to try and give him a sign that she was okay…he laughed and got the point and stuck his tongue back at her. Tahir turned around to see what was taking her so long and he found her looking at benji Benji. Tahir now frustrated said “Donyelle pick up your cell and lets go” donyelle jumped, she was startled she totally forgot about tahir in those 5 seconds. She didn’t want to make him anymore angry. So she gave benji a pouting face and turned around and started walking towards tahir and the car.

Once they got it the car tahir blew off steam yelling not letting donyelle explain or say anything. Donyelle then started to cry. Tahir didn’t take notice to it and kept yelling. The weather weirdly turned just like donyelle’s mood, it started to rain. They reached her apartment. Tahir parked the car and
Donyelle was confused so she asked ‘what are you doing?!’
tahir gave her a glare and said ‘parking’
'For?!, i can make it upstairs on my own'
'You said rayne was gone for the weekend'
Donyelle practically balling ‘Yea…but I don’t feel like cuddling with you on the couch, so you can stop wasting your time and go’
‘We need to talk about benji!!!’
‘We...don’t even start with that crap now you know when you say “we” need to talk you end up being the only one talking cause you wont let me talk and Benji is my best friend..nothin more’
Donyelle heart skipped when she said benji's name
‘I don’t want to here it’
‘You’re the one who wanted to talk, so don’t give me that I don’t want to here it crap’ practically choking she is cryin so hard
‘Donyelle, im sorry, but you don’t notice that benji is tryin to steal you away from me’
‘You are unbelievable you know that’ donyelle steps out of the car
‘Donyelle!! It pouring outside’
‘well it feels way better then being stuffed in a car with you’
Donyelle runs upstairs to her room, but tahir runs after her she trys to close the door but she is too late and he forces it open while Donyelle is trying to close it! He corners Donyelle. Donyelle runs to her room closes her door locks it and then leans on it so he can’t get in. Donyelle is still crying even more then before. She is so weak from crying she falls to the floor still leaning on the door. Tahir bangs and bangs and tells her to open up but Donyelle doesn’t say a word. She remembers that she had a voicemail from Benji and she knows the sound of his voice will make her feel better.

She calls her voicemail enters the code,
‘Hey Donny. You told me to call you when I got to Cali again well im here, and im on my way to the beach. (Silence….then benji takes a deep breath. Breathing in the phone) I don’t know if you have ever seen Forest Gump but its about this guy named forest who falls for this girl named jenny and she doesn’t love him back. So he waits for her, I wont tell you the end, but You’re the jenny to my forest. Well call me back or ill see you soon’ :]](cute)

Donyelle is now balling. She misses benji and she wants to see him now! Tahir is still banging and says that if she doesn’t open in the next 5 minutes he will kick it open, donyelle believed him so she needed to figure out a way to get out. Her only choice was the window. She climbed out the window into a tree and fell on thee ground hurting her toe even more. Then remembers she left her cell on her bed! She hears tahir counting down from 30. It snaps in her head he will notice she is gone and come outside. She begins to run in the rain with no cell phone not knowing where she is going...........just running.

Run Forest Run

After running for about 5 minutes, donyelle stops to see if she recognizes where she is at. She sees a bench by a fountain and sits down to rest her toe. Her eyes are now swollen from crying so much and her hands are shaking!
She is near the beach were she last saw benji. She gets herself up and starts to run towards the beach. While running things are going through her head ‘why am I doing this’ ‘do I love tahir still’ ‘did I love him in the first place’
Her thought are then interrupted by the thought of her and Benji at dress rehearsal for there first broadway routine. She remember when they told benji he needed to tuck in his tie cause it was to distracting and donyelle had this cute fluffy yellow dress and she said ‘i looked like a Pineapple’ but benji turned towards her and said ‘But a very cute Pineapple’ and starts to giggle and kisses Donyelle’s forehead and gives her a big hug. Donyelle was so distracted that when she was crossing the road over to the beach, she didn’t notice that the sign didn’t say walk it said stop. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. Benji saw donyelle from a distance and screamed ‘DONNY!!’ she snapped out of her day dream from the sound of his voice and looked up and smiled at benji. Donyelle was confused benji’s face looked as if it was shocked and not happy to see her. Benji started to run towards her and screamed “DONNY LOOK OUT’ donyelle sees light coming towards her. Boom!!!

Benji runs towards donyelle who Is now on the floor of the street. The driver steps out of the car and makes his apologies. Benji look at him in tears and says “I forgive you, JUST CALL THE DANG AMBULANCE” Benji sees donyelle dried tears and then knows that she is alone walking the streets because of tahirs temper. He looks at donyelle and starts to shake her lightly, and says “Donyelle, don’t give up on me now!!” a tear drops from benjis eyes to her cheek!

The Party then realizes that benji is missing!! Just then they hear screaming and ambulances and cars beeping they go to the street to see what the comotion is about and see donyelle on the floor and benji crying above her. They see the car about a foot away from donyelle and know exactly what happen. They run to benji and ask him what happen. Benji is crying so hard and is so upset all he can hear are mumbles and only thing that is clear is Donyelle’ face in his lap. Donyelle opens her eyes a little and she starts to mumble “benji, benji” and starts to cry again. Benji happy she is alive, hugs her and kisses her forehead and says “Donyelle don’t give up you can make it through this….i love you!!” Donyelle grabs his hand and quotes forest gump “Forrest, you don't know what love is” benji smiles and squeezes her hand and says “I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.”


-Taylor :P


Anonymous said...

I liked it. keep it comin :D

btw u can hear the radio interview on vixen's blog. not much but it's nice to hear them again.

Anonymous said...

Love love the Forrest Grump quoate excellent...neneburge ..good story moose..

Anonymous said...

i'm super confused! Is thr first part of the story the one that says candy cheecks because if it is the beginning of chapter 2 confuses me.

Anonymous said...

Quoting Forrest Gump???

Nice job.