Wednesday, August 16, 2006

OMG Oraaaaa you are worth a million cookies! AAA ILU like I love cookies!

oh and heres my daily dose of Fox Board lurking =D


I just read on the idol forum thingy that the Jones and the Schwimmers were having quite a bit of conversation and may have ate dinner together (at least close to each other)..Papa Schwimmer and Donny's brother at the show..and Papa Schwimmer and Donny's mom at the restaurant (for a long time they say). At one point Donny got up and went over and sat with Benji for a little while. I love it..the in-laws planning the kids wedding (wishful thinking) this Benjelle thing has spread to their families!!

I thought the account of them shopping at the Grove was so squeeee they are adorable...they should be together...

Also lots of new Benjellers on Idol forum..what is TWOP folks...

(then later)

According to the person on Idols Forum...they saw the families at the Cheesecake Factory...they were outside the restuarant talking for a long time and the next time they were sitting inside not at the same table but one point Donny went over and sat down with Benji, mention of Heidi at all....No mention of any of the other family members conversing either...hummmmm"

can you hear the wedding bells? cause I sure can.

8:13 PM, August 15, 2006

Ora, could I love you anymore??? omg! You are the best lurker everrr! :) <333333

-Taylor :P

Yupyup! Ora, we here the wedding bells!! omg! I wonder what Donyelle's mom looks like! Aaa, I wonder what Benji did when he met her! I can sooo imagine him being all nervous and trying to impress her mom! hahaha! lmao! I find that funny! :) lacey!!


Anonymous said...

I told you, Ora is Ah-mazing. Not just plain ol' amazing, Ah-mazing.

Taylor said...

She sure iss!!!

-Taylor :P

haha. Ah-mazing :)

Anonymous said...

And where are the fangirls w/ camera phones and digicams getting theses precious momments on film (pixels) for our squeeeful delight? =)

Taylor said...

ryan: If I was there it would be a picspam from the heavens!

Ora: hehe. lazy bum bwaha

YAY! Ora ilu, I will sprinkle you with donuts and cake and yummy treats!!

It wouls be amazing if we all went to the tour and met up! YAY! ...sadly...the tickets in New York are already sold out :(

-Taylor :P

Taylor said...

lmao. Yeah, hopefull if I went I could get out of school! WOOT WOOT!

Luckily I only live like 3 hours from New York. I couldve gone in Philly cause its a really short drive. But dang, those fangirls are fast!

They cleared out Boston in less then twenty minutes! I was like WTH?!?!?

I hope some more tickets are realesed. Cause right now ebay tickets a freakin 200 dollars! That is waaaaay too much...even if it is Benjelle.

-Taylor :P

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify...
RE: the Cheesecake Factory ordeal

The Schwimmers and the Joneses did NOT dine together. My friend did see them conversing outside while waiting to be seated, but they came as two separate party.

According to mistatertat from IDF (who also dined at the Cheesecake Factory that night), Benji and Donyelle's family were sitting far away from each other.

However, at some point during the night, Donyelle got up from her table and sat next to Benji for a while. That was when the picture of them two was taken.