YAY pictures!
I love myspace!!!!
So I was on my computer and I was lurking on Benji's myspace. As I always am :) And lookie what I found!!
omg! Its like the *at least not yet until Im married* face! YAY!!
Slightly physcotic but still cute :)
mwahah! Oh wow, I wonder what Ora's gonna say about this picture :)
Benji and Clair!! I cant wait to see her back for next season!
Heidi!! Old lady in the background says "???"
Aww cousin love! So cute :)
Benji says "Hey look! Donyelle's over there!!!" lol
YAY! I love Benji's mom. She needs a fanthread! lol!!
Ryan is he only one looking into the right camera :D
"Dance too much booty in da pants"-Ryan
Dats Right! Dats Right!
Smiling for the camera as Benji is being attacked by fangirls :)
Benji-"Maybe I can steal that last piece of cucumber without him knowing" Dmitry-"Not this time!!! *breaks out his pokemon ball!*" Stanislav-"...WTH?"
This reminds me of that pic where Benji is in the front of some of the SYTYCD can dance contestants, making the same face...brother&sister :)
Guy in the back-"Hes so dreamy.." *swoon* Ricky- '..This is some good chocolate cake!!"
"Its free too!!!!!"-Ricky
"OH!! OH!! Donyelle is here!" -Benji :)
..wow. :)
Lacey-"Benji, Donyelle chooses Tahir not you" Benji- "What? hahhaha! Yeah right"
Lacey-"No Im serious.." Benji-"ROAR!!!!"
Ora, this pick is just for you! bwahahhaha!
Benji says "A different feel, different kinda hip hop" haha I dunno, thats what his face reminded me of!
Benji's little tongue coming out of nowhere cracks me up!
mwahah! I love Lacey's face here!
Wow, thats beautiful! :)
"*GASP* Look everybody! Cheesesticks!!!! YAY!"-Benji :D
Heidi says "WEEEE"
Good ol Benji, pimpin it with a dinosaur chain!
Lacey says "I see you eyeing that last finger sandwich...not for long" *Lacey laughs evily*
Pretty sign!'
Pretty shirts!
"Ramalama Bang Bang numba 2"-Ivan
"Dontcha wish ya bf was hot like me? Dont ya wish you bf had hair like me, Like me! Dontcha?"-Jaymz
Ashlee after Ramalama! YAY Ashlee!!!
Benji gets mobbed for autographs!!
Benji and his hot left-handedness *faints*
Heidi is a lefty too! And shes signs a fans shoe...
YAY! I can see Ivan in the front and Martha in the back of the van. I love Ivan!!
Benji and Sara! Aww so cute
Benji has a really nice signature!
Go here for the full album..even though I basically just posted all the good pics, there are still many more :)
Thanks soooooo much to Vixen's friend for finding this album! YAY!
-Taylor :P
Just wanted to add that in addition to new photos, Benji has also posted a new blog entry on his MySpace.
I love Lacey. Nuff said.
I love Ora. Nuff said.
I love Taylor for posting these, I was totally looking at them yesterday.
I love benji. And I love Donyelle, where is she? Gah can't wait for tour pics.
I had another churchy conference dream and Benji and Travis were there. Don't know why. And Benji was playing with a wheel chair and I tried to attack them and ask for pictures but the stupid guard wouldn't let me so instead i just grabbed my friend and pulled him into the stadium really early and we stole peoples seats to see them and Donny perform.
I have no idea where Heidi was, that should make Ora happy.
Hey I don't know why I didn't post this before, but in my non romantic love for Lacey I have found she is a lurker! 0-0
Lacey's Vegas recap...
back from the vegas. loved it. went to the flamingo to see Society of Seven (my dad choreogrphs) LOVED it. they asked benji and i to get up there and dance... so we danced to christina aguilera - aint no other man for about a min. all improv. fun fun. saw my cousin Lea. had a good time.
ride home- i was planning to hlp my brother out with driving so he started out due to "weather"conditions....after singing at the top of our lungs i was out. he drove the whole way hahha oops.
but i love him and ill give him a hug or something eeek.
tomorrow is the day where i can shop for a dress for no good reason.
PS- IDF girlies!!!!!!
i lurk when i have a chance and that whole belnd thingy wouldnt creep me out. LOL. and the guys from society of seven were practicly beggin me to try out. we'll see.
big love.
Ora: My exact response. How on earth is Donny not in any of those pictures???? How was there a picture of Jamyz and NONE of Donny.
I still like the pics though...
Taylor you tease! I can't view any of these pictures OR MySpace while I'm at work :( I guess, I'll be surprised when I get home.(Less than 3 hrs...) I did see the SYTYCD/Schwimmer album from Vixen's page yesterday though. Donyelle was in a good number of those pics, more than the any other dancer that wasn't family(Heidi). This pics are probably some of the same ones, but your captions will put a totally new spin on them :D
TTYL ladies!
Ahh I love these pics soo much. Thanks for the pics and the commentary Taylor!! hehe.
article i found on the idolforums
IGN TV: Who was the nicest of all the dancers?
Benji: I think everyone was nice. I think probably the biggest sweetheart of the whole competition would have to be Donyelle. She never had an attitude with people. She was always kind. She was always giving people advice. She was kind of like the motherly figure of the group cause she's 27 and she's the oldest girl there. She's the oldest person in the group aside from Musa. She just kind of watched over us and always had that motherly feel and approach to every single one of us and always encouraged us to the best we could and never seemed to be competitive with anyone in the group.
IGN TV: You would describe your relationship as motherly? Because you seemed to have a lot of chemistry as a couple.
Benji: Well, I wouldn't say motherly. Not our relationship, that's for sure. In terms of us, have we hooked up or are we a couple? Sadly, the rumors aren't true, we're not a couple. But we are really, really close. It's almost as if we are kindred spirits. In fact, with a couple people on the show, it felt like we must have known each other before time existed somehow. It's been really neat how we connected in one day's time. We sat down when we found out we were each other's partners and we just talked about everything. We should have been practicing, but we just spilt the beans on our whole lives We just have a great mutual respect and love for one another. I love her to death and I'm going to be friends with her for the rest of my life.
IGN TV: No chance for romance?
Benji: She is committed to someone right now and that's where it's at.
i don't squee. but if i did. I would for this.
OMG Jonesy I LOVVEE YOU!!! AHH I LOVE THAT ARTICLE!! BENJI LOVES DONNY!! now we have to think.. this tahir guy must be really awesome if you can date him over benji.. i mean who WOULDN'T date (if not marry) Benji??? :D
Jonesy: [A contained squee which manifests as my eyes getting watery and a little blurry, so as not to draw attention to myself from the other co-workers!] I luv you. You've brought some sunshine into my hectic, gloomy Chicago day! At first I was a little "iffy" when he was talking about all the "motherly" stuff (Oedipus Rex, anyone?). But then he described their relationship. [Sighs and melts into a mushy-love puddle].
Me again ;D.
We must get a hold of the actual article. FFF to the rescue!!
As requested by nava (I love you for that!! lol) An addition to my story.
Disclaimer: If u read my first story it would make this one a little bit clearer. It could be found further down the blog.
Usually Monday is the least favored day of the week. It’s the first day of school, of work, etc. Yet, for this group in particular, during this summer season, Thursday was the day of dread. From this exceptionally talented group of dancers, one man and one woman would leave the show, and leave the people they had to come to know as their family.
They had their usual Thursday routine, get up early and tape the group number, later on later on that day get ready for the show. Donyelle had a found a space to be on her own for reflection, anticipation, and to try her best to silence that little voice in her head. “What if that routine wasn’t good enough… What if I wasn’t good enough.”
During her meditation she heard approaching foot steps. She opened her eyes and saw her partner. Once she did, it seemed as if that voice was silenced for good.
“So are you ready?” Benji asked.
“Is anyone ever really ready for Thursday?” Donyelle quipped back.
He chuckled and said, “I suppose not.” Then he took a deep breathe, looked down for a moment, and when he looked back up, deeply into her eyes, he looked as if he was troubled. “So are we going to talk about it?” he asked.
“Talk about what?”
“You know what.” He said not with an attitude or sarcasm, but with a painful anticipation.
“You know we can’t do this, why are you making this hard?”
“Donyelle, the last thing on earth I would want to do is cause you pain. You are unlike any girl I’ve ever known. You… I…” He sat closer to her, grazed her face so delicately with his hand, like a delicate flower. A tear rolled down her face.
A production assistant then yelled “Five minutes everyone you have five minutes!” They both looked at the assistant startled, Donyelle looked at Benji, he looked back, and Donyelle stood up and walked towards the stage area.
The taping went on as usual, Benji and Donyelle were safe, as usual. The cast went to their favorite restaurant to say goodbye to the voted off contestants, as usual. The van came to pick up the cast to bring them back to their apartment, Benji sat next to Donyelle. She rested her head on his shoulder; he rested his head atop of hers. Donyelle took a deep breathe in and realized in that moment how safe she felt. She felt every emotion Benji felt in that moment in one instant. She looked back up into Benji’s eyes.
“What?” Benji asked puzzled.
She sighed and replied, “nothing.” Put her head back on his shoulder until they arrived at the apartment building. They were the last ones to enter their respective rooms.
Benji looked over to her and asked. “So are you ready for tomorrow?”
“I don’t think I could ever be ready for something like this.” She replied looking unwaveringly into Benji’s eyes. “Good night Benji.”
“Good night Donyelle.”
omg.. on the bus it looks like donny's sitting next to benji.
Yeah.. wheres donny, huh huh? O_o
Take a look at our new free myspace premade layout site. Just launced today!!
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