Sunday, August 20, 2006

Solidarity Of MySpace Songs!!!

Okay, here's a montage I made to sorta go along with my story on the fanfiction board. The music's really quiet at the very beginning and the very end, so you may have to turn it up a bit. Also, just like every other time, you have to let it load completely before watching it, or it'll be really choppy. Anywho, here it is:

For those who were wondering what my cryptic post was about: I used a back-up MySpace account (I was too chicken to use one of my two regular ones : D) to email each of them (without telling them that I was emailing the same thing to the other), asking them to put the song 'Ride' by Cary Brothers on their profiles if they had more-than-friendly feelings for the other person. Yes, I know, I've crossed into the lines of somewhat creepy stalking... Anywho, neither has done it yet, but... I think everyone who has a MySpace, an is still on the S.S. Champagne and Caviar should put that song on their page! Please! I put it on both of mine! I'm posting this on foxforums, the fanfiction site, and MySpace, too. All Benjellers should show their support!

~ Creepy Moose... ~


Anonymous said...

Love the song and the montage!!

Anonymous said...

Love it...absolutely fabulous!
especially the comments at the end ...i sed this in the comments for p'ple princess' story ...i think u shud most this in the comments of benji and donyelle myspace pages... we have to make them remember how great they cud be!!!! or how great they are!

Taylor said...

Oh My! I loved that! It was amazing. If they put Ride on their space I will just die!

-Taylor :P

Anonymous said...

Moosey you kinda are in creepy stalker mode...

But I still love you!

Taylor said...

Yeah. Moose is DEFINETELY in stalker mode! Its best to stay away when she is like this! hahaha! ILU Moosey!

Ora: Yeah I found it weird that it said "iamdonyellejones" it kinda sounded like a dumb kid who doesnt know how to lie and is like "No, I didnt sneak out of my room at 11:00 at night to go to the party even though you told me not to..."
ya know what I mean?

-Taylor :P