Friday, August 25, 2006

Things We Don't Know About Benji...

Okay, it's after 12:30, and I'm supposed to be doing homework/sleeping, but here's the latest blog entry on Benji's MySpace : D

10 things NOBODY knows about benji - by lacey

10 things you dont know ...well now you do haha!

1. When he sleeps, he won't and i mean WON'T wake up....jumping on him would never wake him up! (belive me...i've tried)

2. He is proud to have freckles!

3. He can imitate ANYONE. He can put full on shows of imitating different people!

4. In his room there will never be any carpet......clothes, hats, shoes, and papers lay everywhere! (creative people are like that)

5. There are only a few things hes addicted to...... cereal, boba, and britney spears.....before k-fed!

6. He has pudgy hands! They are like little fat pads. So cute!

7.When benji zones (we call it goosh) he ALWAYS twirls his hair in knots all over his head. In fact when he was little his 1st grade teacher called our mom and asked if she should break that habbit and my mom said ,"no, it makes him comfortable."

8. Growing up he would dress up in our parents dance studios old costumes and put on performances with Heidi and some friends. He never allowed me becasue i would ,quote, "mess the performance up." grrrrr.

9. He sings to himself in the mirror when getting ready as if he was in a video.....he sings loudest to spanish music! (Sin Bandera)

10. His head has always been the same size. When he was 5 his head looked liked it would fall off of his tiny neck! ps his head is still large in size!

ok so i know i said ten but those were mostly embarassing things but here are a few things that are sweet about benji you didn't know.......

- He loves kids.

- He loves his family and friends.

- He is loyal, and honest.

- He is one of the funniest people i have ever met.

- He is creative and intelligent.


- He is the best brother -and or- friend i could ever ask for.

Benji- you truely are an inspiration to me. im so proud of you for everyhting you've done in your life. watching you grow as a person has been entertaining and amazing. I know you will go far in life becasue you truely are one of a kind. i love you with all my heart Gee-Gee Pants.


~ Moose ~

P.S. - Please comment on the post before this!!! : D : D


Taylor said...

Awww! This is sooo cute! I would die if I got to here Benji speak Spanish! And if I got to here him sing it! Oh My! That would be over!

-Taylor :P

Anonymous said...

aawww benji sounds like the best and i wish he was my older brother or boyfriend ;P either one will do lmao hes such a sweetheart =)