Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Please Keep Everything Civil

For the most part, I think everything on this blog has been kept to civil discussions, without any real conflict. I don't particularly want to single anyone out, but would like to request that any comment you have be presented in that manner. I certainly do not want a large caffoffle (sp?) to begin as one did on Vixen's blog a while ago (Which, actually, concerned people attacking me, but let's not get back into that one).

If there's something you dislike, don't participate in it. There is no need to make your opinions so obviously known if they could in some way offend people here. While I, personally, am not offended by the comment I am referring to, I can see how some in the same category I am in could be, and feel the need to keep that from happening.

I do not believe that the comment I am addressing this to was intended to be out of malice, but rather a desire to protect someone who was not being heard.

Esselle: I apologize that I did not acknowledge those avatars to be yours. It was certainly not intentional, but rather because I never saw your message (unfortunately, homework takes up the vast majority of my time).

I would also like to point out that, while my post implied that they were made by Pineapple Princess, I did not intend to be saying that she made them, but rather had found them (as she usually does for me, rather kindly : D). She never claimed that they were hers, and, I'm sure, did not know who had made them. Please appreciate the fact that she was merely admiring your stupendorifically squeediddleyumptious work!

This is all one big misunderstanding, and I apologize to all who in some way fell victim to this occurance. I assure you that nothing on anyone's part was intentional.

I also apologize to the person whose comment I am addressing. I am most certainly not attempting to make an enemy, but felt this point must be made. I've attempted to be as cryptic as possible as to your identity, but I'm sure that others will read the original comment, itself. Once again, I apologize.

Let's all try to keep this a pleasant environment so we don't need posts such as these, but can, rather, focus on our obsession, shall we?

EDIT: After being informed that Esselle had told us they were her avatars, I decided to go look in the comments of that post (It was an old post, so, understandably, I had not checked the comments for some time... Especially since I'm now in school and was recently out of town). Reading them, I found several more aggressive, rude, and unneccesary comments directed toward Pineapple Princess and me. PLEASE stop attacking us. Yes, there was a misunderstanding in this case, but I never actually claimed that those avatars were hers (I did not say that they weren't, but have said in all previous posts like those that she had FOUND them, so wrongly assumed that you may think the same of this set - sorry). In many cases, people who give us such pictures have made them, themselves, and thus get the credit. In others, people have found work they like, and pass it on to us, not knowing who made it. I agree that this work should not be taken without giving the artists credit, but it is rather impossible to do so if we do not know who has made them. It seems to me that, if we (Benjellies) make it clear (which I assumed it was - a mistake on my part) that we did not make them, we are merely acknowledging quality work, and praising the person who made them, though we do not know who it is. In this case, I was unaware that we knew who the artist was, but I have always edited posts when such information has become availble in the past. If you're going to choose to be rude, and to attack us, feel free to leave the blog.

~ Moose ~


CandiceB said...

re: caffuffole. I spell it kerfuffel. I have no idea if that's right or not. Lol.

I think your statement was very diplomatic and respectful to both sides. Kudos to you for keeping the board civil!

Oh. And while I'm here, I've updated my fan fic, which can be found at this link:


Moose said...

Thanks CandiceB! It's nice to hear that someone here agrees that we're not two evil teenagers off to destroy the lives of anonymous avatar makers! : D

I'll go off to read that right now!

~ Moose ~

Moose said...

THANK YOU ORA! I'm not too great at art, but have always loved to express myself through words. Writing fanfiction is really good practice for writing pieces with your own characters.

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

Hey. Esselle here. I never intended for any attacks to form over this. I just posted here, in the comment section, that the icons were mine. I understand the misunderstanding and appreciate the apology. It's just frustrating to work so hard on art and then find it all over the net without my name attached.

You have a fun blog, here. I hope it continues to share the Benjelle love.

Moose said...

Hey Esselle!

I once again apologize for the whole mess... As you know, I got them from Pineapple Princess, but I don't believe she knew who had made them, either, so we couldn't credit you. I would have edited the post, sooner but did not see your comment until I was yelled at about it : (. I love your work, and you were never the person I was annoyed with! Please come back to visit us!

~ Moose ~