Monday, August 21, 2006

She's The Jenny to His Forrest... Just Like He Said

They're so very different, yet so utterly alike. He goes wherever the wind sweeps him, and she follows her dreams... With other men. ("I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time.")

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In spite of this, they became instant friends. She's the one who took him in; who made him less geeky (though we love him just as he is). ("You know it's funny what a young man recollects? 'Cause I don't remember bein' born. I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.")

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Though many obstacles present themselves (hopefully not as serious as death for Benjelle, 'cause that's just plain depressing)... ("You can't keep trying to rescue me all the time." "They was trying to grab you." "A lot of people try to grab me.")

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He loves her, and no man, nor war, nor distance can stand in his way ("Run, Forrest, Run!")... Because she loves him, too.

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After all, "Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get." They may be the most unlikely couple EVER, but boy do we love what we got!

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You know what? "That's all I have to say about that."

If you haven't seen that movie (Tsk Tsk, Pumbaa)... Sorry for spoiling the end! And you probably won't get the quotes, either.

~ Moose ~


Taylor said...

haha. I havent seen the movie yet. But its famous enough that I know what you are talking about :)

-Taylor :P

Anonymous said...

Cuteness Love. One of my favorite movies, and theyre my favorite not yet couple :D lovelovelove!

Anonymous said...

hey i made a fanfic of benjelle and was wondering if anyone here was interested in reading it

it's my first one >.< so i'm kinda anxious to share it :D

Moose said...

BlueMolover: I added you : D

Jonesy: Of course! You can also post it on this site -

~ Moose ~

Moose said...


Anonymous said...

So I was looking through Vixen's archives and came acsross a post that was from a happier time of the benjelle:

And Tayoose were the first to comment! So let's take a momment, forget about the Tahirs and Kellie Picklers and remember why we're on the ship. It's our "Jenny & Forrest," of course!

Anonymous said...

They were both dripping sweat. They had been at it for hours. The taping for the show was tomorrow and they just couldn’t seem to get this move right.
Benji and Donyelle had gotten the Viennese Waltz, or the ‘Vietnamese Fight Waltz’ they had jokingly termed earlier that week. Even so, this category was something completely foreign to Donyelle, and she couldn’t get the proper foot work to flow into her lifts. But being the perfectionist she is, and the supportive partner he is, they would not stop practicing until they were both satisfied
“Donyelle, are you ready?” He asked in between sips of water.
“Yeah, lets get this right.” She answered while patting the sweat off her forehead.
Benji proceeded to turn the music on and walked slowly over to Donyelle. With every footstep Donyelle’s pulse grew, she new something was about to happen. He took her hand to his, held her close, and looked her in her hazel eyes with the sincerity of a boy who didn’t know any better.
“It’s finally going to happen.” Donyelle thought. She had played cool for the cameras and in front of the public, but knew all along how she felt. In that moment of realization, she wanted nothing more, and nothing less.
Benji then spun her out ever so gracefully, she trotted back to him, leapt into his arms and finally completed the lift they had been so diligently practicing for hours. Thrilled that the Viennese Waltz could be one of their most successful routines yet they hugged each other in exhilaration.
“Ya know, the Pop Jazz was so great… What can we do to make this one even better?” Benji asked.
“I don’t know, what do you have in mind?”
“Hmmm, let’s practice the dance and at the end we just do whatever comes naturally to us.
“Alright, turn back on the music.”
Benji turned back on the music, *spin* *twirl* *spin* *lift* *dip*. So on and so forth till they got to the end of the routine. Then something came over them and this feeling was familiar to Donyelle. She had felt it just a few moments ago, but this it was a different. As she gripped his hand, she felt the sweat coming from his palms. After the last spin their bodies came to halt as Benji’s face was inches away from Donyelle’s. Benji put his hand on the side of Donyelle’s face. If for anything else, to keep her face there for as long as he possibly could. Donyelle grabbed the back of his neck as if to suggest it was okay.
“I can’t help but to look into your eyes. They are … my comfort. I’m sorry.” Benji said while slowly lowering his forehead down to hers
“The only thing you should be sorry for is waiting this long to tell me.” Donyelle said practically out of breathe.
“I didn’t think you’d be interested in me this sort of way. You always seemed to be more mature than me.” Benji said with a bit of puzzlement in his tone.
“And I thought the way you treated me was the way you treated every other girl. You’re just a naturally affectionate person… I thought.”
“Well, I mean, I am… I guess. But you were different. You’re always different.”
Donyelle started to realize the gravity of the situation gave his neck one last squeeze and started to walk away. Benji was not ready to let go. He squeezed her hand. Not in a forceful way, almost with a sense of urgency. He pulled her back into an embrace and said, “If you want me to stop, walk away again.” She stood there, wordless, breathless. He took his hand and put it beneath her chin; slowly brought her face towards his. She wanted this to happen, she had been waiting. At that moment, that moment where you decide whether or not you resist or give in, she turned her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Not a ‘visiting grandma on Thanksgiving’ kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the cheek that sent chills throughout Benji’s body. Put her lips up to Benji’s ear and whispered, “I don’t want you to stop, we have to stop.” She said with higher inflection, almost pain, in her voice. She walked away again.
“But why?” Benji asked with a much more overt pain in his voice than Donyelle’s.
“You know why. But I think that’s a good ending.”
They grabbed their things, turned off the lights to the studio and they both knew, tomorrow was going to be a good taping

btw. i love ur blog i read it like... everday, multiple times a day cause i'm a hopeless benjeller. and i'm totally not saying that cause i want u to like my fanfic lol :D

Anonymous said...

I really need to take my a$$ to bed. my eyes are burning! Anyway fresh from Benji's blog:

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Goodnight...Photoshoot early...

Howdy? como estan?

well guys im beat, tried messages a lot today.

things were great today...i got to see my folks for the first time since I won. That was great. I got to drive me old car for the first time in 3 months. I just watched the Fantasia story...I can relate the feelings she went through. Great story! WEll Im off...I have some cool ventures im working on. Look out for tranji merchandise and possibly some Benjelle action as well for the wonderful fans. Heidi and I are on board for making instructional dvds the week after the tour sit tight! Love ya'll


p.s. getting an enormous amount of response. Website under construction......I love the world....the world is so giving right now...its sauch a blessing!!!!!

Brush your teeth!


1:42 AM - 34 Comments - 46 Kudos - Add Comment

OK. Benji watches Lifetime - +
Tranji merchandise - ++
Oh but wait for it....
Possibly some Benjelle action - ++++++++++++++ do I need to go one?!?!

What is wrong with me? I need to KIT - keep it together.

Goodnight ladies!

Anonymous said...

Jonesy I love your story. Keep writing. You should definately add it to the link that Moose provided.