Saturday, August 26, 2006

Benjelle on the radio

YAY! Thanks sooo much anonymous for this link!!SQUEE

And Pineapple Princess pointed out that when the guy said Donyelle was gorgeous Benji screamed "OWE" and Donyelle started to giggle! Thanks for pointing that out cousin! :) YAY!

Thanks anonymous!!!!!!

-Taylor :P


Anonymous said...


Taylor said...

*hugs anonymous* YAY!! Squee! ILU!!

-Taylor :P

CandiceB said...

Taylor - Tried to add you to MySpace but don't know any of the clues to add you. Could you add me? Last name is Brown.

Unless of course you don't like me...:P

Taylor said...

Lol!! Sure Candice! Whats your myspace?

-Taylor :P

CandiceB said...



Anonymous said...

It's not really benjelle news but it's something about donny who we don't really read much of so i thought it was nice. got it from the idol forums.

Bringing this over from TWOP. (this is only the stuff that pertains to Donny)

*start of post*
Posted by crackinup:
Today @ 5:27 am Email · Post #15949

Well, I discovered tonight one thing that she's doing. The studio she teaches at (Extensions) had their annual showcase tonight (actually it's all weekend), and thanks to my supersekret connections, I hightailed my butt out to Lancaster tonight to go watch. And Donyelle made a guest appearance, and got a big freaking standing ovation. She did her audition solo, actually I think it was the version she did in the finale, and then at the end they introduced her again, and she got another standing ovation. She was also wearing this gorgeous dress and looked beautiful and I was totally having dress envy. It was all very cool, watching her community totally back her.

I have to say, Donyelle is markedly level. I can't decide if she's just not used to the fact that she's, you know, famous now. Or if she's just too grounded to make a big deal of it. Anyway, as we were leaving, she was outside and was like, "Hold the door!" (It was locked from the outside, and she needed to get in.) And me being all sarcastic and totally having the aforementioned dress envy, I was all, "I'll hold the door if you tell me where you got your dress." I'm not sure if she realized I was teasing, but she answered, "Forever 21" which made me bust up laughing, because half my wardrobe if from there, including the shirt I was (am) wearing. So I made her high five me, and then let her by.

LOL. Oh, and cute -- her mom came up to her, amidst all this to remind her to go to church tomorrow. Which struck me as funny because, you know, Donyelle is 27.
*end of post*

P.S. (knaayo speaking)
Keep in mind that this event occured the night before rehearsels were to start so everybody involved probably wanted to spend time with friends and family.

Anonymous said...

Mwahahah!! i love gabbly!! it's my favorite!! EVIL ICE CREAM MAN!!!

Anonymous said...

i hate how u listen to tha radio and hear all these songs the benjelle danced to or remind u of benjelle...ahh its soo frustrating... i miss them...they're sooo cute

Anonymous said...


I'm want to start a fundraiser !

This idea is a result of reading an article on Reality TV, stating
that SYTYCD should crown two(2);
since the show releases a boy and a girl every week; they should do the same for the finals. I AGREE.
The link is listed below. I hope they receive a lot of opinions and GET it changed. click below;

The picture is of Benji and Heidi,
but the article is not pimping Heidi as the female winner.
So don't hate, just read it and give your opinion.

Even if there's a change it won't effect this year's outcome.

I am a true Benjelle, but I was DFF, first. I'm happy Benji won.
But I will always believe that Donny got the next highest number of votes. Donyelle and Benji were the only two(2) contestants that were "never" in the bottom2.

Now, I know some will say, will Travis just got more votes that night, and that would be; but I will never believe it. But I don't
want to debate it.

What I want is the champagne, for the caviar. If ya'll remember the night Nigel said that, Benji claimed the caviar, and Donyelle seem to accept the champagne of the deal. lol

Well, in the spirit of; that a boy and girl should be the last two standing, since a boy and a girl are sent home each result night. I honestly think Donyelle is (our)
female winner. I think Benji is
very talented, but I also agree with Nigel. Either, carried the other. I do believe that it was the "mixture" of these two(2) that kept us spellbounded. Donyelle
deserves an award too. This will also show the producers and the
commerical media that BENJELLE is a large fanbase. And yes, we love
Benji but we also love Donyelle.

She needs her champagne, therefore
I am trying to raise her a gift
from her Benjelle fans....

*** $100,000.00 *****

A cashier's check as a gift from her fans! This would make news...

Wait, don't get excited.
The way I calculated; if I would get atleast 5,000 fans to donate atleast $20.

We would have $100,000.00.

Or, if 10,000 fans donated atleast
$10.00; we get the save results.

I would like for this board,
"Dancing With Champagne and Caviar"
to be the one to present the cashier's check to Donyelle Jones;
from "Benjelle Fans". If we could
do this over the next three months
if would be presented once the
tour is over.

Now please understand, this is not
to split Benjelle. All of us are
very happy that Benji won. Benjelle
always wanted Benji or Donyelle to win. So we are very happy!

But unlike American Idol; SYTYCD only forcus on one, the winner.
Now some will say, well Travis was #2; again, I honestly think that
Donyelle got more votes than Travis
Some are telling me to check out
Dial Idol and that I will see Travis got more votes that Donny;
is a bunch of crap.

Just so everybody knows; Dial Idol
has special software. Everybody that votes does "not" have that special software. Therefore Dial Idol can not calculate all the votes.So don't send me to DialIdol.
But I don't want to debate this.
I accept the fact that Fox implied
that the last two were Travis and
Benji. See, I'm cool.

But that still does not negate the fact that Donyelle was the last girl standing. (Gay does not qualify).

Donyelle's fans know that she deserves to win a prize and I honestly think that Benji would agree. btw; I love the way he keeps pluggin her name. Benji is
handling his marketing self very

Are Taylor and Moose down with it?
Will this board spearhead helping to get the word out to her fans.

I'm accepting these donations through a Pay-Pal account. Willing to share all info with you.

If donations surpass our goal we can discuss what to do with the balance. Personal I thought if we were blessed a received more than
we expected that we would make a
donation to Benji's charity,
D.E.M.A.N.D.; open for any other

I need to know how you feel about this before I begin throwing this
board's name out there.

I will provide to you my personal
info.; along with my personal
email address.

Awaiting your response.

Anonymous said...


Enjoyed your post about attending a program at;

" The studio she teaches at (Extensions) had their annual showcase tonight (actually it's all weekend), and ..."

Was the bf here?
That sounds like a imporatant local event. Surly he was there.

Anonymous said...

i wasn't actually there. though i def wish i was. i got it from the idol forums and copied and pasted it.

Anonymous said...

....fundraiser ???

What about some T-shirts...


"Dancing With Champagne & Caviar"


Benjelle is no one's trademark, YET!.

We could sell the T-shirts for
$30.00. ($20 would be for donation
and the other $10 could be for paying for the shirts)...

...waiting to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Wow we are the smartest most loyal and innovative fans out there...i think all these ideas are hawt...but not as hawt as the

Anonymous said...

Did ya'll know this....

The site below is selling T-shirts
for Tranji and Benjelle....

What's the hell is that?

Why are the trying to hook Benji
with Travis...; go figure..

Benjelles; don't purchase for them.

Taylor and Moose; here are ya ?

Anonymous said...

what does "OWE" mean? lol..

-too lazy to open the file-

there should have been a summary for us lazy people DX

Anonymous said...

Benji sleazy? I dunno...lmao.

Anonymous said...

Donyelle deserves a prize to..

If the show was about picking two favorite dancers, I'd agree with you.

While Donyelle probably didn't get anything of monetary value, she received lasting friendships, millions of adoring fans, exposure, dance connections, and lastly - the desire to keep dancing. And to me, that is far more important than money.

CandiceB said...

I agree with the anonymous person whose post is above mine. From what I have heard in interviews with the former contestants, a lot of them feel that they won in some way--getting good exposure, networking, making new friends, etc.

However, I do agree that it would make more sense to award both a female and male with the top honour. The producers put so much emphasis in the 'bottom males and females' that it seems backwards to only have one winner.

Anonymous said...

Ora (hey candiceb!): is the shippy benjelle pic on benji's myspace a new one or the one with them in pink w/ travis in the background? (Damn you office computers w/ your restricted websites! [Shakes angry fist.])

Anonymous said...

i thought this was a really good point on the foxforums. never thought of it that way.

from sosweety1011
I definitely see Benji as acting extra goofy as a way to lighten things up. He even says so during the cha cha rehearsal, that because of the tension of Donyelle learning something brand new, he has to keep things light. So when he wasn't shown doing that with Natalie, during the very tense jazz rehearsal, it really stood out to me. I'm still wondering: did he try to lighten things up and get told off by Natalie? Or was he just missing D too much to have the energy to be goofy?

Jo-Dean said...

You guys ... How do I listen to it? I went to the website, but I don't know what to click .. help?

Jo-Dean said...

Never mind! I figured it out! lol. ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ora!

It's an incredibly sloooooooooow, gray and wet day at the office today. It looks like it's been a slow last couple of days in the Benjelle news department too.

Jonesy: That's a really good point. I was kind of thinking along those lines when I was re-watching my SYTYCD clips (getting my fix ;)) last night. I like Natalie, but she's a bit of a partner flirt, but there was none of that going on w/ Benji, for either prepackage, dance, or judges' critique (except for the "don't be looking @ my man" and her needing "butt massage" comments she made, which got NO response from Benji). While Donny & Dmitry looked like they were having fun before, during, and after the dance, you didn't see much if any of that with Nat and Benji. It's like they were tolerable of one another...? Maybe that's too harsh a word, but you catch my drift.

**OT: If you watch the Dontry Samba and Lindy Hop look out for Dmitry's facial expressions. He's subtle, but he's a bit of a goofball too, although not Benji-caliber ;) If only Dmitry had better partners in the beginning (except for Ashlee, who I think he worked well with) we may have actually seen him have some fun instead of seeing him annoyed probably thinking "Damn, why do my partners suck? It's because I'm Russian, isn't it?" ;) LOL

Taylor said...
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Taylor said...

Umm, anonymous. I really dont know what I want to do. I mean, the show claimed Benji as the winner. And I dont know if I want to get the blog interfered with something as big as a Televison Show. The producers might take it the wrong way and get mad or something and shut down the blog.

I dont know what Moose thinks about it, she has school. I have school. Im 13. Moose is 15. I really dont know if we have that kind of time to do something like that.

I love your idea of giving Donyelle a gift, I think she was an incredible contestant through out the show, although I think that we shouldnt give her $100,000. I mean, Donyelle supposedly came in at third place. I dont want to get involed with something as serious as who the winner is. I would love for the blog to have publicity but this might end up going wrong.

I do agree that the fans donating money to Benjis charity is a great idea. I would absolutely love to back you up on helping out D.E.M.A.N.D. But I dont know about the little details. Like the Pay Pal account, and the actual donating of the check. Is there a website that we can donate it to?

Maybe we can give Donyelle a smaller prize like a nice gift basket or a small but meanigful present. Or something that lets her know we care, but also that we are not trying to snatch the winning title away from Benji.

If you give me some personal information like an email I can try to work with you about your donating. And hopefully I can get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you sooo much for giving our blog the chance to support you in helping Donyelle and/or Benji. We love them seperate and we love them together, I think that it would be a great opportunity for this blog to show how much we care. I will try to contact Moose about it and see what she feels. But thank you again for this chance. Even if this blog cant present the check, we will be happy to donate.

-Taylor :P