Tuesday, August 15, 2006

O_O eww

Thanks Yubbycakes for this link! Even though its really scary it was funny!


...I think Im scarred for life. So to get my mind off of it Im going to go have another squee attack because of Benji's Jazz Rouitine to Never Knew! OMG! Thank you Yubbycakes! Thank you Benji's dad! omg! This made me soo happy! ahh. Okay, I have to contain myself.

-Taylor :P

P.S.-The second one was sickening.


Taylor said...


Taylor said...

Ora:hah. YAY! haha, now we can scar people as soon as they come in WOOT WOOT

Anonymous said...


*removes eyes with a spoon*


*runs into a wall because she is blind*

CandiceB said...

Totally off this topic, but looky what I found on the Fox boards:

Posted by themystic123:

So... okay... here's where my head exploded:
After they wrapped up the taping, the guy who usually pumps up the crowd got up onstage and said something like, "Your Top 20, ladies and gentlemen!!! Let's give them a round of applause!!! Now get out of the studio!" The people started clapping and so did the dancers and all of them scattered around the stage, some started making their way backstage to get all that zombie makeup off their faces...

And Donyelle was like... standing to my left... she was waving to the crowd. She blew them kisses. She turns around. She sees Benji approaching. He had this HUGE glowy smile on his face and he was walking towards her ever-so-smoothly (I swear, this part could've happened in slow-motion). Then Donyelle just BEAMED at him. The smile reached her eyes, people!!!! I mean, after ignoring each other for most of the day, it was like... they were seeing each other for the first time and they're both so thankful that they can finally acknowledge each other! So anyways, he was walking towards her (and I swear, his line of sight was directed only to her... nothing else existed but her) and she was just... totally looking at him with this big-*ss smile on her face. Then he placed both his hands on her waist and she loosely wrapped her arms around his shoulder (actually, it was more like she was resting her hands on his upper arm). And then.... *gulps*... and then....

He squeezed her waist... like, 4-5 times. And they were VERY quick, tiny squeezes but it was oh-so-cute. Like, each one probably lasted half a second. And he did it fast, one after another. I mean, he could have just rested his hands there, but noooo... he just had to squeeze her waist 4-5 times. And the entire time, they were still looking at each other and smiling! They may have been talking, but I really couldn't hear (nor could I remember because OMG!WaistSQUEEZE!)

And then they both turned around and headed towards backstage. Now he had his arm around her shoulder and she had an arm around his waist. But they were turned towards each other a little bit, which is a bit more intimate. And they were STILL FRIGGING SMILING AT EACH OTHER!! They were still looking into each other's eyes, and then Benji said something that made Donyelle laugh and then... *swoons*... and then....

Ok, Donny was laughing and I swear, she pretended like she was gonna bite Benji's ear or neck. You know that part during the Pop/Jazz pre-package where Benji was totally snapping his jaw at Donyelle and she was just staring at him? Yeah, this time around it was Donyelle who did it. And she was totally pressed up against him so the "biting" action was a lot more enticing.) I dunno... maybe Benji made a "zombie" joke and Donny was just pretending to eat him?

Another scenario would be that Donyelle WASN'T playfully trying to bite him. Perhaps in reality she was only laughing so hard (and her mouth was wide enough) that she snapped her head towards Benji's neck/ear as an impulse reaction. I dunno... I'm just throwing it out there, in case I misinterpreted the "biting" moment. Because seriously, somewhere in between Donyelle opening her mouth and her head snapping towards Benji, my view was obscured by some tall girl. So I dunno... I'm just reporting what I THOUGHT I saw :)

And did I mention that they were smiling at each other the entire time??? LOL!!!

They did look at the audience, though, which made me swoon even more for some reason... I guess I just felt this sort of... posessive vibe from them. Please don't take this as "fact," I'm just stating how I felt as they slowly walked past me, BUT when they looked at the audience (with their arms still around each other) it was as if they were saying, "Yes. I'm hers." or "Yes. She's mine." Srsly. I mean, they weren't smiling as much when they looked at the audience so the vibe was a bit more serious. It was like, "Yeah. So we have our arms around each other. This is us. We don't care."

Posted by CaliB:

Anyway, Yes, the walked off the stage with their arms around each other. I think Benji had his arm around Donny's shoulder and Donny had her arm around his waist. They were leaned into each other. They also smiled at each other the entire time.

Plus, they looked at the audience while they waited to exit the stage (there was a backlog at the stage exit). When the looked at the audience, they kept smiling (Donny smiled kind of coy like...kind of like she did after the first Vietnamese Fighting Waltz when she broke her gaze with Benji. While Benji smiled like very manly and he appeared to give off a kind of sexy possession vibe towards Donny)

After the final group taping (and after most had left the stage) Benji walked over to Donyelle (who was blowing kisses and waving at fans in the audience...very cute!). Donny faced him and then her face glowed.... He and she stared at each other as he walked up to her...both of them smiling like crazy...just totally glowing. Anyway, he walks up to her and puts his arms on her waist. He gives her 3 or 4 quick waist squeezes and she has her hands kind of like on his arms. Then they kind of embrace to walk off stage.

Very squeee worthy.

They were also seen at the Grove later. Donny and Benji were signing autographs next to each other. They both had a gaggle of fans surrounding them. Our boardie said that Donyelle is absolutely stunning (like stop you in your tracks stunning) and so very sweet and kind!!

She said Benji is so gracious and kind and personable and charming and sweet..and every other accolade you can think of.

At one point, Benji slid over to Donny (in her group of fans) and put his arm around her waist to give her a waist squeeze and then we went back to his fans. Very sweet...and ubber squeee!

YAY!!!! Benjelle lives on!
(Sorry for the long post!)

Anonymous said...

1 word. Eww.

yay! thanks candiceb! so those are spoilers for the show comming tommorow? :P I hope Fox leave it in the show if it is, lol.

Taylor said...

candiceb:Anything that has to do with the Benjelle love, is NEVER off topic! YAY I love the waist squeeze, lovey love love love love! WOO! :) YAY for Benjelle gazes and swoons and of course WAIST SQUEEZES!

-Taylor :P

Anonymous said...

thats a little creepy... i might be scarred for life... lol jk : P

Anonymous said...

You wanna know what's funny? Last week Brian's website had some freak photos like the ones from IDF on his website, but checking back today, it looks like they've mysteriously disappeared...


Anonymous said...
