Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ray's first fanfic! YAY!

Okay so, Ray has written her first fanfic! I love it! It has the right amount of detail. Like, its not to the point where your like, get on with it! And it doesnt leave your mind wondering. You can picture it all in your head! Thats my kinda of story! YAY for Ray!!


"Razor, sneakers, sweatshirt, pillow...", recited Benji under his breath as he went through his final packing list for the tour. Stashing his DVD player in his backpack, he smiled in anticipation as he thought about the fun times ahead. He grabbed some of his favorite DVDs and added them to the already heavy bag. Forrest Gump, Austin Powers, and Zoolander were all thrown in. He sighed as he realized that all of his favorite movies made him think about the same person—his dance partner and best friend Donyelle. Actually, he realized, a lot of things made him think about Donyelle. He thought of her whenever he wore his T-shirt that she had borrowed for practice one day. When she returned it, he loved that it smelled of lavender and he could swear that it was softer than before. He thought of her while putting on his shoes, grateful that he did not have to suffer through what she did every time she put on shoes. And he thought about her now, wondering what she was thinking and feeling at this very second.

“Got everything, babe?”, Donyelle’s boyfriend, Tahir grunted. Donyelle just nodded as she put on a sweatshirt and turned to face him. She was going to be leaving him for two months. She knew she should feel sad, but she just felt numb inside. She had seen him three times since she started taping the show, and they had only been dating for a few months before that. She felt like she didn’t know him anymore. What had he been doing while she was on the show? When she asked him about it, he changed the subject or somehow avoided the question. She didn’t know his goals or his dreams anymore, and she knew that he couldn’t understand hers. She actually knew more about her dance partner Benji than she did about Tahir. Still, Tahir was her boyfriend, so she decided that she would figure everything out after the tour.
“ I know you’ll miss me, Donyelle, but don’t get crazy with Benji, k? The show’s over, so you can cut the act. Remember, you’re MY woman.”
“I know, T.”, she whispered. She always cringed when he called her “his woman”. It sounded so vulgar and disrespectful. She followed Tahir out the door, straining a little under the weight of her two oversized duffel bags. As she reached out to close the front door, one of the bags slipped from her hand and landed with a thud on her injured toe. ‘Shit!” , she cried as the pain coursed up and down the throbbing toe. Tears welled up in her eyes as she picked up the bag and limped over to the limo that was waiting to pick her up.
“What happened, Donyelle? Why’d you go and hurt yourself again?” Tahir demanded as he walked up to her.
“My bag…heavy…reached for doorknob…fell”, Donyelle stuttered, trying desperately not to cry in front of Tahir.
“Be more careful, Donyelle! I had to wait and watch you soak this toe and lie on the couch for 10 days to make it heal, don’t tell me that was all for nothing!”, Tahir continued to lecture her as he pulled her into a hug. “For 10 days, you couldn’t meet any of my needs because you had to rest. Don’t waste all of it now!” As he said this, his right hand strayed farther and farther down Donyelle’s back, until Donyelle got uncomfortable and pulled out of the hug. She was relieved to hear the limo driver honk his horn impatiently, and she climbed into the car.
She tried to shrug off the harsh words from her boyfriend, but once she was behind the tinted glass, she let the tears of physical and emotional pain flow down her cheeks.

YAY!!! omg! At the end I was like! Eww Tahir get off of her! I had to keep reminding myself that hes not like that in real life so I would stab him in the eye with a spork! hahaaha! I cant wait for the update!!

-Taylor :P


Anonymous said...

Excellent story..very good..cannot ait fo more.good job

Anonymous said...

Excellent story..very good..cannot ait fo more.good job