Saturday, August 19, 2006

Benji interview thingy

Thanks to!!!

So, what's up with you and Celine Dion? Are you her new backup dancer?
That's still in the works. We're not sure if I'm taking that contract or not. Originally I thought, there's no way I'm going to do this. They don't do swing dancing. I wanted to give the contract to Travis, but they're not allowing me to do that. Both Mia Michaels and Brian Friedman [judge-choreographers on the show] came up to me and told me I had to take it. They said, ''You'll be able to pull it off.'' Mia said they wanted to use my styles. So there's a possibility I'll be able to do a swing-routine duet with Celine. I'm going to be driving up to Las Vegas in the next 10 days before the tour starts to see if it's a possibility or not. Mia is the choreographer for the show, and I said to her, ''I know you wanted a contemporary dancer to win''

Mia mentioned last night that she thought you and Travis could go beyond dance. Any plans to go into acting?
I've had offers.
I'm going to be portraying Fred Astaire in an upcoming motion picture. I just got cast yesterday, but we're not sure if it's going to be a TV movie or a movie movie. I can't say any more about it yet, except that I just got cast yesterday as soon as the show ended. I've been approached by two sitcoms, a movie star wants to produce me in a show of his, and three different Broadway shows have offered me things. I guess we'll see what pulls me the most.

I know you have to go, but any final thoughts on this experience?
I'm a fan of EW's even though you guys said I have ginormous teeth. Tell whoever wrote that I say hi.

hehe. I liked that he wanted to give it to Bunny. So kind. Too bad the ebil show wont let him :( Oh well, I still love Nigee! hahaha

-Taylor :P


Anonymous said...

"I'm a fan of EW's even though you guys said I have ginormous teeth. Tell whoever wrote that I say hi."

AHAHAHA, he's still way cute. *Benji love*

Anonymous said...

Here's the full interview:,6115,1228356_3_0_,00.html