Oh how I love these random pictures of young Benji and Heidi! I wish I could see a baby picture of Donyelle!
Benji's new mysapce blog:
Current mood: excited
hey guys...well some new twists and turns of events have conspired in the last few days...
so much news to announce. I have agreed to do my first feature film with heidi. Its dubbed "For Love and Dance" ...we both will have soeaking roles in it to get our feet wet. We play champion swing dancers(far fetched eh?)...its going to be a lot of fun and we film at the end of this year after the tour. Tour is coming along very well....we are in our second day of rehersals...theyre going great!!!! Great dancing with everyone again. The whole conceptualization of the tour is just awesome! We reherse in a secret location right next to Janet and her tour as well as Pink and Tom Petty. I have a new song I will be doing for my solo in the tour. That should be fun!!!
On other news...
Sadly, the Fred Astaire movie is not going to happen. BUT!!!! I have just recieved a few new scripts and Im wrestling with a few different sitcoms and possibly Broadway shows coming after the tour. Things are crazy right now....butin a good way!!! Im just counting my lucky stars and blessings....DEMAND is coming along amazingly. I have new staff working on getting the website up as well as international recognition coming to the forfront for more exposure and attention. Come the end of the year I will be asking for volunteers as well as donations and fundraisers so keep in touch with this site in the coming months.
I love you guys...and miss performing live on TV for all of you...CANT WAIT FOR THE TOUR!
Brush your teeth!!!
Aww no Fred Astaire movie :( At least we might see him in some Sitcoms! I cant wait to see if that happens!! I cant wait until D.E.M.A.N.D gets its on website! The donations will be coming in like crazy!! Oh the joys of knowing youve helped!!
OMG!!! Benji looks like Pop Jazz week! I remember this smile! POP JAZZ WEEK! Am I right am I right? Doesnt this remind you of Benji's pop jazz week smiles??
OMG!! And when they popped in with Dirty Pop I was like OMG! And I loved what they did when they sang "Bring it till the end" And everytime "Feel it when your" I was like! HEEEY! Cause they always did something tite!!! lmao! I love this video, I watched it like a million times! So after I downloaded it from Vixen I uploaded it to my OTM account! Enjoy peeps!
And thanks to Bridge for this loverly pic of the Benjelle with a fan!

If I find anything else on Benjelle Ill let you all know! Bye!!
-Taylor :P
Hi everyone. Today was the first day of ... school. Omg. They're right. Sophomore year is so hard! I got home at 3:30 and finished my homework at 7:30. I hate prep school sometimes ....
How's school for you Taylor? Moose? I hope you guys are alright. Now, I'm going to try to update my blog, because it's been pretty unactive lately!
Hello fellow Sophomore... 'Shrimp' School is, um... 'Heck' : D
Pumbaa: I totally already posted that blog entry, but it was just as cool the secong time : D MWAH
~ Moose ~
Ora: I just read it and all I can say is - *scratches head*
~ Moose ~
Aww! Why are you feeling semi-used and hurt yubbycakes???
Ooooh, cause Benji was sucking in all his hoochie love?
-Taylor :P
where are these pictures of benji enjoying his new found "crazy white chicks"
I saw some on Vixen's blog a lot of posts back. His ex-girlfriend was sitting on his lap in one pic ... :(
Isn't his ex-girlfriend now married?
Since it is known that Benji is a flirt, I'm not going to put too much stock into RP's comments.
Ora: Yeah... I had to take my first AP in eighth grade... They'll be the death of me this year... Especially AP Calculus... *tear*
~ Moose ~
Who is that in the dance video?
*looks ashamed*
that girl wasn't his ex-girlfriend... it was his friend's ex girlfriend... Donyelle had a program at her dance studio to attend and that's why she wasn't there... nothing to worry about...
Ora: Aw, no you're not! I just went to this really crazy middle school, so there were 5 out of the 8 of us who came from there who made it into Precalc/Trig last year. If it makes you feel better, we're the youngest in our math classes... And I have plenty of friends who are behind you in math. I HATE math!
I know nothing about the rumor, other than what you've told me, so I'm choosing to ignore it. EVERYONE knows he loves Donny! And garsh darnit she loves him, too! : P
~ Moose ~
Thanks TheLurker : D
~ Moose ~
Awwwww... *Pats Ora*
~ Moose ~
Ora: yeah he was... and then he went to his party...
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