Monday, September 18, 2006


Okay, first of all, here are some awesome quality pictures taken by lmdove over on idolforums: I'd put them directly on here, but I don't want to put all of them in my photobucket (I'd give her credit of course, bbut there are ALOT and it would take FOREVER!!!).

Oh, and thanks to Anonymous (Hm... You need a name... You are hereby deemed... FLUZZNOODLE! Lol, yeah... I don't know how many different anonymousi there are on here, but if anybody else needs a dorky nickname, you know where to come... Well, you can go to Taylor, too, lol.) for the link above!

Donyelle's fanpage on MySpace has some in the latest blog, and the default picture is one, but photobucket's all screwy on there, so I haven't seen any but the default. I'll keep checking back to see if it gets fixed.

Christina, who brought us the loverly videos from my last post, has a beautious Donyelle story to share:

"it was the hardest experience of my life. basically, i was at the stage door, but then they kicked us out cuz people kept pushing, and donyelle kept getting moved around because well, yea, she`s popular. so i RAN around EVERYWHERE trying to find her because it was already late and my mom was yelling at me to go and i was BEGGING her to let me stay for at least another few minutes to get donyelle`s autograph. so i ran around and fiiiinally found donyelle. she was in a little area where there weren`t many people. i was trying to ask some mom`s if i can get through, because i really only wanted donyelle`s autograph and a picture, then i`ll be happy forever. the mom`s let me through, then little girls wouldn`t let me in and donny, being the sweetheart she is, kept asking if i can get through "can she just squeeze in please? we want to take a picture" so we took two pictures cuz i wasn`t ready for the first one haha. after we took the picture, i told her how much i look up to her, how she`s my inspiration and motivation and my hero and she was giving me the donyelle "thank youu" look, and then when i was done telling her, she said "you know what" and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek!!!!! oh jeez. i love this girl. the things she does for her fans."

Someone asked for the link to the fanfic site, so here it is:

As for the Vietnamese Fighting Waltz video: I have a Mac, and no right click on my mouse so I can view the video I linked before, but can't download it (and thus can't put it on here). Perhaps Taylor can help you out in that respect. I am keeping my eyes out for it on YouTube, since I believe the same person took that video as did the majority of the others (though I could be mistaken).

Sorry for the all-over-the-place-ness of this post!

Much love!!

~ Moose ~


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to remind everyone to watch the Megan Mullay Show tommorrow i heard benji is going to be on.

Once again i can't see this the show goes on at 3 p.m. my time but i wont be home till 8.

So if you love please try to record and put it on the puter.

ALSO what is the name of the band that benji and lacey are in?

Moose said...

Yeah, I don't think I'll be home so I'm counting on YouTube.

The band is Sreattlands (sp?).

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

Hey..this may be a very old montage, but I just found it and I absolutly LOVE it:

CandiceB said...

Ok. To add to the randomness: I am watching that new show 'Smith'...and their heist got all screwed up and a young kid in the heist died and they had to 'get rid of the body' (think big explosion), and what song do they play?

Hide and Seek. Guess who started freaking bawling her eyes out.

Anonymous said...

ummm supposedly there's a kiss on the mouth in this video... found it from Venus on fox forums

kiss??? hmmm