Friday, September 29, 2006

Benji's MySpace : D

New Quote:

" put on some crisco while i dance this dicso (work!)"

New 'About Me':

Night has found its way here And all I can hear are memories shrill and clear Like today man had his way And stole and what I made He saw that I was sincere So use me up, then throw me away Build your careers and friendships Quote on Quote and frankly I’m ashamed That I left my name on her lips Cause when it ends they’ll swear it is So I’ll fall asleep and try not to think twice About all the things that forever Will kick me down the steps For being too nice Cause everyone’s searching for treasure And they’ll just dig, dig, dig Until they cant get out And die in dirty digging for treasure But as for me I’m giving up and ill take my bag And focus on my treasure forever Yes, I know that my treasure is heaven Lyrics from "Treasures" by the Rocket Summer

New Blog:

Friday, September 29, 2006

...tidbits of important stuff from the soul...
Current mood: content

Hi Ya'll!!!
Im in Cleveland Ohio today and tomorrow. Tour is going great...Im a little injured as usuall but then again whats new thaths the life of a dancer...But IM LOVING PERFORMING LIVE!!!! Its the best ever!!! All is going great with the top 10.

Usually I give news at this point but Im going to wait for a sec and just kinda vent...I hope anyone who reads this doesnt mind.

What I felt was so great about the show is that we all drew in great viewers and fans. REAL PEOPLE as you would say it. I've gotten the pleasure in meeting many of you during my travels so far and its been an amazing journey. Ive heard stories of lives being changed, people being inspired and in the least being entertained for a summer and they come to the shows to return the favor of gratitude. You Guys Rock and a Half!

Thank you thank you thank you....I love you guys.

I tend to try and focus on the positive...but sometimes I must look at the negative and attack it head on for more positivity...whew...that was a tounge twister...anyway...its 3am and soething sad is starting to happen with a select few people and for those people that are my friends and trust me...I need them to hear this.
People judge me all the time, due to the fact that I am a public figure...I have no quelms with that...I've accepted that and I have no issues with it. In fact Im grateful for it in a tends to keep you on your toes(no dance pun intended). In the end I worry about myself a lot...wondering if I am being a good rolemodel, a good person, kind and generous of my time to everyone....and although I fall short of the desired person I want to trying as hard as I can to move on with my life and slowly walk up that hill in evolving into that desired human being I feel God wants me to be and I want to become. All in all I wanted to let everyone know something that I feel is very important:

What's on the inside heavily outweighs what's on the outside.

Ive never been the best dancer, or the best looking person. I don't have that perfect body or the best sense of style. I don't have the freedom of wealth like many have had all their lives. I'm not the most vast and intelligent human being on the earth.....but I do have one thing going for me. I know who I am and the direction I'm going in. I have my own personal morals and values that I hold true to to this day.
I have read many posts here as well as personal messages I have recieved. I love hearing from people although its nearly impossible to respond to everyone. Some people automatically assume that because I wear something, or my hairs a certain way or I associate with certain people, that Im going down a bad path...or Hollywood is jading me. I've even been scrutenized for the choice of music that I've put on my myspace...even my own sister has been judged and people have used my name as a weopon to make her feel bad about herself. Let the press be the judging machine. I love all of the fans that are here and I wanted to let you all know that in the end, I know the intentions of some are for good and for the well being of myself...but let's not be Pharasies...lets be decent human beings. I concider my myspace "friends" as friends...I owe a little bit of appreciation and gratitude for all of you in helping make my dreams come true.
When I have a friend...especially someone who is as open as I am about what I am feeling or what I believe in...I would trust that friend. Please do so with me. I apologize to anyone who has no idea why im writing this...don't even think anything of it I love you all...just some people, please be careful in the ways you bring your opinions up...they can hurt...and they are usually very inaccurate.
I know two people in this world that I need the judgement from. And only them. I also haven't changed that much from when i wasn't even on the show. Circumstances have obviously changed...but I'm still the same ol' benj. In fact, being around so many different walks of life now and seeing so many new things...I know even more now who I am and where I belong in this world. Look at my stats on the left hand side of my myspace...the writing's on the wall per se.
I hope people can see that...and I hope you all know thast it doesnt matter where we're from what race we are what background we have...we are all imperfect people, yet we all have something great and perfect to offer this world. I love my God, I know He loves me and He knows what's in store for me and He judges me and that's all that really matters.

In the end, remember everyone that we all need to look at ourselves and try and make a difference. Be the best we can be slowly...a little bit here and a little there. It hurts to see from certain fans that they don't like me anymore or that Im not the same person because of the hair style I have or the song I choose on my myspace...really? Are we all that shallow? (I know we aren't but really skin deep poop isnt anything important at all).

Sorry for the rant....but all in all I could've just posted the "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say nothing at all" quote from grade school.
I guess I needed to release a little.

So Floss For Crying Out Loud!!!

p.s. in other news...I died my hair again,,,hahahahahhaha ashy brown i think was the name of the color...the cruella deville look is absent now. lol

i don't have a gf still...what else is new?!?!?!?! hahaha

Im into some new great favorite song of the day is TREASURES by The Rocket fits perfect for the experience Im going through on the tour and the tv show.

Beware of crazies!!!! I was attacked by some girl the other day after a show...really funny tho...she tried stealing my hat and grabbing me where the sun don't shine....hahahahha thats a big NO NO...hahahaha.

If you come see us....don't be affraid to say hi...I don't bite...hard! The signs and shirts you have all made at the shows are amazing!!! mad pics of the show here..Im creating a fan created scrap book of the tour. Hopefully itll be a free goft to members somehow in the near future.

Okay then...Love ya'll g'night sleep tight...I have to perform in cleveland tonight!!! (drew carrey theme....) all the little chicks with the crimson lips yell cleveland rocks cleveland rocks! OHIO io io io io !


Okay, so my grandfather had a heart attack, and he's in the hospital, so I may be absent for the rest of the night. Sorry!!

~ Moosey ~


Anonymous said...

Moose! I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather! is he ok? :(

Anonymous said...

Moose...i'm so sorry to hear about ur grandfather...u and ur family will be in my prayers
-God bless

Anonymous said...

Moose so sorry to hear about your grandfather. :-( My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.
( xoxo Smiles)

CandiceB said...

Moose, sorry to hear about your grandfather. Try and keep positive; you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending much love your way!

Anonymous said...

Moose, i'm really sorry to hear about your grandfather. I pray everythings turns out for the best.

Taylor said...

Moosey! I hope that your grandfather is okay. Send him our love!

I really hope than everything is okay :( :(

-Taylor :P

Anonymous said...

Sending you and your grandfather some positive thoughts.

Anonymous #2

Anonymous said...

thanks to Heather. she posted the links to her uploads on vixen's site



Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather, Moose..;-(

Moose said...

Thank you everyone! I just got home from the hospital. We hope he's okay, but there are more tests to be done tomorrow. I appreciate all the support!

Ooh, it looks like Jonesy has some Benjelle goodies for us : D

~ Moosey ~