Thursday, September 14, 2006

Loverly Links From Kemi

MizzGlib said...
Hey ladies, I got more scoops on tour pics from the boards. I think these are from the Portland (?) show. I didn't even know there was a Portland show. I just thought there was one in Seattle. Anywho, Here is the link:

And OMG, here is a link to this girl's blog where she posted even more pics, especially stuff from after the show, ANNNNNNNDDDDD there's a video of the whole Donny flirting with Benji while intro-ing the Argentine Tango - I nearly swooned to the floor here at work when I saw this, YAY YAY YAY!!!!! Ok, so warning, this American Fangirl blogger is not a shipper, so she says all this stuff about Benjelle just being friends. So, just ignore all that and focus on the pics and vid!

Here is the link:

Ok, so I feel kinda bad, 'cause I don't know who these peeps are, and I don't quite remember who posted this on the boards, but I just want to give MADD PROPS to them all!!

Ok my lovelies, I have a client coming in T-minus 5 minutes (and counting), so I'm gonna vamoose! I'll catch ya all laters. Hope you enjoyed this if you haven't seen it already! Muah!!

1:04 PM, September 14, 2006

~ Moose ~


Anonymous said...

Yay videos! Someone should have told me about them before I typed up a heck load of spoilers! lol but oh well! Theyre awesome.

Anonymous said...

But we loved your spoilers Ray! I know I did. They were scrumtrilescent :D!