Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Benji's Blog Entry

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

benji update september 20th!!!
Current mood: thankful

Hi guys!!!

Life is pretty busy yet very good. Ive been touring and flying to meetings and networking and seldom resting but I have learned how to turn off my phone and chill for a minute or two when the body asks for it. I haver some good news...

TOUR NEWS: The Tour just keeps getting better and better. Things are gliding along nicely. We're being watched out ffor up there for sure by how much things come together at the last minute. There's a plethora of script, dance moves, costume changes and even lighting cues we have to think of every minute and yet things come together.

Movie News: Nothing really has changed in this department with the exception of a possibility of me actually renacting a movie of Fred Astaire. The idea has come from somewhere else other then the origional idea and I was mentioned about the part. These things take a long time to get up and running and its more then likely that it may never happen, but Im crossing my fingers in the mean time and I would be honored to do something of that calibur. on a side note...I am enrolled in acting classes afte the tour ends with Jim Carrey's former coach.

Website News: is coming along quite nicely. Go to for the coolest forum around!! Big thanks to my friend Kale for putting in the time and effort in making this happen. He's amazing!!!

Merchandise News: I will be selling on my website special edition t-shirts, signed by myself and friends from the show. We have taken a series of photos with upcoming photographer Casey Curry(working under Dave LaChappelle's wing)...that will be used on the shirts...part of the proceeds go to DEMAND.

Demand News: We also have shirts where 100% of the proceeds go to DEMAND...they are going to be sold soon and donations are going to be accepted very soon!!!

Random News: Kansas City has some really nice areas about it.

Funny Fact: Nigel choreographed a movie called THE APPLE. (1980)...a very trippy movie I might say...thought it was funny to imagine Nigel doing those moves. hahahaha...

Okay then I hacve to get on the bus for Str Louis. Love you guys...stay close to the Man Upstairs. and floss!!!


*scurries off to start homework*

~ Moose ~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! B & D are totally sharing the same laptop! After Benji posted his new blog 20mins later D's blog was put up on her myspace!