Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Poor Benjelle!!!

Thanks Kemi!

MizzGlib said...
Hey girls, here's an article on the Oakland show:


Ok, on some not so bright news, someone posted this and now I'm worried about Donny (and Benji):

This was posted on the Fox boards from someone named Andy734:

I went to the Denver show last night, which was completely awesome, but I know that Donyelle was sent to the hospital, and I was just wondering if anyone knew how she was doing?

I got to go backstage and talk to everyone but Martha and Donyelle, and then one of the top 10 (won't say who since it might get them in trouble?) said that Donyelle was sent to the hospital since one of the top 10 (again, won't say who) accidentally landed on her head in one of the routines. I just hope it's not too serious.

The routine was near the end of the show, and I saw when it happened (especially being in the 2nd row), but it didn't look like it phased her at all, she just kept on dancing the routine.

Here's some info from JibberJabber at the TWOP boards, who saw it all go down. Ok, so this is not a funny situation, but JJ's description of it had me dyin'! I really hope D is ok, and I think she will be, and B as well. OUCH!!

"It's completely true. During the Hairspray number, altitude and show length had taken their toll on the dancers. Both Benji and Donny were tired by the time the final number rolled around. Benji went to leapfrog over Donny's head, and totally racked his balls on the top of her skull. I'm surprised she was the one who went to the hospital, to be honest. I think the Benjishippers here may have to reevaluate, because I think he may have broken his junk."
So I hope they are both okay actually, and B hopefully was wearing a dancer's cup or whatever they call those things. I don't think D's injury was serious, but I imagine that B was feeling lousy for a number of different reasons.

Maybe it was her back, or her neck, or her head. I couldn't really tell because it happened so fast. But there was definitely Junk-to-Donny contact, and not in the way many people would like to imagine.

The kid's a soldier, is all I can say. He kept a smile plastered on his face and just kept dancing without even a sideways lean. He was like one of those Shaolin monks who can get kicked in the Jimmy ten times without flinching.

He hit her fairly hard (hard enough to send her to the hospital). I would have gone down like a sack of bricks...

Well, JJ makes it sound not so bad (and hella funny, oh gahhh, I'm terrible!), so I won't be too worried.

I wanted to leave you all with something a bit more squeelicious. So, the talk on the boards today was about how Benji practically yanked Heidi out of the way so that Donny could get the spotlight after she came out and Megan Mullaly was talking to her. BWAHAHAHAHA!! He's always lookin' out for his girl - gotta lurv it! Poor Heidi though - LMAO!! I just re-watched it to confirm, and she does get unceremoniously yanked outta the way, lol. Funnneeeeee!!

I'll let you all know if I hear more about Donny's condition. Hugzzzzzzzz all around!!

- Your Benjelle Field Reporter

2:04 PM, September 20, 2006

MizzGlib said...
Oh, and apparently Martha went with Donny to the hospital (aww, BFF's!). There has been much speculation on the boards as to why Benj didn't go with her, but the theory that most are going with is that either Benjelle wants to keep their relationship on the DL or the producers wantd them to keep their relationship on the DL, and if he went with her, it would be oh so obvious (as if it isn't already, lol).

Another theory that I think also has a lot of merit is that the producers might have wanted Benj to stay behind and meet the fans, 'cause if both he and Donny were missing, there might have been an uproar, and people might have really thought it was a serious situation.

An even funnier theory is that Donny chose Martha, 'cause trying to explain what happened to the doctors would be waaay too embararassing with Benj there - bwah!! Oh gahhh, that just gets me thinkin' of all of Jj's 'junk' talk, lol! I should not be laughing...

Who knows what the real story is? But what else is new in Benjelledom, lol. Anywho, that's the latest. And I want to give all credit for those theories to the ladies at the boards - I can't remember who posted what, but much lurv to them all!

Hugzzzzzzzz and smooches!

- Your BFR

2:22 PM, September 20, 2006

MizzGlib said...
And now for some more speculation:

Some peeps think that the reason Donny might have been injured could have been because Benj was wearing a dancer's cup, which is rather hard, and would have done more damage than just 'bodily' contact (oh gahh, I'm so immature, lol).

This makes sense to me, and also gives a better explanation for why Benj wasn't doubled over in pain afterwards. I mean, we know he's the ultimate performer - but come on now!!

Also, someone on the boards posted that they think that Donny might have asked Benji to stay behind when she went to the hospital, so that his fans wouldn't be disappointed and/or so that she and he wouldn't cause a scene at the hospital. We all know, Donny/Martha, a scene for sure but Donny/Benj, major scene-age goin' down. Hey medical professionals watch tv too and let's not forget the other patients. I know if I was in the hospital, and saw Donny there, I would drag my IV machine over with me to go say 'Hi' to her, but then again, maybe that's just me, lol! And if it was Benjelle, they would have to shock me with those electrical paddles, 'cause I would faint dead away, lmao!!

So, that's the latest. I'm gonna be offline for a while, but if there's anything new, I'll bring you the latest when I get caught up again. Much lurv!!

- MizzyG

2:36 PM, September 20, 2006

~ Moose ~


Moose said...

Hehe, yeah, I can definitely picture the two of them explaining what happened if they had gone together, and it's an awefully funny prospect : D

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

I almost peed my pants laughing at JJ's highly metaphorical and entertainingly descriptive use of words for human anatomy! HAHAHAHA....pause....HAHAHAHAH!
I do hope she's O.K. Hopefully she won't have a head brace and have to explain to audiences WHY it's on her head. HAHAHAHA
