Monday, July 17, 2006

Wedding~Part Five

As Taylor starts to wonder how many parts this wedding has...the story continues!

As Donyelle and Benji take their first dance as husband and wife"y". The mashed potatoes start moving slightly toward Donyelles seat.

As Donyelle and Benji begin to do the electric cant feel it its electric BOOGIE OOGIE OOGIE...the mashed potatoes reach Donyelles seat, and without anyone realizing, scoops up Donyelle's black bag.

After Benji and Donyelle dance they kiss romantically and go back to take their seats. Benji pulls of Donyelle's seat and she sits down. As Benji is about to take him seat, Donyelle screams "My bag!!" Everyone in the room looks at Donyelle. She jolts out of her seats and frantically runs around te room checking under every table, but she cant find her bag. Benji looks in the corner..and lifts his eyebrow like he did in the Cha Cha intro. Cat comes out of nowhere with a mic "Very Suave!" Then she quickly runs away. She takes her seat next to her fiance Dmitry. Of course Dmirty has his shirt open...

Benji screams "Donyelle, I think I found your bag" Benji points to a trail of white mush from her chair leading into the Kitchen. As Benji walks off into the Kitchen, Donyelle stops him. "Benji what are you doing?? There is cheese in the kitchen! I should be the one to go" "Shes right, Benji, you could die if you go in there." Lacey says "okay but, be careful. I love you Donyelle" "I will Benji, I love you too" As Benji slowly lets go of Donyelles hand. Pete rushes over to comfort him.

Donyelle pirouettes (probably spelled that wrong) and turns into Champagne girl. She uses her super smell and sniffs out the fishsticks and canollis that were in her bag. She comes across one of Brians necklaces.. she bends down to pick it up. As she gets up she jumps back. Standing in front of her is Ivan. Oh, hey Ivan. she says. Hi Donyelle!. What are you doing in the kitchen? Oh nothing, just getting some more cupcakes for me and Allison, do you want to help me find them, I think they are over here in this room. Oh okay Ill help you Ivan.

Ivan leads Donyelle into a dark freezer. "Ivan, this isnt where the cupcakes are!" Ivan runs out of the room, he slams the door and locks it. Donyelle pounds on the door! "IVAN! IVAN!!! COME BACK HERE" Ivan suddenly starts morphing. Donyelle drops the necklace and stares at Ivan in shock. Ivan starts to float in the air, he cackles loudly and turns into...Bran! "Ha! You silly girl, now no one will come to save you! The doors are locked! Too bad your precious little Benji is allergic to cheese! Ha! Youll freeze to death" Donyelle tries not to panic. She decides to use her powers to burn open the lock. But its no use. Her powers are affected by the freezing temperatures. She curls up and tries to get warm. Donyelle waits for someone to save her...


Moose said...

"Benji what are you doing?? There is cheese in the kitchen! I should be the one to go"

Oh my god, I was laughing so hard! I love it! You scared me, though, before Ivan morphed - I like Ivan! lol.

~ Moose ~

Taylor said...

haha! I would never make Ivan evil! :)

Taylor said...

When my sister was reading it, she was like OMG! Ivan is a backstabber?? And then when she read on she was like omg! And she started smiling like an idiot when she read Ha, you silly girl now no one will come to save you! She says that, that is the best line of the story :)

Now she is hooked on our series and she cant wait for you to write the next episode! SQUEE we have a new reader!

Moose said...

Hehe, I feel so loved! I'll try to put it up soon, but I have yet to get any muse as to where to go next. How depressed are you over the fact that they're not gonna show us the kiss???!!

~ Grrrrrrry Moose ~

Taylor said...

omg!! What?? Theyre not showing the kiss on Wednesday? Nooooo Why??

Taylor said...

omg! Spoilers on vixen! Squee. grr. Im so tempted to read them. But I have to wait until Friday to watch with my family. Even though Im obviously obsessed with SYTYCD. grr!!! I cant wait! *dies*

Moose said...

Apparently not! I'm raaaaaaather displeased about this, but choosing to look on the bright side: Maybe it was faaaar too personal to put up, because is wasn't the 'just friendly' sort of kiss we feared it could be! I'm just gonna believe that that's the truth, and that Benji really will propose in the last episode (and she'll say yes, of course!). Some of our other scenarios can choose to not play out, however, lol.

~ Moose ~

Moose said...
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Taylor said...

Yes. Thats why they probably did it. Or maybe they are trying to hide their love until the last episode when hopefully all of our physcotic yet loving stories play out! And of course we are invited to the wedding. Then when they walk down the aisle we can throw canollis and fishsticks at the new couple! YAY!

Moose said...

Yay! I agree with all of that! Oh, and we do appear in my latest installment of the story, lol.

~ Moose ~