Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Continuation of the Below

I feel as though I'm disobeying some 'don't feed the animals' rule by posting this for you guys! Oh, and I'd like to offer my sincere apologies to those behind the 'Benjelle Game' that I quoted a few posts back. I realized that it was said in sarcasm, but took it to be said by the Benjelle-haters, rather than those poor, tormented souls like ourselves (shrimp). Anywho - SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!!! On with the creepy stalking we all love!!!!!

""basically it has to do with submission holds and choking your ...(2 second pause almost as if he's trying to find the right words) male dance partner"

Yep! He says this then the next clip is of Donny saying, "When your man is getting crazy" Notice he makes this little snorting laugh? Like he's thinking, "We said we weren't going to tell anybody and she just did!!!"

Okay, maybe I took that last one too far, but that's the first thought I had!!"

"he could have at least looked concerned...

now, see.. remember during the cha cha.. Donny was upset because she had never done it before.. he was all over her.. helping her..

with Nat it was.. oh well.. I have to be serious..


him NOT helping her was totally out of character for him.. him not joking at ALL was completely out of character..."

"I think even then.. it wasn't so much of what they said .. it was more what they did... they looked like a couple in that clip.. completely.. the way they stood together, the way he always had to have a hand around her waist, their smiles.. the way they looked at each other while the other was talking.. just looking into each others eyes....

oh and other cute moment... during the B/way judging.. when Brian was talking about his kick.. she said.. "yes he did" with this sing song voice.. it was so cute.. she was proud of him.."

"wow... I really didn't look at that jazz ending.. it's so... ewwww..

he just looks so.. not attractive...

he almost looks pained... the whole thing is devoid of any intimacy..

they are touching.. but not"touching"..

not the end of the waltz... they look like if they had one more second... she would have gotten a very sweet soft kiss..

he looks like he is trying his BEST not to kiss her.."

"I think the end of the waltz is like my fav.moment, because of thebackward walki starint into each other eyes. and then they turn around even that is sexually charged"

"yeah.. I like the little stutter he does when she looks away and he's still staring.. he kinda looks away for a quick sec, but get's drawn back into it... that's cool..

then Cat sorta breaks the moment making the joke about him channeling Dimitri.. then they kinda come back..

but if you can pick a moment when they kinda just said.. "f*ck it" something is happening..

its right there..."

"OMG I just had one questions to you on he photos you posted 'cause I am still reviewing this morning *sniff* soooo romantic...

Is it me or do you notice the host Cat in those pictures a bit like smitten herself too? Kind of like should I interrupt these two? When should I Say something?

Do you think everyone on the show knows by now?

And why would Mary tell them they have real Chemistry (not just for the show)?

And why would Shane say on that interview there might be a possible relationship and those two other girls were jumping for joy (the interviewers)?

I've come the conclusion that everybody knows, but nobody is saying a thing becasue they're afraid this might affect the competition, I think we will be shocked in the end if this two remain in the competition, something is bound to come up about it...If that is so, if one or the other win is like they both won anyways because heck if they are boyfriend and girlfriend then what is the dealy-O!

Thanks for those pic, I really don't need the kiss one now, because we got all the proof I needed to see...THAT IS A RELATIONSHIP FOLKS! THAT IS ALL FOLKS!

PS Friends, OK everyone else is friends, those two are a HOT TAMALE of and ITEM....Or shall I say MAMA MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Hehe, that's sorta like our plan, Taylor - Except, of course, that ours is cooler, 'cause it has super heroes - SHRIMP) On that note, I leave it off... Why? Because I've only read through 209 of 949 posts... It's rather daunting, dontcha think? That, and it just occured to me that these people might not want me to be quoting them quite this much (*sheepish grin* - SORRY)... Here's the link: I'm gonna, of course, keep reading, and I'll post any truly outstanding quotes.

~ Moose ~


Anonymous said...

wow... thanks for pointing me to that thread.. i LOVE reading about all of the benjelle moments that i didn't even notice before. and the picture at the results show right before the top ten where they are seated and donny is turned into benji with her arms around him... *sigh* they are just so adorable. i want them to get married.. no mash potatoes at the reception though!

Anonymous said...

I love that board over at the sytycd site...I think its call "lets talk about body language...its a great read. Some very insight full info there. If you havent read or posted to it you totally should. Its my fav place over there!

Moose said...

Anonymous: I'm pretty sure that's the thread I linked and got all this stuff from : D

~ Moose ~

Drea said...

Reading through this first, I thought I was finally losing my mind!!! I kept saying, "Hey, that looks like something I said!", and "Now I know I said that!" I don't mind your using my stuff here...actually, I'm honored!

Bouts of Pomposity (boutsofpompo)