Friday, July 28, 2006

"And NEVER underestimate the power of... BODY LANGUAGE!!!" Ursula (Yes, I'm a GEEK)

Here's more of the post Taylor was referencing:

"When benji puts his forhead to donnys head during the judging after the broadway show was pretty interesting. He left it there for a long time, again illuding so some kind of comfortablity with her. He's facial expression at that moment also plays into it. He's almost sort of gazing at her, which is a whole other issue. The boy gazes, and donny does too. And if you watch them the tend to either look directly into each others eyes or at each others mouths, sometimes the go between the two. That is a definate sign of attraction."

"hehe, I feel like a big perv but I noticed that "moment" too! ha!

OKay, I noticed it cause he leans in, and he's just hanging out on the side of her head! It's funny and all intimate looking. BUT the big thing was when he backs up slightly right after, looks at her with this goofy gosh-darn smile and his eyes are all wide, and then shakes his head! That is so cute to me!

Okay, let me ask you this though-like it's all on Benji though, cause Donyelle doesn't even like acknowledge him on any of that part. She does in different ways I think, but usually when he's giving her mooning faces like that during the judges' comments, she's like straight ahead not focusing on him. Any thoughts? (:))"

"ps-that's one thing I'd ask you too. Like does it seem pretty reciprocating to you? Cause sometimes I think Donyelle is just much more reserved and guarded and I see how she sometimes looks at him(okay, after the v. waltz judging comments, she is playing around touching his arm and then she looks up at him in a way that is SO cute and childlike). But sometimes, I just get a non-vibe from her and I don't know if I"m just misreading her either way."

"What are yout thoughts on touching the stomach?

For instance, Donny touching Benji's stomach during the Vietnamese Fighting Waltz rehersal. When she said "when your man gets a litle crazy, you just give him a little Vietnamese Fighting Waltz"....they were embraced and her hand was on his stomach.

Also, during the rehersal for Broadway, when the camera catches Benji standing behind Donny and they are swaying back and forth. Benji's hand was on Donny's stomach.

What do you think?"

"Benji's expressions are sorta transparent that way, he gets a drunk look when I think he's sorta vibing on her."

"She gives off vibes but it is more of a quick glance or a slight affectionate is more along the lines that she accepts his affection.It is not thta there is not a vibe it is just that she is more concerened with the judges comments .but ,but she does give him very much the same amount of affection he gives her."

"Donny most definitely does that mouth gazing thing...I don't know if it's because she's short or what, but I've seen her do it."

"I agree...she does it in different ways (like playful neck touching ie during the Viennese rehersal and the quick neck carress she gave him during the Pop Jazz judging)."

"Donny loves to caress his face & neck, during the dances & the critiques. It was she who went to caress B's face when Nigel declared him the winner. She also will put her hand on his as affirmation. You could also tell that their bond was stonger when he started to stand behind her for a full body embrace, he always leans into her & his head is always touching hers almost constantly. He likes to squeeze her stomach or side as a sign of affection & she will lean her head into him for affirmation as well. His kisses, on the head, forehead. How many neck kisses have we had? The cha-cha & I think at least one other. The neck is a very intimate area. Each time they've been declared safe, they will embrace each other, walk over to the side & hug the others, all the while, never having broken their embrace. When she hugs him, she always embraces him tightly around the neck."

"Oh yes, I noticed that little head nod thing he did after he lifts his head from hers too. I diidn't think many would catch it, glad to know I'm not alone ;)

One of the biggest indicators for me that Benji was digging on Donny (before I knew whether she liked him) was during the hip hop. I know it seems too early, just freindship, blah,blah. I still think he had a crush. if you look in the rehersals he is always looking to see how she reacts. Is she laughing? Is she responding at all? He is very obvious. Sorta like a kid looking for a bit of attention from their crush by acting like a goof.

Some of my favorite Benjelle moments have to be the "Bway Lean", the "Bway twirl" the "Bway head touch+ slight head nod" the "Elimination shoulder stroke" the "Viennese Waltz extra extended look"... oh damn I could go on all night. I'm sure some will mention more that I will go "Yes! That too" to but i'm tired of thinking so I'll stop."

"Its not just that they touch each others stomach, its the proximity of their bodies, if they rub. I see that Benji holds donny around the waist but just above it, closer to her chest. Its not a height thing either, the other dancers tend to hold lower and only at the hip not around the waist or stomach area. The stomach is a intimate zone, so this is telling behavior"

"Do you ever notice that Benji's eyes look very "heavy" sometimes when he's looking at her,like he looks really sleepy and with a goofy smile...thoughts? :)"

"benji wears his heart on his sleeve, he can't help himself from nuzzling her, kissing her cheek, looking at her for her reaction and just smiling and being happy around her. Donyelle is a lot more reserved, so much that at first I just thought Benji was cruching on her and she was accepting his advances just to be nice. But it got to a certain point that if she didn't share the same feelings back you know she would have put a stop to the whole thing and they wouldnt be so touchy feely- that obviously isnt the case so she must love him back."

The heavy glassed eyes, very typical when you look at something you desire.

I think with donny now that she has other partners you can see the attraction she has to benji more now. She is not nearly as huggy, touchy, or hold hand with dimtry. She does not look him in they eye unless they are dancing. In her permitting Benji to do what he does she is in her own way returning the affection. She is sublet but as the weeks have progressed she has be come more touchy of benji"

"I wonder what you think of Donny's sideways glances at Benji during judging? I notice this happens many times -- especially when Benji is looking at her. I have a theory, but I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say."

"he was so looking down her shirt on that one.. Sorry to out you on that one Benji"

"The first time I notice intertwined fingers is during the results show for Viennese Waltz. They also do it during the Bway judging...Benji is standing behind her and they are hold in hands -- intertwined."

"He also holds her between the stomach and the pelvis area. Sometimes when I see his hand move in that area I think, "Hey!! Watch out for the Lady Goodies!""

"Exactly, if she wasn't interested, she would've put him in his place, like she did Dimitry."

"Rachel, watch the end of the last results show, when Martha knows she's going home and is talking to Cat. Look into the background at Donny...she is Bawling!!! She's got a tissue, she is crying like a baby and her face is swollen. She is distraut. Now, a few minutes later -- when Martha is about to dance (again) Donny sits down and sobs a little...Benji seems to notice her (we see him in profile) he stops smiling and puts his hand to his mouth... interesting."

There are, like, 100 more pages to that board, so I'll put more up later, but this post is pretty darn long!!!

~ Moose ~


Anonymous said...

man, I go out for a night and I come back and there are so many new posts! Thanks for all the body language stuff..I really enjoyed reading it...very interesting...and so romantic...sigh. <3 Benjelle

Anonymous said...

that's so interesting! what board???

Anonymous said...

haha, that stuff is so reassuring to us benjelle fans. although i feel weird reading it.. like we're delving way too into it. but it's so fun and sooooo cute! =)

Anonymous said...

its in the sytycd boards under Donyelle called "lets talk about body language...I love it, heck i started it:) GO READ, POST!

Moose said...

Anonymous: (Seosy, I believe?) Thanks for not killing me for quoting your board!!! : D

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

very observant yu should make a montage of this!:)