Monday, July 24, 2006

Everybody Laugh at Moose...

This is the superdiduper long message I wrote to introduce are superdiduper X 1,000,000 long story in the bulletin I sent out on MySpace:

I know it's rather long, but please read this insane story, anyway!

Taylor and I got some ideas over at our blog ( - Please visit us! We have plenty of Benji and Donyelle related posts - from pictures, to dance clips, to ever so slightly creepy 'are they or aren't they' discussions - that have nothing to do with this crazy, though hopefully amusing, story), and decided to write this together. It was written back and forth over several posts (over the course of about 4 days, I believe), so I have kept the headings (in bold) and references to which of us wrote that section (in italics), but have taken out the non-story parts of said posts.

I apologize for any sloppiness in the story, as I'm not choosing to read it over. I know that it randomly switches from present to past tense in a few places (That's my fault, I believe, lol), and there are probably some misspelled things as well (That could really have been either of us, but I'm too lazy to read over my parts of the story, and don't feel like I should edit hers).

Just to clarify: WE'RE NOT STALKING BENJI OR DONYELLE! : D And, in case you somehow manage to have any doubts, we are also not trying to pass any of this off as true events (I'm pretty sure you'll laugh at the absurdity of such a thing once you read the story...). Also, while 'Bran' (you'll see) horrifies me, and Dmitry's shirt antics annoy us, we still love Natalie, and anyone else who may be portrayed poorly in some part of the story (except for Celine Dion, of course...). WHEN ('cause I know you wanna...) you read it, you'll hopefully understand that it's all in good humor.

Any reference (such as 'wifey' and 'gazing down Donyelle's shirt') that doesn't seem to make that much sense was most likely taken from some discussion we had at our blog, so may not be quite so funny to those who do not frequent it. Sorry for the extraordinary length of this message that merely serves to introduce the story!

Finally: I BEG YOU - Whether you love it, hate it, or would like to offer us the telephone number of a nicely furbished mental facility, PLEASE go comment on it at this link: Enjoy (I hope : D)!!!

~ Moose ~

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Isn't that funny???!! Perhaps only to me...

~ Moose ~


Taylor said...

I find it funny! :) But then again I find most things funny...even when they are really bad. Oh well. I hope people (Benji, Donyelle and Lacey) read our story!

Moose said...

'SHRIMP' I think they'd take our restraining orders against us!!! Mostly I just find it funny that I feel the need to write that much...

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.