Sunday, July 30, 2006

I realized something about Benji!!!

YAY! Im smart :P I just finished obsessing over Benjelle videos, and both of their auditions. And I realized that when Benji is like sorta mad about something he moves his tongue inside his mouth by his bottom lip. I may be wrong but here are some examples: When he was audiionig, Nigel was talking about how his dad is known as "The King of Swing" and Benji did the tongue thing. If you remember earlier in his audition, he says that he doesnt like being called "The Prince of Swing" and that he is the next "King of Swing" so he was probably kinda he did that thing with his tongue.

And then when Mary said "I know of your father" Benji did the tongue thing again. Maybe he was mad that it was his audition and yet the judges kept talking about his Dad. I dunno, just my opinion.

Also! When Nigel said "Now Donyelle Im going to get very private with you" in the Cha Cha judging, Benji looks VERY mad. Then he looks down at Donyelle and he does that thing with his tongue again! But when Nigel was talking about how she was an inspiration, Benji looked extremely happy! Which means that he would be mad if someone hurt Donyelle. :) squeeee!

I only have two examples. Hopefully he will do the tongue thing again, so I can add to my list. Well here are the videos so that you can see for yourself!

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Anonymous said...

I noticed that to hehe.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that too!! Yay!!

I also have another moment for you. On the results show, after Benjelle danced the V-waltz...Cat joked that Donyelle couldn't pronouce Viennese Waltz (then Benji did his tongue thing) but then enouraged her by say that they could definitely dance one...and then he smiled. :)

Anonymous said...

oh wow, i totally never noticed that! i mean, i saw him do it after the audition, but i didn't connect it with him being annoyed. good detective skills!

and yeah, he does it very subtly when cat was bringing it up during the results show after the viennese waltz.

haha, now i'm so gonna be looking for it all the time.

Taylor said...

ooo, Im gonna go check that out! Thanks for the tip, I might have to edit that in :)

Moose said...

I didn't notice the VW one, but I've always been a fan of the others!

~ Moose ~

lilpiptook said...

*aughhHH!* you girls write so much, i dont have time to catch up :(

thanks for the tip about the tongue. gives me a good excuse to rewatch some clips. i know it's only been.... 2-3 months (?) since the first auditions, but i noticed a lot of changes in all the contestants.

like allison, during the going-away-montage, i hardly recognize her in some of the early interview clips! yet i cant tell what's different :(

and benji (still the goof) seem so old now... our little dancers are growing up right in front of our eyes!

Anonymous said...

hey, I just realized that Benji does another one of his "tounge rolls" in the Viennese Waltz where Dan Karaty was talking about them saying "it doesnt matter whether you're dancing, speaking to the camera.." around then...

here's a screenshot I took of it.