Sunday, July 23, 2006

For Moose! :P

Here is the link you cheesy cheese puff you! 'Lacey'

btw...I was just you guys think Benji looks at like shipping sites?? Or just fan sites...hmm I was wondering if he would be flattered that we love Benjelle so much that we made a blog devoted to them and made up a whole bunch of stories. Or if he will get mad or feel threatened because we are sorta interfering (sp) with his whole Love life situation.

I know that everyone says that Mormons are like allowed to dance and they are encouraged to dance and all the warm stuff...but are they allowed to dance like how he was dancing with Natalie? To a song thats called She's Freaky? Would it be ok if the music was gone? I dont know Im just asking, Im completely clueless when it comes to the Mormon thing. Can Mormons only date/marry other Mormons? Is Lacey a Mormon? Is there a such thing as a girl Mormon? HELP!!!!


Moose said...

Thank You!!! Well, if Benji ever sees our site, I think he'll laugh hysterically at our stupidity, lol. I don't know about the dancing and stuff, but I know girls who are Mormans.

~ Moose ~

Moose said...


Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm definitely not a mormon, but I know that there are girl mormons - I went to high school with several! One of my friends was a devout mormon and seriously dated a guy (non-Mormon) for over 2 years our jr/sr years. They broke it off in college at some I guess that they can date outside of their church. She was also a pommie (cheerleader/dancer) in high school, so apparently dancing is ok, too. That's about all I know! : ) Beth

Taylor said...

Thanks Beth :) Yes, Benji will probaly laugh at our stupidity 'Lacey' :)

Anonymous said...

Why I am writing this? I suppose it is because I love dance, I am rooting for Benji, I am a Latter-Day Saint or "Mormon" and I am a girl. I did smile when I read your questions, but awesome of you "Moose" to ask. What better way to receive an answer to a question. Being a latter-day saint is for everyone male, female young and old it doesn't matter.
As for the dancing, most of it is awesome. The one thing that would be removed if it could be would be the music itself (yes the lyrics we should be choosing to listen to should not be vulgar or rude, or sexually suggestive. In fact it should not contain lyrics that do not align themselves with the morals you uphold)regardless of the category of music, country,hip hop, pop, rock 'n roll etc.. The opposite is true to however. Among all these categories of music, there can be lyrics that are inspiring, uplifting and entertaining. The same holds true of the way you dance and what it makes you think of. If it is sexually suggestive, it is not acceptable. Benji's hip hop dance was very good with the exception of two sets of moves that I felt were sexually suggestive, that would have to be removed.
In case you ask the question, I am African-Canadian and letting you know that there are Latter-day Saints are all over the world among all races! People of Mormon faith are a rare breed of people indeed who do the best they can to live what they profess to believe. People of great integrity!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.