Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bulletin From The Benji Schwimmer Fanpage

I know it's insane, but the part about Benji's partner (A.K.A. Donny) on this bulletin Lacey put up on MySpace makes me HAPPY (so I've put that part in bold)!!! Yes, this is the same person who told my stupid, stupid friend that there was nothing going on between Benji and Donyelle, but seriously... It 'makes her smile'!!! 'Shrimp' - Yes, I fully expect someone to rain on my parade by saying something about how she means that it's funny that we're all so obsessed, or that they're good friends... Oh look, I just saved you the trouble!!! : D


sorry everyone i know ive been out of it for a bit. had some trouble with my computer. anyhoo i wanna know the totals from last weeks voting.

CONGRATS TO EVERYONE- benji is still in the running!

i need the past weeks winners to send me their addresses so i can send the picture to you all. title the email as -address-

thanx every so much all are goping to be extremly please with whom benji drew....MAKES ME SMILE.

hit me up voters!

lacey- b.schwimmers sister"

~ Moose ~


Taylor said...

YAY! Makes me smile too!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! The little doubt in my mind that we wouldn't get a Benjelle reunion this week has evaporated! Go Benjelle!

Anonymous said...

I pray they do well and pick up where they left off. Hopefully their energy levels will be up.