Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Random Ranting : D

Okay, I KNOW that everybody is gonna hate me for this but:

Thank God Dmitry went home!!! I'm sorry, he is a great ballroom dancer, but that's about it. Nothing he did outside of that was spectacular (as Ivan going from hip hop to all these other styles), and I even thought that Donyelle did better than he did in both dances last night. I'm sorry, but he's no Seabiscuit... He's a one-trick pony... I did, however, like that he did the joking about not taking his shirt off at the end of his solo, and how the guys were screaming for him to when he was sent home.

As for Ryan, I agree that he should have been in the bottom two, and should probably leave next week, but Dmitry should have left LAST week... I think Ryan has done pretty damn well overall in all they've done. I, personally, thought the judges gave him far too little credit for the stuff last night, and did you SEE the Cuban Rumba???!! People say he has no personality, but, just like with Jessica, he gets barely any camera time when not on stage, so we don't see it.

The opening dance: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister and I have literally watched it about 30 times! I LOVE it! Benji and Allison's faces, especially, are hilarious to watch. Travis, Donyelle, and Heidi's are really good, too, but they don't get shown as much. I l LOVE when Benji does that little twitch after the other guys stop moving, and when he and Donyelle dance together! Ooh, and when Ivan's laughing!!! Teeheehee!


Oh, and did anybody else see Benji standing up to clap for Donyelle? That was so cute! And when Travis fell to the floor when Martha left... Awww... It irks me that they don't show Benji going to the floor in the other thing... LOL.

Well, that's all I can think of, and you're prolly gonna kill me over the Dmitry thing, so I'm off to watch the opening dance with my sister some more!!!

~ Moose ~


lilpiptook said...

i never liked dimitry, i didnt like how he blantly flaunts his body. imho, i didnt think it was all that, you gotta be built like a pebble to impress kate ;) and after watching how he handles donyelle, that was the absolute deal breaker. i still dont understand someone looks so capable to throwing/lifting/flinging donyelle can make it look so forced, yet someone that *looks* so tiny can make similar tricks looks so flawless. altho, i gotta say, benji got some tight muscles, you just cant really tell (eg: like that chacha outfit, i didnt realize his arms were that big!)

i dont want ivan to go because i want to see if he can impress us with another amazing number like the contemp with allison. i just *loved* how enthused he was when he got that style! but i have a feeling he's going to leave and ryan's going to stick around another week until he's cut too... *altho*... ryan *is* kinda on the boring side and doesnt bring anything to the show. why is he still around?! he kinda just slipped by hasnt he?

omg!! i'm dying here... i want to rewatch the zombie number!!

Moose said...

Thank You!!! He deserved to stay for a while, because he is a good dancer, but he should have left last week, if not before, and the shirt thing was reaaaally annoying (although funny tonight)!!!

I really like Ivan. He wasn't great the first week, and his solo and Waltz weren't that good last night, but I LOVED all his other dances with Allison, ESPECIALLY the Argentine Tango and the Contemporary. Of course, I also enjoyed the Hip Hop and West Coast Swing (although I hear it was nothing like WCS, but that's not their fault).

It's good that Ryan stayed this week, but, out of the four guys, he should be the one to go next. I'm sad that Martha left, but I can't think of any girl who should have gone, instead.

I LOVE the zombie dance!!! OH MY GOD - I've already watched it about 30 times, and I'll be rewinding that tape over and over again until someone puts the video online!!!

~ Moose ~

lilpiptook said...

i didnt tape it :( i find it more convient to watch it on my computer, *instant* replay! even if i have to wait for someone to post it :(

are there any skips from constantly replaying certain parts? Hahhaha...

i actually dont really care for any one of the girls in particular. no one really stands out to me. maybe heidi, she's freaking psycho on stage. she scares me sometimes. she has so much energy, sometimes i think she might hurt herself and/or her partner!

benji and travis are my favorites by far... i'll be devistaded if either got cut.

i just love the fact that travis looks like a hobbit or possible some hippy wiht those cut-off fatigue pants, but he dances like a little ballerina, so delicate and float-y. and benji's just the shiznit. he knows how to play to the crowd and has the skills. not just all show like ::cough::... he suprises me with some of the stuff he does....

i hope the goofy benji comes back soon, i think he's getting worried about the end of the competition. he doesnt seem as playful this week

Moose said...

I like having them on my computer, but we go old fashioned and use video tapes, too, lol. It doesn't really skip, but it gets kinda funny and annoying...

GASP - Benji and Donyelle are hands down my favorites, because, not only are they madly in love, lol, but have got to be the most versatile dancers for all fields. Next to them, It's hard to pick favorites... Ivan and Allison were always my second favorite couple, but I don't think Ivan should win, even though his growth has been AMAZING. I also like Travis a lot, and I think he's an unbelievably great 'contemporary' (whatever that means, lol) dancer, but not quite as versatile as Benji and Donyelle in other fields. I like Ryan, but he should be the next guy to go. As for girls, I like Natalie and Heidi, too, so I can't choose! At this point, they're all amazing, but Benji or Donyelle should win, and, if not one of them, Allison or Travis. That was probably all very confusing for anyone who's not me... and sorta for me, too, lol.

Benji's not nearly as playful without his beloved Donyelle. Those two simply must be reunited. They're MAGIC together!!!

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

oh shoot my PART 2 story is on the other post! Sorry bout that

Taylor said...

I totally agree with you! He should have been gone last week. I cant believe how no body notices Ryan. He should have been in the bottom 3 but he should have gotten more recognition from the judges!

Taylor said...

I just got back from watching the zobie dance! I LOVE IT! I cant stop watching! Im gonna put up a picture of Benji's arms. Because he is very strong, he just has a lanky body, and unlike Martha he cant show his body off with strapless dresses and stuff. Although he can wear like wife beats and stuff like that.

Moose said...

Oh, nevermind, I thought you wanted Dmitry to stay (were you being mind-controlled by his pecks?), lol.

Yay zombie dance!!! I'm gonna go watch it more as soon as my mom's friend leaves, 'cause I'm too chicken to go out there...

~ Moose ~

lilpiptook said...

taylor- hahhha... omg! that chacha outfit kinda broke all preset notions that i had about benji. from 2 much booty, i thought it was hilarious that benji was a skinny white boy with no a** out there shaking it like there's no tomorrow. but after seeing him crawl along the floor, you just cant help looking at his badonkadonk and there sure is penty of ba and donk

moose- aww... i like donny too, but more as part of benjielle.

ok... time to watch the chacha one

Moose said...

She is great with Benji, but she's also an AMAZING dancer. She was far better than Dmitry was in his own field, and she's been outstanding in all the other fields, too. I mean, Hip Hop's a 'duh', but there was also the "Pop Jazz", the Cha-Cha, the "Vietnamese" Waltz, and Broadway, the last two of which were done with a broken toe. And those are just the dances she did with Benji.

~ Moose ~

Taylor said...

Kate! haha ba and dunk! hilarious! I know!!! When I saw him crawling I was like OMG! My sister was like did they stuff melons in his pants? lmao. I think they did!