Friday, July 28, 2006

Vicious, vicious Message Boards!!!

Have you guys SEEN these posts???!!

One on here is an intense argument over race, another accuses Benji and Heidi of cheating. One says that Benji's in a relationship and Donyelle's dating one of the choreographers (GASP), and yet another one (that I shall display below) blames Donyelle/Benjelle for everything that's wrong in this world. There are a ton of other ones, too, and I'm just sitting here reading these, thinking to myself, "Oh... My... GOD!!!" I've been told there's one on a different board debating who's prettier: Allison or Donyelle. I mean, our little blog here may be somewhat insane (And I can say that... Since I created it, run it with Taylor, and LOVE it's insanity!!!), but we're not cruel!!!

"Game: Benjelle or Donny are responsible

From: BnDluv 11:28 pm
To: ALL 1 of 11
Ok, guys, I need to blow off some steam, cause the devil is just busy & people are insane tonight. I know we did this last weekend because we were stressed out & we all had a lot of fun. So, I will start:

Benjelle is responisble for 9/11

Donny is responsible for lance armstrong's retirement.

Benjelle is responsible for Lance Bass coming out of the closet

Donny is responsible for Lisa Marie Presley thinking she could sing.

Benjelle is responsible for Al Gore losing the presidential election

From: maybe1231 11:32 pm
To: BnDluv 2 of 11
18609.2 in reply to 18609.1
Donyelle is responsible for the high gas prices.

Benjelle is resposible for the lack of drinkable water.

From: Divagirl79 11:38 pm
To: maybe1231 3 of 11
18609.3 in reply to 18609.2

Donny is responsible for police brutality

Benjelle is responsible for every bad movie ever made

From: Igotdaskillz 11:39 pm
To: maybe1231 4 of 11
18609.4 in reply to 18609.2
Benjelle is responsible for poverty

B is responsible for world hunger

B is responsible for environmental issues

B is responsible for the conflict in Lebanon

B is responsible for the Rwandan genocide... and let's throw in the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia too.

. . . basically Benjelle will be responsible for the destruction of this earth and human kind.

lol, fun post!

From: BnDluv 11:42 pm
To: Igotdaskillz 5 of 11
18609.5 in reply to 18609.4
B is responsible for grace jones

Donny is responsible for Star Jones getting fired.

B is responsible for the mohawk

D is responsible for Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinski

From: lindab121 11:44 pm
To: Igotdaskillz unread 6 of 11
18609.6 in reply to 18609.4
Benjelle responisble for George Bush being a president.

Benjelle responisble for People getting layoff for work

I forget about it.

From: MsAlique 11:45 pm
To: Igotdaskillz unread 7 of 11
18609.7 in reply to 18609.4
Donyelle = Responsible for the cow junping over the moon *I see you with that pitch fork n your hand Donyelle!....LOL*

From: luvdadance 11:48 pm
To: BnDluv 8 of 11
18609.8 in reply to 18609.5
Donyelle is responsible for George Bush cursing the other week. He was actually saying "Donyelle is the S#!T." ;-)

From: lindab121 11:48 pm
To: MsAlique unread 9 of 11
18609.9 in reply to 18609.7
Doneylle is responsible for Ruben Studdard winning American Idol.

From: BnDluv 11:48 pm
To: MsAlique unread 10 of 11
18609.10 in reply to 18609.7
lol, good one. Donny is responsible for Lady in the water being the stupidest movie of the year!

B is responsible for tornado that took dorothy & toto to the land of OZ.

D is repsonsible for lime disease

From: Divagirl79 11:50 pm
To: MsAlique unread 12 of 13
18609.12 in reply to 18609.7
Donyelle is responsible for Brad leaving Jennifer

Benjelle is responsibl;e for breaking up tom and nicole"

That post is so mean!!! Ghaaaaa...

~ Moose ~


Anonymous said...

i know it's so sad! i don't get why everyone's targeting donyelle its so immature!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can barely go on the boards now. But oh is calming down, though, from yesterday. Which is a good thing. Us Donyelle/Benji fans are going to have to step up our voting EVEN MORE this week. Most Allison fans are now going to go for everyone BUT Donyelle and Benji (especially Donyelle). So we have to work harder as Donyelle/Benji fans.

I'm thinking personally two phones for the entire two hours. Last week I only used one the entire two hours. :]

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think that's just a joke.

In a Benjelle thread (for lovers, not haters -- can't remember which one though), a whole lot of Benjellers started mocking the haters by saying stuff like, 'Benjelle is responsible for world hunger', etc. If I'm not mistaken, I think Divagirl is a Benjeller on that board, but then again I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

All of that is obvious sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

benjellers need to step up their game this week! we can do it guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is ... it's still pretty stupid. Anyway, Donyelle (and Benji :) ) can always count on my vote!!

Anonymous said...

We're just having fun... You don't have to call it stupid :)

Anonymous said...

im the one who told you about the the thread saying Allison is way prettier then donyelle!!
It was getting harsh i think it ended with someone sayin:
Fine allison is pretty
But donyelle is beautiful
and that 10 times more in my book
Whoever said that you go girl!!!
I think they are all threatened by donyelle and benji...well its to damn bad cause they arent goin anywhere anytime soon....I hope!! :]]

Moose said...

It's so sad!!! I don't know what's going on with some of these Allison fans... Everyone who's read my posts from last night and today can see that I LOVE Allison; she's my other favorite girl. I am quite the fan of both, so it's sniffle-inducing that fellow Donyelle and Allison fans are attacking each other. Feel the love, guys! 'Shrimp' I know there was a bit of an argument on Vixen's board when a few anonymousi (shrimp - I like that version of the plural... Anyway, I don't think any of them were any anonymousi here...) kinda started attacking me about what my stupid friend did, but even that little tiff seems far less cruel than everything on these boards... I mean... IT'S INSANE!!! I guess I'll only vote for Donyelle and Benji this week, since I'd be giving an equal number of votes to each of the other contestants (I know I'm one of few, but I love Ivan, as well as Travis), which is sorta pointless, 'cause they'll just cancel out. We only have one phone line, and I don't have a cell phone (It wouldn't be free from my parents' cell phone anyway, would it?), so I have to stick to one phone...

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

you guys the board on donyelles fan page is just for fun .becuase everyone seems to blam benjelle for their favorites going home. So donyelle and benjis true fans decided to have a little fun and try to get away from all of the hateration on the general boerd and stuff.It is just sarcasm.

Moose said...

BnDLUV: Sorry for the confusion! I've realized the sarcasm since I put that up there : D. A.K.A. It was obvious that the statements weren't truly believe, but I couldn't tell whether the people writing it were benjelle-lovers or haters. That post is an exception to it, but the others I mentioned don't seem to be sarcastic, at all... Hmph, people are so mean to Benjelle!!!

~ Moose ~

Anonymous said...

Hi this is MsAlique... I'm sorry you guys got confused over what we were doing. We were really poking fun at all the Donyelle and Benji haters. Some of them were so funny, because they were just plain ridiculous, I choked on my fruit. I posted

From: MsAlique 11:45 pm
To: Igotdaskillz unread 7 of 11
18609.7 in reply to 18609.4
Donyelle = Responsible for the cow junping over the moon *I see you with that pitch fork n your hand Donyelle!....LOL*

It was really a joke.

Moose said...

Thanks : D It's all been cleared up (and I left you guys a formal apology in my latest post - SORRY!!!!!)

~ Moose ~

Moose said...

bndluv: Thank you for forgiving me for my stupidity!!! Have I mentioned I'm sorry???!! That's reaaaaaally funny about the gun thing... Well, let me just say that you guys are certainly welcome here, and you should feel free to require me to give a public apology in front of a judge. : D

~ Moose ~