Sunday, October 22, 2006

What I Sent

In case you didn't read the comments on the post, here's they email I just sent to each of them:

A few days ago, I put a post on the blog I run with Taylor (Who you both met in New York) that was my letter to the both of you, and asked others to comment with their own personal messages. Though several were unsure of just how to put their appreciation to words, a few added on their contributions. Below is my original letter and those written by a few of our readers.

~ Moosey ~

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dear Benji and Donyelle...

It has been an interesting roller coaster, to say the least, and I expect it to remain so. Upon watching this season of So You Think You Can Dance, we were all drawn to you, first by your incredible talent, and soon by your indescribable connection, both on and off stage. Intrigued by what we saw, we continued to watch, our eyes and hearts transfixed to the story playing out before us. What you two displayed has touched millions of hearts.

I have always been an intense lover of dance, feeling drawn to it, yet unable to participate. I was born with a collagen disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, better known as brittle bone disease. I've lived my life separate from others in a way, unable to join these friends who shall never understand what I feel. Because of OI, I am unable to participate in many activities I have so often longed to be a part of, and many of its lesser known symptoms (Though the disorder, as a whole, is known by few) have brought on many piercing comments. Through the hospital visits, the signs of hearing loss, and the discrimination from those I consider to be my friends, I have often found myself rather downtrodden, especially as of late. The opportunity to see the two of you perform weekly, watching you express yourselves in an art I hold so dearly to my heart, and witnessing a connection that has warmed so many of us around the country, managed to pull me from a growing depression, and allowed me to see the possibilities in the world around me. In the place of the physical arts I can not be a part of, writing has always been my medium of self-expression. I had abandoned that, forgone it with so many other dreams. You brought that inspiration back to me, allowing my pen to be my sword, once more.

That which I have just laid bare is my individual story, one clearly fairly unique to my circumstances. You have touched each person in a separate way, yet no one of our stories shines out clearly above the others. Rather, it is that they have joined to form a larger tale. It is one of love not merely viewed from the TV screen, but experienced between fellow fans. Your love brought us together, allowing us to connect through, yes, a deep-rooted obsession with what we call "Benjelle", but also an admiration for the dance you have brought to our living rooms, and a need to believe in love. Ask nearly any who visit this blog I run with Taylor and they will tell you: We have truly become a family. My connection with some is on a level unimaginable, perhaps through the knowledge that they, too, have faced hardships, or simply through that comfort of knowing that there are those who will always be there for me, those who need me, in return. It may sound absurd, implausible, but the truth is that you have started a movement. It may not be Martin Luther King Jr., nor John Lennon, but it is an expression of support, self-confidence, friendship, and, above all else, love.

What we have witnessed between you two may not be the romance we all believed it to be, but for so many to recognize it, your connection can only be real. The precise definition of your feelings for one another is for you, alone, to comprehend, but it simply cannot be denied: Whatever this intangible force is, it is love. You have enthralled us through your open expression of this love, and inspired all of us to do the same.

Though these words are so often hollow, meaningless, I can only say, sincerely and without reproach: Thank you.

~ Moose ~
posted by Moose @ 5:29 PM
Izzy_Chadelin said...
wow.moosey.i cried reading that,it was so good and sad and moving.its weird that its like finally over......
6:15 PM, October 19, 2006
Etendue said... are a beautiful writer!
6:50 PM, October 19, 2006
bridg8781 said...
The two of you have taken us on one heck of a ride this summer and fall. You probably know that the two of you have made many hearts in America fall for ya'll (yes i'm a Texan), but i'm not sure if ya'll know all the "benjellers" have come together and become closer than family. The two of you brought together so many people from all over the country. We all became instantaneous friends no matter of race, religion, location or age. We all had one thing in common, ya'll.
We have been there to squee over ya'll too many times probably, but it has been a blast.
Are we crazy, yes we are very crazy, but we think ya'll some crazy kids too.

The two of ya'll have made my life better in ways you will never know. The inspiration ya'll give, but more importantly the connection ya'll had that brought all of us together.

So thank you again for just being Benji and Donyelle, you have impacted the world.
7:23 PM, October 19, 2006
erika said...
ive been in dance since i was 2. i take rythmic gymnastics now, but our routines are close enough to dance to keep me happy. ive always had weird pains in my feet, but doctors would just say its growing pains, but not bother doing tests. i had orthapedic shoes(i hated them so my mom bought me a purple pair and i decorated them with stickers:)) and that helped for a bit, but then in grade 4 my legs got worse, so i went to another doctor, she said i just had a bad case of flat feet, and patella fermoral syndrome in my knees. she gave me orthotics for my feet(nothing for my knees though) and painkillers to take everyday. that helped until about grade 7 when it got even worse. i got put on a waiting list to see a surgeon but the list was loooong.
then in september of grade 9, my legs just couldnt take it. my left foot colasped, my right one started to, i couldnt walk anymore. i went to a surgeon that did a clinic where i used to do physio, and he diagnosed me with an extra bone in both feet, two bones in my left foot grew into each other, severe patella fermoral syndrome in my knees, and something wrong with my hip but he couldnt figure out what. he made me get tests asap, but didnt do anything until may 2005.then he dropped my case. i was still on the waiting list for that surgeon, and i finally saw her over the summer, she made me wear all these braces on my legs and ankles, nothing worked. im on so many painkillers im sick atleast once a week. i got made fun of at school everyday for being in a wheelchair. this year (Grade 10) i decided that i didnt care anymore, i wouldnt use the wheelchair because it was too much for me to handle. during the summer i went through a bad depression, because my grandparents moved in and my grandpas a bad alcoholic.a few months ago i found out that one my legs is alot shorter then the other, and i have a bad curve in my back. it was too much for me to handle i was seriously thinking of killing myself, and one night i was flipping through the tv channels and i came across so you thnik you can dance. i decided to watch it since dance is basically my passion. i because instantly obsessed with the show. you two, travis, alison and ivan gave me somethig to look forward every week and keep me going. to see how much pasion you guys have for dance, made me so excited to get back into it. i havent gotten surgery (im in need of many) but i decided to go back to dance and just do what i can, it hurts 24/7 but im getting really used to it, and sports tape is a miricale worker haha. but anyways, i watched the show reiligously, i was so sad when it was over, but you guys seriously helped me through so much, you dont even know. you guys made me smile even on the worst days when i couldnt even move from the shoulders down.
so thank you guys so much :)

wow now my fingers hurt ahah
7:41 PM, October 19, 2006
CandiceB said...
I just wanted to say thanks to you both for being such amazing entertainers. Watching you both dance on Wednesdays and Thursdays over the summer and early fall was a welcome break from the stresses of life. You are both very talented individuals (and you're also talented dancing together!) and deserve every opportunity and success that comes your way.

I also feel obligated to thank you for allowing me(inadvertantly) to meet so many amazing people. Yep, I'm talking about the Benjellers. We love to watch you both dance (together and apart) and we've all become good friends because of that. We definitly owe a big thank you to both of you for that wonderful gift. Thank you!

Best wishes for the future and God Bless.
7:43 PM, October 19, 2006
Limenation said...

I'm just speechless. But I realise it's not about the Benjelle anymore. It's about us. We helped each other. The bond formed is just undescribable.

Moose, you inspired me. Seriously. I'm 5 years older than you. But if you do send this letter to Benjelle, I hope they'll share my sentiment about you.

You deserve a recognition. And even Benjelle is not accountable to that.
8:26 PM, October 19, 2006
melikey24 said...
Thank you. Your connection and skill was so mahvelous, that it was almost tangible. It was awesome to see to people accomplish what you two did in the relatively short period of time that you did. I found a whole slew of awesomeness contained in all my lovely fellow Benjellers, and that is one of the greatest gifts that you two have offered. Well, besides those fancy moves! Amor y abrazos.
8:28 PM, October 19, 2006
dawn7483 said...
I want to think you two for an awesome summer. I love the connection you two have. You bith have inspired us all to follow our hearts with what we love and not to give up on what we believe in. You two are amazing dancers and partners. I know we have went a little crazy some times, but it is because we all believe in true love. We have seen the connection between both of you. You have started a new bond between new friends. We all love you and keep the wonderful dancing up. Also, please keep us updated on your lives. We all feel like we know you, even though most of us have not even got to meet you.

Love you both.
8:49 PM, October 19, 2006
Anonymous said...
My letter is on "a letter to benjelle," if it is appropriate, I hope it helps. I didn't write it in the correct tense(2-3am). I'm not even an official blogger, but I got caught in your enthusiasium and love for these two people. Thanks.
8:59 PM, October 19, 2006
Moose said...
I wasn't going to comment, but I'm transferring Anonymous' message here from the other post, so I might as well express my gratitude in regards to the comments on my post, and thanks for adding your own.

Erica: You made me cry! My heart goes out to you, and i'm certainly hoping for the best in your life.

Here is Anonymous' message:

Anonymous said...
My favorite video of all time is West Side Story. I just love their dancing. I'm not a reality show fan but when I saw Benji & Donyelle dancing the Cha Cha, I was awe struck. I tuned in the next week and was impressed again when they danced DJ and the Model. Benji said that the transition from happy go lucky dancing to sexual tension seemed comfortable with Donyelle. They were so funny together, and entertaining of course. Then Mary Murphy had to add that she thought it was for real. No play acting. And we all heard of Benji's story regarding his ex-girlfriend. I thought, wouldn't it be a twist of faith if Benji's void were filled on this program. The geek turned chic and his ex would see it all on TV. It isn't unheard of. Anyway, I was so happy both Benji & Donyelle made it to the finals. I bought 4 tickets to the tour in Portland and didn't get to see much of anything since I had no binoculars and there was no meet and greet. I watch a lot of the concert on YouTube. My fav. blog is Champagne & Caviar cause they're so funny and clean(no bad mouthing encouraged). As Oprah once said, "People want to believe." PEACE & LUV

~ Moosey ~
9:06 PM, October 19, 2006
phoenix said...
I never expected this; four months ago as I idly flipped through the channels looking for something to watch I paused just as your routine was being introduced. . .I was hookedm after TMB and I devoured every performance you've done ever since. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Week after week the two of you made me want to get up and dance, you made me love this art form and now I support it in any way I can--even if it means shelling out my last twenty bucks to see a local dance performance. I have nothing but love and respect for the both of you. Don't stop dancing.
9:24 PM, October 19, 2006
Nava said...
I agree with everyone's comments that the both of you were truly a joy to watch. I started college this year and it was the first time i was going to be seperated from my sister. No we're not twins we are 11 months apart, however she as well was starting college. Anyway she wasn't into SYTYCD like me because she doesn't like dance, but i love it.

Okay so back to the point, when my college started it was 3 weeks before the tour would head to San Francisco (well, actually Oakland) anyway you both gave me something to look foreward to and i luv you both for it.

Luv you both


I realized that this really doesn't make sense but o well :)
11:52 PM, October 19, 2006
Anonymous said...
Smiles said Oh my goodness Moosey wow. Your letter and story was very touching.Thank you for sharing this with us. :) Benjelle has brought many people who may have not spoken, to one another and for strangers to become friends with one another. The whole Benjelle thing has crossed all barriers, age, race, sexual orientation etc. It did allow people to have faith & hope in true love especially in a time when many things in the world are so uncertain or are fully of negativity! . Thank you! :)
4:42 AM, October 20, 2006
gem14 aka 143dj said...
you brought me to tears.. that was beautiful moose.

if you ever write a book i'm buyin it!
6:15 AM, October 20, 2006
Taylor said...
I remember the first time I watched the show. The first episode I had no idea that you two would make such an impact on so many people's lives, including my own. From the first week when you danced hip-hop my sister and I were saying how lovey dovey you guys were. When I went on vixen's blog, I was a regular poster and a natural fangirl. I posted a comment on one of her blogs, and a girl named "Moose" replied to it. At first I thought...Moose? But I replied back and soon enough we became friends. When we discovered that we were both big fans of you two we started writing a crazy story about you guys. Eventually, we created a fan blog together, writing our story, discussing "Benjelle", laughing and getting to know each other. Never knowing that soon enough our blog would be filled with fellow Benjelle lovers. When we began recieving comments on our posts Moose and I couldnt be happier. Then our blog got even more popular when Vixen metioned us. When Vixen mentioned us, the blog blew up. And became the hot spot among the Benjelleys. When this happened I just though. 'Oh cool, I can finally have something to do over the summer!' But it was much more than something to do over the summer. After a while, we began seeing some of the same people who would return to our blog every week. We would chat it up about you guys, how much we loved you, how much we loved the show, how much you loved each other. But as the Benjelle lovers grew, the Benjelle haters grew. Most of them began targeting the blog, calling it a waste of time, a stupid idea. Although, I recieved some nasty comments about our blog, Moose and I continued. Stronger than ever the Benjellers began growing a bond. After the show ended we no longer had to rush to watch what lovey thing you guys would do next, so we became closer and learned more about each other. Sticking up for Benjelle slowly became sticking up for each other. Benjellers became La Benjelle Familia. Even though you guys may not realize it, you have drastically changed peoples lives. Whether it was inspriring someone to continue dancing. Giving others who were depressed something to look forward to, and people to look up to. Or giving us all a second family. We made friendships that can never be broken, and have memories that will live on forever. When we have children, or grandchildren we will look down at them and say. "I remember one summer, I got obsessed with the show so you think you can dance, I remember two people, they were so much fun to watch. Heroes to everyone, they had the purest hearts and the sweetest spirits, and you could never forget his smile and her laugh. What were their names??...Benji and Donyelle."

-Taylor :P
2:50 PM, October 20, 2006
Taylor said...
Erika, your letter had me near tears. That was beautiful.

You and Moose are so lucky that I wasnt lstening to Dark Blue while I read those letters, I would be balling!

-Taylor :P
2:53 PM, October 20, 2006
Izzy_Chadelin said...
taylor i love ur post,it was really sweet.u took the words right out of my mouth*tear*.and in the future i'll always remember them(no grudges from me yall,i'm pretty cool tell my kidz and grandkids and even show them the video of them always on the show.i'll even show them all the pics i saved of them and sytycd(if its still gonna be there by
4:33 PM, October 20, 2006
ray said...
Benji and Donyelle, I cannot thank you enough for what you have given me this summer and into fall. Watching you two grow as dancers, performers, and close friends has been entertaining and inspirational. You two became my favorites right after Too Much Booty, and I was drawn to your indescribable connection before I even knew the term "Benjelle".

Then I happened onto the Fox boards one night after the show and was impressed with how many lives you had touched. I wasn't alone in my respect for you, and many others had inspirational stories as well about how you affected their lives. As I navigated my way through the sea of blogs and message boards, I was continually thrilled at not only the love between you two, but the love your fans have for you and for each other. I quickly became a Benjeller because I thought it was a great way to celebrate the connection and fun that you two have. No matter what the judges said, I found each of your performances moving in one way or another. Your personalities and interactions made me happy when I was recovering from surgery, and getting to know the other Benjellers gave me something to do during that time. I assumed my love for the show and you two would end as the summer did, but I went to the tour and became further addicted. Plus, I have gotten extremely close with fellow fans. While we always talk about whatever "Benjelle" news there is, we have grown as a family beyond that, and we are important parts of each others' lives now. I truly care about each and every one of them, and I don't want to imagine what would have happened if you hadn't caused me to meet them. We are like you two in a way. Although we are radically different, there is something on the inside of us that causes us to feel connected and support each other. For us, it is our appreciation of love. Only you two can say what your special connection is.

Beyond entertaining me and giving me such great friendships, you have both inspired me. Donyelle, I was a fan from the beginning since your audition. There was something about you that I couldn't quite put my finger on, but I was drawn to your dancing and personality. You move so beautifully and you are truly original and fun to watch. Although you have great technique, you remind me that dance is more than technique. Your emotions and performance on stage remind me why I dance. I don't dance so I can pirouette, I dance so I can express myself.
Benji, your dancing ALWAYS puts a smile on my face--you are just so fun! But the way you have inspired me is through your representation of your religion. I disappointedly admit that, since I don't know many Mormons, most of the information I got about them had a negative slant. But you are such a good role model, and I really respect the choices you make. I think people of all backgrounds can look up to you. So basically, you gave me a much better view on your religion. I am relieved not to hold such stereotypes anymore. Thank you.

I was so happy to meet you, Donyelle, at the tour, and Benji, I wish you could have stayed around longer. But that night was one of the best I've ever had. I lost my voice just screaming for TMB! Thank you for coming to Seattle (you're welcome back ANY time!) and for being so humble and appreciative toward your fans.

I wish you two the best as you continue on, and I will be faithfully following your work. Don't forget that a lot of times we only have one chance for what truly matters to us--take this chance. I encourage you to seek opportunities and people that make yourselves as happy as you have made us.

Seattle, WA

8:38 PM, October 20, 2006
bajandancer said...
I don't think i can put into words the extent to which you two have touched me, but as i have no other means of expressing myself in this situation i'll do my best.
I first began watching sytycd bcause I love to dance, so naturally it appealed to me. I had never heard about it before, nor had i seen the first season, but when i saw it advertise i knew i had to watch it.
However, what i experienced through watching the show, and you two more specifically, i never expected. I was instantly captivated when i saw you dance together, watching the two of you dance every week and witnessing the love/friendship/connection you shared became the shining light in my darkest of hours. I found myself rewatching your routines over and over and over and over and over again; learning them by heart and trying to perfect them for hours at a time, usually until around 4 in the morning. Then this routine of mine would start again the following day.
You two became my heroes, my idols and my inspiration.
It was this fascination and enchantment with you two that drew me to various forums, boards, blogs and sites (something which i have never been a part of, or done ever in my life), it is here that i met so many beautiful people who will forever hold places in my heart. I formed friendships and experiences which i will never forget.
I had always known that dancing was my passion and that it was the one thing in my life i knew i loved, but i never allowed myself to embrace this passion. I have always doubted myself, i never saw myself as good enough, and i had just about given up on myself as a dancer. However, watching the two of you dance, was like a revelation for me, a phenomenon. You helped me realize that dancing is what i truly want to do, and thanks to you i am slowly but surely coming out of this phase of self-doubt. My entire outlook on life, my future, and my dancing has changed...i am no longer holding back and setting boundaries for myself. You woke me up to the reality that i CAN do anything i set my mind to...i've always preached it to others, but sadly i never believed in my own words, though thanks to you i do now. The sky is now the limit.

To simply say "Thank You" seems like the biggest understatement i could ever make, but i don't know how else to express my grattitude, and do it justly at that.
Please know that i will be eternally greatful for the many ways in which you have changed my an extent which you will probably never know...but i thank you both so much for it.
Thank You
*oh great now i'm in tears!! gawsh Benjelle y do u guys have to be so freakin awesome!!??*
11:12 PM, October 20, 2006
Taylor said...
omg Bajan! I love you so much. The way you write is so much different than when you are just talking :) Its like there are two different people. Im like...bajan?? Where are the exclemation marks? Where are the caps? ahah but that was a beautiful letter :) Benjelle really is freakin awesome!

omg Rayyy. Your letter was so sweet. Okay so you guys' letter own mine! haha :)

-Taylor :P
5:06 AM, October 21, 2006
Savannah said...
Hey hey Moosey, I PMed you my letter at the fanfic site. IM me if it didn't go through, 'kay?
2:54 PM, October 21, 2006
erika said...
to talyor and moose, thank you bothhh:) i just recently found out that i'll be getting surgery on my foot soon! i have to go to toronto sick kids for a while and ill be away from home but im glad im getting it :)
9:33 PM, October 21, 2006
Moose said...
Yay! Congrats, Erica! *big huggles*
10:28 PM, October 21, 2006
Moose said...
Savannah's Message:

Donyelle and Benji,

I’ve never been a dancer. I mean, I like dance and everything, but it’s just never been a priority of mine – Dancing with the Stars held no interest for me. But I watched So You Think You Can Dance. Maybe it was because my little cousins are both extremely talented dancers, and I like watching videos of their shows. Maybe it was because American Idol is my all time favorite show, and I saw this as just the dance version of that. Maybe it was because it was summer, and I needed a show to get into. Whatever the reason, I tuned in last year. There were a few people that I liked, and that I thought were entertaining, but I didn’t have favorites; I didn’t have anyone I particularly wanted to win. SYTYCD was just an okay show, a way to pass the lazy days of summer.

When SYTYCD came back around this summer, I didn’t think anything of it, and actually changed the channel on the early audition episodes – an action I now really regret, especially when I think back on how the two of you completely redefined my view of the show. Yes, I have other performances that I downloaded and watch over and over – Ivan/Allison’s Sexy Love and Travis/Heidi’s Calling You – but I loved every single performance from you guys. Both of you, Donyelle and Benji, jumped out at me as consummate entertainers from the beginning, and when you were paired together, I knew that your partnership would be nothing less than spectacular.

The way you two dance is amazingly incredible, but what drew me in week after week was your obvious passion for dance, and also how much you two obviously care about each other. (I stand by my claim that your VFW clip was the best pre-performance package of the show’s run) Besides being dance partners, everyone just knew that you were friends, and I’m not shy or ashamed to admit there were many times that we could’ve sworn you were more than friends.

From Too Much Booty to Cuchi-Cuchi - hey, that rhymes...kind of , from the Vietnamese Fighting Waltz to You Can’t Stop the Beat, the two dances you performed the week you were reunited, and finally the breathtaking finale dance (you were AWESOME, no matter what the judges said), the two of you never failed. Week after week, Donyelle and Benji, you made us smile, you made us laugh, and, forgive me if I borrow a line from Cicely - which she said after Travis and Heidi’s contemporary - “you made me fall in love.” Every single time.

I believe Dan Karaty said it best when, after your incredible Vietnamese Fighting Waltz, he said, “You know, for me, the most important thing about dancing is entertaining; it’s about entertaining people. And, with you guys, it doesn’t matter if you’re dancing, or if you’re speaking to the camera, or if you’re just acting stupid, whatever it is you guys are doing, you are the most entertaining couple I’ve really ever seen.”

All my love, hugs, and kisses.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything that you two have done for me this summer.


PS: I’ve got my IPOD on shuffle as I’m writing this, and guess what came on?

“So tell me have you ever really ... really, really ever loved a woman?”
12:08 AM, October 22, 2006
Taylor said...
Aww Erika! Im so happy for you! *huggles x100000000000000*

-Taylor :P
6:03 AM, October 22, 2006
erika said...
thank youuuu:):) and in my post thing, its supposed to be may 2006, i messed up haha
8:01 AM, October 22, 2006

~ Moosey : D ~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Taylor, PM me on the fanfic site as soon as you can, i need help with WMM, i just found it on my computer and i need help!!

Love all the letters, i couldn't think of anything to say, but if i did, i would have sent it!
