Friday, October 20, 2006

Comments I Love

Thanks to Anonymous for your insight (Which is what I've been thinking, so it's good to know I'm not alone), and Blu for making me fall off my chair : D

Anonymous said...
Hi, it's me again "Nony" the SVU-Xfiles fan. I just wanted to give "A Little Perspective" today while I still have the chance. I'm going out of town this weekend and by the time I get back late Sunday evening the ship could've sunk, risen, sunk, and risen again;-).

Well, well, well, Benji has time to post all these pictures but not the Benjelle-gate video....interesting.

I think in the great stare down between C and the Benjellers it's tied 1-1 (she's still an acquaitance of B's I won't give her the true "g-friend" title yet). But no video (yet).

Why? I think deep down in places B doesn't want to admit to quite yet he doesn't want to put the last nail in the coffin of Benjelle.

I'm just speculating on this but I think B's saying these things because other people (and by people I mean anyone: fans, Benjellers, people he knows in his real life, etc) want him to say things he's really not ready to admit yet.

And the way he's choosen to do this is to ret-con things and say that there was never anything between he and D. What does ret con mean? Retro-active contiunity is where a tv show goes back and changes something thats been established a long time (like on the Bold and the Beautiful when Ridge was Eric's son for 10 years on the show and then they brought in a new guy and said Stephanie slept with both Eric and Massimo and didn't know who Ridge's dad was and made Mass Ridge's dad thereby totally changing history - that's ret-conning).

And all I can say to that is "Yeah, right and Oh please." Nobody's going to believe that! Sorry, B!

When he says he doesn't know what's going on between he and D that I believe cause he's sitting in the lead car of the SYTYCD roller coaster. His feelings are probably all over the place. We know he likes C, but he LOVES D.

Everytime he's said something either in an interview or on his blog he's always left the door open for Benjelle. "He has a crush on somebody. He likes both chocolate and vanilla. We love each other very much and in what way is no of your business. Who knows what the future holds?"

Does that sound like somebody who's totally committed to a new girl?

I just don't want B to say anything he isn't ready to admit yet. Because we all know that he's the biggest Benjeller of us all.

So to show your support I think everyone should continue to do what he asked by posting more pictures of his "pretty, pretty, pretty lady" on both B and D's My Spaces. Forrest is still waiting for his Jenny.

And as for Donyelle (who you might envy for getting to dance around with B totally oblivious to the drama around her) well she may love B as a friend. But I think if the day ever came where she says to him "I love you more than just as a friend but in a take me on this stage right now in front of God and this audience you big bad stud kind of love...." well let's just say that I think B would drop C like she was on fire. On fire.

But I'm just saying. Keep writing those fan fics. Keep blogging. Don't abandon ship. Who knows what the future holds?

3:37 PM, October 20, 2006

bluelmolover said...
I think he/they chickened out, actually. Probably because any movie they make will be of them touching all over each other while murmuring softly "we're just friends...just friends...". Prooooobably not too good at looking like they're not a couple. lol.

If they do do the video, I will pretty wowed. Benji, this ain't a challenge, ;-}

4:53 PM, October 20, 2006


~ Moosey ~


Anonymous said...

great thoughts..but I disagree with the idea to leave more pretty pics. Let the guy be for a little while. I think he is feeling way too pressured. Let him work things out as he needs to, it's his life. I want him to be with Donny too, but pushing him won't help.

Taylor said...

take me on this stage right now in front of God and this audience you big bad stud kind of love....

OMG OMG OMG! This had me rollin! That completely made my day, that was way too funny! HAHAHAH! Omigosh, Im still giggling stupidly!! <333 Loved that!

BIG BAD STUD!! BIG BAD WOLF! BIG BAD BENJI! OMG!! haha! Big bad stud! I think I just found my new myspace headline!

-Taylor :P

Jo-Dean said...

LOL taylor, great comments...... I'm patiently waiting to see what the future holds..