My sister was stalking Benji's myspace page and someone posted this hot picture in his comment box. Oh I can hear the fangirls drooling now! :)
...WHY DONNY WHY?!?!?! hehe
-Taylor :P
Posted by
4:26 PM
What should happen with Benji and Donyelle after this season of 'So You Think You Can Dance' concludes...
Thank you so much Taylor for posting this. I seriously cannot see how he even wonders if he's hot or not. Benji is HOTT! :D I love him to pieces.
This picture has boosted my optimism a bit (especially since T has posted another blog attacking the benjellers .. he calls it "a blog for cRaZy messages"). Whatever, I'm pretty happy in Benjelle land.
Once again, thank you Taylor for this pic. It has taken me away to the land of Schwimmer! Lol .. "WHY DONNY WHY???" Lol :D
Does anyone know how Benji hurt his hand?
Lol, taylor
lol HEAR us drooling? mmmhhhhm the benji is sexyness. <3
Yeah, I've seen that pic before. The guy next to him's pretty hot, too ; )
~ Moosey ~
Can you guys put up some vids and pics from the GA tour!!
Yeah, nancy, I'm wondering what happened to his hand....
dayyyummm if D doesnt CTB soon I will!
LOOKKK at benji's myspace!!
there is a pic of him and donny talking in front of the fans!!
i don't know whey this is so exciting... BUT I LOVESSS IT
Ben hurt his hand on Travis' clothes in the Tranji or something. It's in Benji's forums.
I guess a half nekkid Benji is better than nothing, right? lol
In case anyone haven't noticed Benji "girl" just change her status from "single" to "in a relationship" =(
I guess Benji will be posting a blog soon.
great, =( i'm not sure if i'm prepare to hear this *sigh*
wat's this talk about benji's hand...i come here 4 all my benji news and there's no hand scared... y...y....Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....benji!!!!!!!!!!!!...ok ok ok i got a little rambunctious there...its cool now
qt, the hand issue is being discussed verbatim on Benji's myspace. You're more likely to get the full information there and you don't even need a myspace account to do it.
DARN!! Benji's in a relationship ... *cries a little* jk .... it's fine ... *takes deep breath*. I'm good! Yay Benjelle!!!!
*falls on floor and cries* it's been fun
Don't give up anon!! It's alright. Stay on the ship!!!
*falls on floor and cries*
that's exactly my situation..T_T
OK Moosey & Tay Tay smiles here: I found this that someone created for myspace page for us Benjellers too.
It was noted on the Dancing w/Caviar Idols Forum.
Check it out I wouldn't abandon your page don't worry but just thought you guys may want to know about this and post it. What do you guys think about joining? I'm not gonna abandon ship so ha to you know who? haha!
ok I too fall on the floor and cry! boo hoo :( says smiles but who knows what will happen in the future. Only time will tell about these two.. Ahhh Donny why is all I can say? Ugh... Benji you still rock! woo hoo! hehe
I'm not sure if you've noticed, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Benji's changed his status to "In a Relationship" (I'm shaking here).
i'm sorry but i dont care lol. even if they got married to other people i'd still be a shipper lol. they're still awesome together whether they are romantically involved or not :D (but it'd be awesome if they were!!)
well i don't think benji changed his status to "in a relationship"
only because he feels kind of lonely. i don't think he is a kind of man.
and soldiers?
he called benjellers his soldiers?
when? where?
i need some information about that.
plz answer me.
cocoa80, I don't know what is meant by that, and if I did know, I wouldn't tell you...;-)
thanx camden
No problem, qt.
i don't even know what to say right now. benji really needs to update. somebody has to tell us something. :(
What more can he say? I think the change in relationship status says it
I'm getting pretting ?!*@Z depressed on Mondays. There's always some shocking news coming from the land of Benji,(the spokesman for the BENJELLE) He says he loves us and has good things to tell us soon; we're his little soldiers. If we are, what path is he leading us down. Are we drinking from his vino of kindness and love..His flock of Benjelles?.. How many more days before the end of the tour. Why the rush to make it official, the relationship I mean. Clowning is no excuse. "I was only on TV" is no excuse. I know I am only ONE unimportant fan of sytycd - but I have feelings too. I guess it wasn't wine that I drank but a good size papercup of Jamestown koolaid. First & always a Donyelle Jones fan. I voted for her everyweek.
I'm getting pretting ?!*@Z depressed on Mondays. There's always some shocking news coming from the land of Benji,(the spokesman for the BENJELLE) He says he loves us and has good things to tell us soon; we're his little soldiers. If we are, what path is he leading us down. Are we drinking from his vino of kindness and love..His flock of Benjelles?.. How many more days before the end of the tour. Why the rush to make it official, the relationship I mean. Clowning is no excuse. "I was only on TV" is no excuse. I know I am only ONE unimportant fan of sytycd - but I have feelings too. I guess it wasn't wine that I drank but a good size papercup of Jamestown koolaid. First & always a Donyelle Jones fan. I voted for her everyweek.
Wow, Anon. You're aging yourself with the Jim Jones reference, and it's not a reference random enough for anyone to just google out of the blue. Subtle, much? lol
Anyway, despite the fact that you seem to hate Benji with the passion a thousand burning sons, welcome!
Hey you guys notice this. It was a comment that Camela left on her friends myspace page.
"Hey love. Yeah, I actually was pretty upset that I didn't get to say good bye to a lot of the family... pretty sad situation. but at the same time, it's hard for me to BE home, so which one I should go with i don't know.
...So anyways, I love you.
and Benji and I are doing pretty awesome... he's amazing Ray. I'm pretty much head over heels for him already. he's just what I've always wanted... it's almost unreal how perfect he is in my life right now.
you? You doing good? "
Yep. Read that a few days ago.
the news keep on getting worser and worser =(
I'm still on board the ship. Benji loves Donyelle - exhibit A: Donyelle's video. Exhibit B: we're his soldiers.
Sail on.
sorry if im slow, but heres another one i found that she posted
"sarah, I love him. it's crazy but I love him!! "
Anon @ 1:16pm - I have to agree that Benji's reaction to Donyelle on the video was very telling! You can't fake feelings like that.
And you saw how fast his tone/attitude changed when he realized that it was Tahir's camera and that it was going up on her myspace.
Thats such sad news.
Btw, there's a benjelle fanspace now
Is Benji's gf out on tour with them?
I saw this comment she posted on her friend's page.
9/9/2006 1:03 PM
the east coast is BEAUtiful... just love it, and I"ll probably be here until december! how's you doin?
Anon, from what I can tell, she was on the east coast before the tour started....;-)
Camden399 in reference to jim jones - you got me. I'm 40 or 46 or a graduate student, or I was the sweet 88yr old YOUNG lady wearing black leather pants at the phoenix concert. Sorry Nat - I was lookin at Dmitry. All he has to do is stand there and look like a chappendale. Donny and I have that in common. I don't hate B. - but WHEN's he gonna give donyelle a big wet kiss. Donyelle friend #5555 and Benjeller true and true
When is Benji going to give Donyelle a big, wet kiss? Most likely after Donyelle gives Benji a big, wet kiss.
Benji AND Donyelle fan #5 and Benjeller for life.
trivial info. Benji now #5 in Donyelle's myspace. Nice drawing of Benji
Yep. I see Bigfoot is making updates.
That man has some serious security issues. Maybe he should ask Donyelle for some money so he can get a therapist...LOL.
If Bigfoot is an IT (Information Technology) major as claimed in various rumors, he should be making enough money to pay for his own therapy.
Oh my! So much news to catch up on! Thanks you guys! *huggles* You are the best readers EVER!!
-Taylor :P
Ill go post all this new stuff on the blog :)
lol, maybe he does need a therapist. He's got a few problems.
"Doc, my girl's in love with another man, what should I do?"
Okay, leaving him alone for the next 20 minutes, then I'm back.
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