Thursday, October 12, 2006


I got an anonymous email...
In literature it has been a fact that some writers say compose a story or work saying one thing meaning something different. Some people understand the formula of hidden meanings in writing.
The author deliberately disguises meanings.
Now re-read the answers to Benji's questions with the above formula in mind.

1. Is Benji single? answer....yes. Of course he is - he's not married yet.
2. For how long? answer....who knows? - basic answer - who knows?
3. Does Benji have a girlfriend? answer.... not at the moment, no ;( - this one is funny because he contradicted himself by saying that he had a special someone - so he had to back peddle with it by saying he's still 'single' in order to keep her under wraps and get the heat off his fine booty.
4. Does Benji have a crush on a girl? answer...yes. -duh - why didn't he say a NEW girl - never once said that she is someone new in his life.
5. Do Benji and Donyelle love each other? answer... yes, very much so. - why in the heck would he put that one right AFTER the do i have a crush on a girl. and a crush? come on!!! you're 22 years old - crushes are usually reserved for people who are young or ARE UNAVAILABLE AT THE MOMENT.
6. In what way? answer... that's for us to know. He He - if he was straight about everything and it was just BFF he would have said she is my sister and wouldn't play coy because “____”'s people read the blog too and no man is that secure.
7.. Was I spotted dating someone in Washington D.C. as reported by the rumors? yes - big whoop - I have gone on 'dates' with my guy friends who have girlfriends, big deal - and the family was in town - he was with his female cousin.

8. With who? not telling. - Do we look that stupid?
9. What size shoe is Benji? One of my feet is larger then the other by a smidgen...size varies from 9.5-11.5 – who wants to know that? Really? Heh, heh...............
13. Is Benji an active Mormon?.... yes!!!! ctr!!! - he had better be - it means the world to him and has molded who he is.
16. Is Benji a virgin? YES and a Half!!! haha -of course he is - he's also a twenty-two year old man and is most likely on fiya most of the time.
17. Is he waiting till marriage? YEP – Of course, he's waiting to marry 'her'.

19. Chocolate or vanilla? Both!!! hehe - someone is thinking Baskin Robbins - but the Shipmates and all black women know whats up
20. Making anything clearer for most people? nope probably not. - because no one but the shipmates got the MEANING OF WHAT HE WAS SAYING

21. Did Benji read the message board blogs during the tv show? unfortunately, yes...Travis and i would be on them at night all the time laughing at the rumors and then kinda get sad by some of them...but we usually don't go there anymore. although rock on for the great support on there for the tour! - HE'S A LIAR!!! AND A BAD ONE. He said at the beginning "visited the boards and laughed my head off at the ideas people were coming up with." Now I never thought of myself as slow or retarded but if I am looking at this correctly, he just contradicted himself.
In conclusion - leave this new girl Tamilan whose real name is Camela ALONE. She's innocent and I hope that she doesn't get harrassed by over-zealous Fanjis. She ain't worth the speculation anyway...........
Fight for REAL LOVE as its patient and takes TIME, something we can't force.
I'm going to make me a slurpee.

Srry guys, I wont be online for a long time :*( Byee :(

-Taylor :P


Anonymous said...


Some of us have already read between the lines in his answers and are staying on the ship. The folks jumping ship? Only see what they want to see, and are ready to jump at the first sign of an ocean wave. I really hope no one is bothering Cam, as she seems like a nice kid.

Anonymous said...

Made me feel better, but it's gonna take a lot to mend my broken heart. But thanks for that it helped.

Anonymous said...

yea i agree with anon 1

please no one bother this girl, it makes us shippers look bad

and really guys, that girl seriously looks like Heidi lol

but i'm not jumping, all of benji's actions in the past week are contradictory and it's making me have doubts that it's all over.... maybe i'm just delusional but i'm handcuffed to the railing of this ship and i threw the key overboard :)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, mizzglib. People seem to be forgetting that after Benji states he's not going to name names, he puts this up his myspace the very next day? Right after Monday's Bermuda Triangle? Either he's stupid or he's the bravest man on the freaking planet.

As for the folks jumping ship based on his myspace top friends? If yesterday is any indication of how most Benjelles will react, all hell will REALLY break loose if Benji puts a pic of his dog in the second spot on his

Anonymous said...

ok she looks a little like Heidi too :-) But hey people don't hate I mean this poor girl didn't do anything wrong. I'm not saying your are hating her but be nice. That's all :) And we know he still loves Donny & will always love her because as dancers and that experience deep connection they shared was more deep than anyone can understand or realize. Having a bf who is also a dancer too that type of REAL connection no one can take that away no matter what it transends boyfriend/girlfriend its more like soulmates intertwined. Don't feel bad Benjellers I'm a Benjeller too! - Smiles

Anonymous said...

Donyelle has Benji at number four on her page. You know who is first. Maybe Benji is trying a new tactic--being available hasn't worked so far, and now he's trying not being available. Just a theory...

onlyhuman13 said...

has anyone watched the video donyelle posted on her myspace today?? the beginning rocks. annnd then it kinda gets =(... i'm about halfway done w/ it. Pretty funny though.

onlyhuman13 said...

The video is hilarious. Not enough Benji... but yeah bridg8781.. I agreee. I've come to the conclusion that I'll never jump ship.. But they're pretty cute together. And they look happy. And happiness is the key.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a myspace account. What is on the video? Really I think Benji and Donny are shaking their heads at everyone for all the rumors and speculation. They each have someone else in their lives who are obviously important to them, and though they don't want to ruin everyone's dreams and wishes, they want to make it clear that they are not together.

Anonymous said...

If you don't have MS, it's here:

Anonymous said...

But you really need to look at that vid. People look a bit tense...

Anonymous said...

i like the beginning. travis is a contortionist, i haven't finished ityet, it's kinda has it's momments though...

Anonymous said...

fun video! me likey for the most part. Dima and his bag o' makeup, heidi and her gas, marf marf, ally & natre-enacting musa's ejection. i missing anything...?

onlyhuman13 said...

personally.. I liked Benji hiding in his sweatshirt and calling Donny "pretty pretty". Hehe.

Anonymous said...

one more thing: i loved the blog posting slip :) i only posted 1...a couple blogs... ooops :p

Anonymous said...

runaxelrun: i'm gonna get shippy for a sec: did you like how he greeted her when he turned around to see her? if you didn't know any better...

onlyhuman13 said...

Oh, definitely, Ryan. It pretty much made me melt. Yes, if you didn't know any better....

Anonymous said...

Oh, and T? If you're reading and you posted that vid (yeah, we know it was you) to get us to like you and see you as a kind and gentle person? It backfired. I'm not going to get into how it backfired, but let me leave you with words of advice - 'video editing is your friend'. Remember that next time, k?

Anonymous said...

Anon up above...I love you.

Anonymous said...

since i havent talked to any of my "family" recently (since the tamilam or w/e thing), i had to talk to my brother about the recent benjelle news. his unbiased opinion (he actually doesnt like benjelle) is that b is having a hard time waiting for D (what guy wouldnt?), so he's experimenting/dating a little bit. why shouldnt he, when donyelle is blatantly seeing someone else, and does not look like she's planning to stop? but b's increased affection to her (cheek kiss, etc. you all know it)is his way of showing her that he'll always be there for her, and showing her just because he's dating someone else doesnt mean he doesnt love her. it's the jenny/forrest thing. who knows what the future holds--they will always be in each others lives & i/we have to have more patience. it would be ridiculous to ask them to be together RIGHT NOW. in the video, tahir did not seem like a bad guy, and he caused a few donny laughs, which is always good :). i havent jumped ship, but like kemi, i'm just kinda relaxing on a deck chair and watching the commotion. instead of crying over them not dating each other right now, i'd rather celebrate their happiness and really close personal "romantic and magical" friendship. things will change.

Anonymous said...

ray, I like your attitude

Anonymous said...

thanks, truth! anyone care to join me? i used my towel to reserve the deck chair next to mine. i also have seasickness pills for anyone feeling bad.