Yay Photoshop!
Hey guys!
Don't worry, I'm not being bitchy any more, lol.
Okay, so after (literally) dozens of prototypes (Mostly because this is my first time ever using photoshop, and I kept making little mess-ups that I couldn't undo)... I have a blend! Now, being the profectionist I am, I'm not 100% satisfied, but I've spend about 8 hours now slaving over every little detail and effect, so, for the sake of my sanity, I stopped myself. Please let me know what you think! (I put up small versions so it wouldn't cut it off, so click to see the big ones - Except with the avatar.)
Personally, I think it's a little amateurish and all over the place... But, I dunno, that might just be that I'm overly critical of myself (Readers of "Behind The Wall": See? After all the scolding comments I've recieved for being so self-depricating, I'm attempting to get better about that :D). I will admit that I think it's infinitely better than the first (and only other) blend I ever made:

I do like this one, but it's just a little too simple... I mean, it's one soling picture, with two others just stuck on top of it... No effects or anything... But I owe the slightly elevated spiffyness of my new blend to Photoshop (I made the Kermit one on AppleWorks - A Word Processor for Mac that's great for writing essays, but not quite so fantastic in terms of photo-editing), *sigh* I only wish I had the money to buy the actual program, since my free trial will run out in 29 days : (.
Also (Since I'm using this to change my set on the fanfic site - Which, right now, is the Kermit banner, and a drawing I did of a crazy Moose on AppleWorks Painting), here's an avatar I cut from one of my prototype banners:
I love this effect, too, but it didn't work out as a whole. I also had the picture of Treidi putting their hands together through the bench in every version but this one, but it ended up sorta blocky, and so I went for one of my second favorite moments from that dance, when she uses her foot to get the sunflower from his hand (It's kind of hard to tell what that's a picture of).
Oh yeah! Haha, and the entire premisce of the blend, by the way, is that it's a moment from the dance that sort of started the entire shipping craze for each couple (Benjelle, Ivason, Treidi, and Kamcey). I wanted to add another Season Three couple, but I couldn't find any pictures of any of my other favorite couples that would fit with the rest of it.
'Shrimp' So I'll stop ranting about it, now (I've had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Dr. Pepper this morning :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D).
Hehe, pleeeeeeeeeeease comment!
~ Moosey ~
EDIT: Sorry about the words going down next to the blends. It's annoying, but it won't let me fix it. Gr.
KKD TRUCK OF DOOM REPRESENT! *throws up da roc*
wow...that first one is INCREDIBLE. the other ones are awesome too, but the first one has captivated me..
and of course the KKD truck...yeaha!!!
Ooooh. I love them all!! Way better than what I've attempted today with my free "paint.net"... But I love the first one especially too!
aw, shucks guys :*
ooh, paint.net... i've tried that.. nooooot easy to work with. even appleworks (which i used on the kermit/kkd one) made me go, like, pixel by pixel, and doesn't have any effects whatsoever.. goodluck!
thanks a ton and nice big mwah!
ITS DA R-O-C!!!! =D
That's really good, especially for your first one! Mine was like crap on a stick. o_o
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