Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Parents Just Don't Understand

Alright, so I was laying down, watching the show with my family, and I don't even remember what her was saying, but my dad said... "I remember that Benji and his partner."

Dead God, I swear I litterally sat bolt upright and screamed, "HIS PARTNER???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And then my mom (Who always walks right into my room whenever the bleep she feels like it) came in and looked at my computer screen, where I was making a blend on Photoshop, and she made this really obnoxious sound (She thinks everything I do is a waste of time) and sighed, then said, "Don't be obsessive!" and stormed out.

Now, I know I sound like a whiny teenager, but the first thing was just plain blasphemous... Even my sister was outraged :-).. And the second was my mom being a crazy drama queen, and trying to piss me off, as always.

lol, Don't worry, I'm not really going ballistic over this... I'm just in general in a pissy mood about life being crappy : D.

I'll write about the actual show when (if) I finish my blend (This is my first time using Photoshop).


~ Proud to Be Obsessed Moosey ~


Anonymous said...

aww i feel bad for you. i used to annoy my parents and family with it. but now my sister even likes the show, and so does my aunt, my aunt watches it sometimes, and my dad knows not to ask to change the channel when im watching the show, lol. it wasnt really like this last year.. i dunno. but my mom thinks im obsessed too, haha i always have little "phases".

so hang in there! im sure alot of other SYTYCD fans have had similar situations.

Anonymous said...

I had a "you know you're obsessed when..." moment at work today. I was doing a profile check on the DVDs, making sure they all had Rs (which mean replenish) on the back. One of the DVDs was Grease and I did a double take when a checked it cause for a split second I thought I saw Donny on the back. But alas it was Olivia Newton-John dancing in the frilly yellow dress and not Donny. XD I just laugh and shook my head at myself.

Anonymous said...

aw don't worry moosey. we benjellers have faced so much adversity, so it is understandably frustrating when it comes from under our own roofs. but it takes a special kind of person to still be in love with benjelle, so good job being proud of that.

i understand about the blasphemy; my parents are certain that benji is in the closet, which definitely puts a damper on my benjelley moods.
"but he's in love with donyelle!" doesnt really work as logic against that for them.

geeez wade is a god.

Moose said...

haha, well they just don't know what's good ; )

they even like the show, but they make all these comments that completely drive me crzy through the entire thing, and half the time (when it involves benjelle) i want to scream, "but they're in love, damnit!" but, somehow, i don't think that would help my case much.

Taylor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Taylor said...

eff. i deleted my own comment. o_o

Taylor said...

No need to argue, parents just don't understand. na na, they don't understaaand. nah nah, they don' understand. =]

Unknown said...

popo baba.
(thats poor baby in Philipino... I think...)

Anonymous said...

My parents no longer think I'm obsessed, but they yell at me when i watch the recorded show everyday :)

Moose said...

haha, last season, we recorded every episode, and i'd spend my entire day in the den (which was incredible, considering how much that room freaks me out at night... it's just plain creepy) watching the videos over and over!