Sorry guys, I know I've gone into that same rabid state that I was in last year when Allison was eliminated... But, hey, it's not like we have any Benjelle news, anyway.
So, on the subject of my beloved Jesúra...
Once again, if you have any pictures from their dances, please let me know. I have a few, but they're not great, so I'd like to have some better ones for the blend I'm gonna make.
In the mean time, I did make a blend of just Sara (Click for bigger picture), since she has a fanpage on both facebook and MySpace (Jesús, unfortunately, has neither), and thus had many more accessable pictures. Comments are always appreciated : D

Finally, I made a facebook cause: "WWJD: Why Would Jesús Dance?" Basically, it's in honor of him as an inspiration, and trying to help him out with what he said was his ambition (Giving back to society, Paying It Forward, etc.). I'm asking the people who join to hold some sort of dance bennefit (Whether it be a formal dance showcase, or just you and your friends dancing around your house) as a fundraiser to donate the money to us (Via the button on the Cause page - We never come in contact with the money, in case you're worried it won't really go to charity), which then goes directly to our nonprofit bennefactor (I tried to choose one closest to what Jesús wanted to do, which was to give back to children): Hispanic Scholarship Fund (Currently, only about 9% of the Hispanic population graduates from college). Anywho, please join if you have a facebook... If you don't have a facebook, you should consider getting one, cause it generally kicks MySpace's butt (Though I have a MySpace, too) :-P. Also, there's a lot more information on the actual site.
Anywho, here's the link: < h t t p : / / a p p s . f a c e b o o k . c o m / c a u s e s / v i e w _ c a u s e / 5 8 6 5 ? r e c r u i t e r _ i d = 1 1 8 2 8 1 6 >
Please go take a look : )
~ Moosey ~
awesome blend Mooseykins! Love it!
I will sooo miss Jesura. I will supply some Canadian ammo to the bean Nigel with food cause...Timbits! small round and when stale, very painful to be hit with!
I like this one too! (I saw the other one first :P) You have good photoshop sense!
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