Sunday, June 03, 2007

La Benjelle Familia Montages

Hey Everybody!

Well, first of all, I must point out that this is officially our 900th post on this blog! In the spirit of such, I'd just like to send out a big Moose lick to everyone in La Familia, past or present. We love you all!

In addition, Taylor and I have been discussing what sorts of stuff we want to do to revive our blog over the summer. Fortuitously enough, we each had our own ideas for a montage we wanted to make, and we need your help!

Mine is one that I want to send to Benji and Donyelle to show them how much they've inspired us all. For that reason, I want to try to get video clips of as many of the Familia as I can... DANCING! Whether you're a dancer, or not, I'd love it if you could do something to be represented... Even if it's just the Hokey Pokey! I mean, I'd love to be able to work with some clips of some of you really, truly amazing dancers seriously showing off your craft, but I want to include some sillyness too, so... Just make it whatever you're capable of. Now, I doubt all of you just have videos of yourselves dancing sitting around on your desktop, so I know there would be some work involved, but, PLEASE, if you can, just have someone take a video of you with a digital camera (Or whatever), and put it on your computer to send me. I would be forever greatful! .Mov, .Avi, etc. type files are easily opened on my computer, but I can hopefully find a way to convert whatever form you can get it to me in. Please tell me in a comment if you think you can get me a video, and email me at < b e a t l e m a n i a c 3 5 7 @ y a h o o . c o m > when you have a file to send. Thank you so much! I think this can be really great if you guys can help me out : D.

Also, Taylor had her own idea for a montage, which is also destined for amazingness! She's been wanting to make a picture montage/slideshow of La Familia, with all of our voices talking about the other people in it. I don't know if I'm explaining this well, but I think it will be equally cool if we all help her pull that one off. I don't know exactly how she wants to work this out, so you'll have to talk to her about that, but doesn't it sound cool?



~ Moosey ~


Anonymous said...

well it just so happens that i took a video of me dancing thier You Can't Stop The Beat. I'll look like a huge idiota but thats ok hahah! me n chicky should get together and make a dancing one tooo!! i like this idea moosey!! you are brilliant!

Moose said...

Yay! Thanks Veevee! Mwahzzles!

Anonymous said...

me dancing= not to pleasant...
but I like your idea, very original

Anonymous said...

I can, Moosey, if you wait for me! This week is pretty hectic (prom, finals), but in a week I should be getting a DVD of me dancing.
This is such an awesome idea; I love both of them!
Please wait, haha! As soon as I get the DVD I will figure out how to send file to you.

Moose said...

Hehe, Anonymous, don't worry, I'm not so much a dancer either. I mean, next to writing, dance is my heart... But I can't really do it for medical reasons, so, basically... I suck. lol.

Yay Ray! I'm so excited to see you in action!

Moose said...

Ooh, and sorry 'bout school; that's icky. I've been out since May 24th, but we started on August 15th, so yeah... Good luck on finals!

Anonymous said...

I have some stuff of me dancing. YAY! But it would be awesomer if me and veevee did somethin togethahh! (AKA YOU CAN'T STOP THE BEAAAAAAAT!)

Anonymous said...

mooose this is so so happy you have decided on this...i cant wait to see how its going to come out...yay!

Taylor said...

YAAAYYYY! Moose your idea rocks my socks. =]
mwuah, yours is so much cooler than mine, seriously. <3 I'm going to tape a video of me doing the sexyback dance. :D

And I have to figure out about the picture montage thingy. I was thinking, maybe I could use the dancing clips and like mute them and use those as well as pics. hmm. yes. But it'll only work if you guys tape a talking thingamabobber. haha, I highly doubt that anyone knows what I'm talking about so I'll post a blog about it.


Moose said...

Hehe, for mine I'm gonna swing dance with my sister, and maybe do a little of Ramalama :-P.

Hm, I dunno. You can use the clips if you want, but it might be easier to set them apart if the one with everyone talking is kind of more a slideshow, instead of just the same montage twice. That and I doubt everyone will send me their clips, so the focus in yours wouldn't really be equally spread out among those with video, and those who only have pictures. I dunno, it's your choice though, since it's your montage.

And *cough cough*, in case I haven't mentioned this enough to everyone, you should totally send me clips. It doesn't have to be right away, since i have to tape myself, too... But maybe sometime in the next week-ish, or, if you can't get it to me in that time, let me know so I know not to make the montage before I get your video to include. Ray's already let me know, and I'm definitely going to wait until she gets those DVDs back : D.