Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Highlights From The Show

Aw jeez, what do I even say? EVERYONE kicked some pretty fiiiiiine ass tonight *sizzle*. I mean, nobody can ever beat last year's cast in my heart, but everyone this year is unbelievably talented, most are pretty damn charismatic, and, let's face it, they're all hot. 'shrimp' So... Some great parts for me (Though, unlike Taylor, I can never remember to take notes, so I've forgotten it all).

1) Mia: "I love birds!"
2) Nigel (While being gangsta): "Like you's the greatest thing since sliced bread..."
3) Benji's heart sticker.
4) Tyce is a sexy, sexy man.
5) Allison working with Tyce and Kacey (I'm sorry, that is just too much amazingness together at once... I might explode.................... KABLOOEY!)
6) Buddy and his electric sign.
7) The four little boys that I saw in the audience. The first booed a judge about Cedric, the second was just plain cute as he waved to the camera, the third had a sign saying he loves Anya, and the fourth looked like he'd rather die than be sitting there watching dance.
8) Mia telling all the booing preteen girls (I think you have to be 14 to get in, but most still looked 12 or younger) to shutup. I mean, I boo along in my head a lot, but tonight, and usually, Mia's advice was entirely constructive. There were a few times last year when she was outright mean, but she hasn't been this season. Besides, half the time I seriously want to rip those girls' heads off for screaming so obnoxiously through all the performances. It's one thing to do that on tour when everyone most likely knows all the dances by heart, but another on the actual show. And even when there's a really amazing move, I don't mind the screaming... Just the constant, deafening drone of it drives me whacko.
9) Tyce is a sexy, sexy man.
10) Sarah is really, really gorgeous! I mean, I've always thought she was adorable, but dang, she's hot :-P!
11) Mia: "Your hands have a dance of their own."
12) When Neil was talking about how he and his twin started dancing because their best friend in preschool did... lol..
13) Cat: "Or as Donyelle would say, "Vietnamese Waltz!" Hehe, I'm so garsh darn loyal... Every time they said "Viennese Waltz" I kept 'correcting' them, so that made me smile. I wish they would have zoomed in on Benji for that, though.
14) Jesús was great in their pre-dance video. I'd say they're one of my favorite couples (And they are), but I could say that about most of the couples... So hard to choose!
15) When the music for the Paso Doble came on... I just started laughing, lol. But as I watched, I actually thought it worked pretty well! It had that Paso beat to it, which I neeeeeever would have noticed.
16) I want that SYTYCD garb!
17) Tyce is a sexy, sexy man.
18) Mia: "Have you had any formal training?" (Sarah shakes her head no) "Well, in that case, you were fabulous."
19) Nigel: "Have you ever danced in heels?!"
20) Mia: "How do you feel?" Dominic: "......Scared.........."
21) Uggggggggh, I distinctly remember that there was some other comment I really wanted to add on, but I DON'T remember what it was... *shrug*


~ Moooooooseh ~


Anonymous said...

I didnt get to watch it tonight!

*pouts* stupid tivo.

Who did what and who was really good and what not?

Anonymous said...

i loved lauren and neil, jessi and pasha...and...hmm, who did i forget? oh yeah

KAMCEY!!!!!! love em. tons...

and wasn't mila that little girl benji supported? i saw on lacey's myspace that she died a few days ago--that's very sad. :(

Anonymous said...

the judges raved about danny AGAIN! aka "grasshopper". i was scratching my head cuz nobody can dance the vietnamese waltz like the benjelle.

jesuz rocked to paso doble

the birdie dance made me cry. the judges liked it too.

CandiceB said...

could the last comment possibly have been that Tyce is a sexy sexy man? or DANGER!!! (insert jazz hands).

Anonymous said...

haha i loved that show! yeah its so hard to pick favorites!! but i think my fave couple is sara and jesus.. but eeeeeek i like alot of the others too!

omg i loved nigel's "sliced bread" comment hahaha. and i want the shirts that shauna and jimmy wore!!! with SYTYCD on them!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

silas: the worst couple IMO was cedric and his partner.. his partner did well but cedric.. ugh no offense to people who like him but i just wanna see him go. the best... well there were alot of really good performances but the best were sara & jesus's paso doble, and sabra & dominic's birdy dance, and pasha & jessi's hip hop. kamcey looked good, but not as good as last week was.. well compared to some of the other people who danced this week. but i dont think they're in the danger zone.

my prediction for danger:
- cedric & faina (obvious)
- hok & jaimie (eck...)
- danny & anya (no one can do the 'vietnamese waltz' like benjelle!)

i think cedric is going home but idk about the girl..

Unknown said...

oh so NOW everyones jumpin on the Jesus bandwagon eh?!

you all can love him as much as you'd like but keep in mind that I called him at the beginning of auditions.

...I really love Neil just because of that hip hop routine. he freakin rocked it. Lauren was unnecessary for me.

I was a little turned off by the music in the Paso Doble but once I got past it I realized they did a really good job... or at least Jesus did. Jesus OWNED that paso.

I'm a little afraid thought cause on DialIdol it says that Jesus and Sara are gonna be in the bottom 3 ><

Taylor said...

hahahah. Jesus bandwagon. =D that just made my day.

Anonymous said...

i was so sure they would make a comment when danny and anya got the viennese waltz that they would maention benjelle's passion and stuff because i really didn't see the chemistry between danny and anya.. but all i got was a little line from cat =(
thier broadway from chicago!! i love that movie besides

Anonymous said...

13). me too, moose! i wish they had showed benji for that, and i wonder if he was thinking about his own VFWs.

i got the dvd of my dancing, so how do i get clips to you? technically challeneged.

Moose said...

Ry: Ummmm, I actually don't know. Is it actually in the form of a DVD, or is it, like, a CD with video files? If it's the latter, you can just send me the files, but otherwise I'd say you'll have to ask a more technical person :/

CandiceB said...

I really liked Dominic and Sabra. My faves were Dominic & Sabra, Kamcey and Jesus & Sara.

Ps. ....Kameron is hooooot. Love him!

Anonymous said...

haha dominic and sabra's reaction to being safe!! i loved that!!

Anonymous said...

AWWWW MANNN jimster left =(
i liked all the bottom 3 guys tonight.. so sad =*(
did you see cedric at the end?? he was all sobbing like

Unknown said...

oh my.

well... Shauna & Cedric are going next week. its a shame though... Shauna's solo was incredible!

XDDD Dominic & Sabra's reaction was priceless. I was curling over laughing then I stopped and was like "...isnt this a 'family' show?"

Anonymous said...

LOL oh man..if only dominic and sabra's priceless reaction had been benjelle. i would die

moose: it's in a DVD form. anyone else know how i can send it to moose?

Moose said...

oh my god, benjelle rolling around on the floor all dirty-like would be a damn freekin' hot godsend, people!

