Mkay, so for a while I've been pondering the idea of making a La Benjelle Familia tribute montage. It would be like, a picture montage with commentary, and the commentary would be from other Benjellers (of La Familia). I'm guessing that I would order it by age, or randomly, or whatever, but we could each tape ourselves talking about another Familia member. Well, not just one, all of us. Like, I would tape myself talking (Good things! haha) about Moose, and all the cool stuff that happens, and one about Ceecee, and Ray, and Bridgey, etc. Some of the earlier Benjellers might not know the later Benjellers, for instance, Medina might not know that much about Silas, or any of the other Familia members. Mostly just Dominique and I, so she would just have to make commentary for me and Cee. You don't actually have to tape yourself talking about the familia...you can record an audio if you want, or if you want you can just tape yourself. lol. I won't really use the video part that much, it's mostly the audio...because it's a picture montage...chyeah. And so, tell me what you guys think about this. I know most of La Familia is busy, and some of us are still in school at this point, but if you make the video I shall love you even more than I already do. =] squeee!
Okay so just in case you've forgotten (hee, sometimes I do) here are the La Benjelle Familia members. [the more recent ones. not the familia members from like way back when. ha.]
1. Kemi
2. Ora
3. Bridget
4. Rachel
5. Dominique
6. Mary
7. Veronica
8. Taylor
9. Hannah
10. Medina
11. Belzy Bop. (no idea what her real name is. I'm a terrible person =P)
12. Jordan
That's all I can think of right now. I wanted to do Ryan but she's in Spain so...I highly doubt that It'll work out. -complications-
Yeah, I hope this turns out well. :)

Oh, btw. If you really can't get anything close to an audio tape you can leave a comment on my voice recorder and I'll tape it onto my mp3 player. That'll work perfectly too. =]
*rushes off to tape sexyback dance* hahah. <3
-Taylor :P
Yay, I'm glad we're both doing these!
Her real name is Bella, by the way.
And I know they're not around here much anymore, but I have to say I love Candice, Thallie, Silas, Seosy, and all those girls to death, as well. Though I don't know if anyone else really got to know Candice and Thallie as much as I did.
Oh, and Savannah, but I don't think she ever really came here.
AHHHH taytay your voice thing keeps cutting me off!!! i think i've left like 5 messgaes for you on there haha..
i tried my hardest though!! hopefully you will be able to use those hahah
ok now its going all the way through my messages...... my life is poopy...
i just dropped some nail polish on the carpet AND i'm taking summer school and NOWWW the message thing is messing up.. oh and my dance wouldn't send to moosey =(
Aww Moosey. I <3 that you remembered me!
Taylor: 'Shrimp' Every time you write 'hahah,' I think you're writing my name!
Veevee: Aw, why won't it let you send it? What form did you try?
Candice: Of course I remember you! You and Thallie were pretty much my extremely cool big sister's last summer, lol. And I obviously still love you. Speaking of which, I'm officially a terrible person. I bought Christmas presents for you, Dominique, Taylor, and Ora BEFORE Christmas, and they're still sitting in my living room, waiting to be mailed out. Partially because I've managed to lose all four addresses, like, 6 times now. Doh!
BWHAHA. "Taytay, you're the pimpest person I know. The demented ice cream man is going to come and kill you...so beware." rofl. good times good times. XD That was da besht veezles. I can definately use those! THANKYA!
and omg. your accent is the bomb. I want one. like. now. =DD
omg. Bella. I totally new that. *hides from ceecee* i knew her name. don't kill me, dommy. =]]
mwuah! yes, my new pic on blogger finally uploaded. agh. It's all small. I look like a raccoon. mahah.
lol moosey =D "hahahannahansad" XD
hah! veronica.
*hugs* i loved that one about me. hahahahhaaah im so CONCIETED ITS SICK!
taylor, ill definetly give you a clip of me talking about all the girlies i love. i love all you girls more than you think, you guys were there when no one else was, i love you guys. ahhh.
and twinny i have a video of me doing six pirouettes, which i finally accomplished, and then i have pictures of me in all my splits and stuff, do you want that? im getting a video of me doing my solo so i guess ill give you that too, i love you guys!
Schnitz: Yay, that sounds amazing! I don't think I'll use pictures unless I end up wihout enough video to fill the time of the song, but I'd love to see them, anyway!
by the way tay tay.
im sooo not going to kill you cause bella kinda jumped ship i think. ill ask her.
i looooove you still :]
twinny: ill get them to you as soon as i can.
i looooooooooo[infinity plus one]oooove you.
I looooooooooooooooooo[infinity+one]oooooooooooooove you, too!
that's a whole lotta loooove. =]
btw, Mooose, if you don't use the pics I can use them in my montage. They would be aweshome-like. :)
so tay i left a voice thing on your myspace thing a mahgig. i left it like a voicemail which might prove to be awkward for what you want, so let me know.
lol, it's okay bridgey. I can work with it :)
YAY!! mine works.. i left you four but thats OKK
and moosey did you get mi email?? my dance video is too long to send to you =( i have it on you tubith though... if that helps
and i have an accent?? SWEEEEEEEETTT i've always wanted an accent.. british perferably but hick will do =)
Veevee: Yeah, I got it and responded, so, being lazy and all, I'll just let you red it there, lol
aw i wanted to be in this lil family portrait! lol but i guess i havent been real active in sytycd unactive months.. but i will now, thanks to season 3.
Hey kids! Ryan's back! Glad to be back...[I think]...I dig La Familia collage. Sad that I didn't make it. You guess could've stolen a pic from my concert or my myspace though. So sad: my laptop was stolen a couple moths ago so all things Benjelle (all the cutesy photos and video)and SYTYCD Season 2 is all gone :( [tear]. I try not to think about it. I haven't gotten into this season yet. I know Lacey made the show, but I really don't think this season can top the last. Vamos a ver!
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