Friday, June 29, 2007

Congratulations Jesu[insert accent]s!

Alright, so after the maybe 3/4 hours of sleep I was just so rudely awaken from (Insomnia sucks), I've reflected, and found a new outlook on the Jesús situation. In fact, I'd like to congratulate him. Based on this season's judging, he should feel honored. I mean, if you're a guy on the show who gets eliminated, that pretty much means you're an amazing dancer, have a great personality, and actually have a chance to win. He should be proud to join the ranks with Ricky and Jimmy of the dancers who were 100% the stupidest choice to eliminate. And so, Jesús, take a bow, my friend. Thank the judges for the support and praise they showed you by allowing you to proudly take your place beside two others of the greats, but feel free to let those idiots know just where they can shove it ;-).

Sorry, was that satire uncalled for?

~ Moose ~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not at all :D