Thursday, June 28, 2007


Noooooooooooo! (In sharp contrast to Taylor's sentiments)

I was alright with Jessi leaving, since I wasn't that attatched to her, but her solo was actually the best of the girls' tonight, and she's done some mazing paired work with Pasha. And Cat, I love you, but Holy Jesús (Yeah, you heard me... I'll be getting on to that point in a moment *sobs*), why do you always make them talk when they're about to cry? And, God, the judges could have said more... They basically said, "You all suck. Lauren, we're gonna use you as an example of why you all suck. Bye Jessi." I mean, jeez, they could have spent two seconds giving a reason, or at least said that it was a horrible decision to have to make, so they were going to have to let her go for medical reasons. Anya should have gone, anyway. Danny's usually carrying her a bit, and her solo was the worst. Gha.

And, by the way, I HATE YOU, AMERICA!!! Seriously, just throw Kamcey in the mix while you're at it, and get rid of EVERYONE I love!!!!!!!!! GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I really, really didn't want any of the guys to go home. Jesús' solo was not as good as the others', I'll admit it, but I was most attatched to him of the three. I mean, Jesúra was quite possibly my favorite couple! NOOOOO!!! And, though Neil is amazing, Jesús' dances with Sara have been spectacular; Neil's haven't been as amazing, though they have been good. However, Nigel is sooooooooo a hypocrite here! He's always said that you can't stay in just based on solos, that you have to not let down your partner. I love Neil, but he let Lauren down a little this week. I don't think he should have gone home, by any means... But he should have over Jesús. And I'm sure at least Ora's crying with me, here. And, sorry Taylor, but Cedric should have gone home. It's not that I don't like him, because I do, but he should have gone home last week, and probably the week before. I'm not saying there's no value in these unique dancers, because there certainly is, but that shouldn't mean that you sacrifice some truly amazing dancers to keep them in. And, yes, Dominic has been doing well, but he's still not quite the Godsend they keep making him out to be. I am so pissed at the judges, 'cause, frankly, this is all there fault. They got ride of Ricky and Jimmy, and now they're overhyping Dominic to justify it. And, on the other end, they decided to be STUPID and try to manipulate the voters by being outright mean to Cedric. I think that he should have gone home, but that was absolutely uncalled for, and precisely the reason he didn't go home. They decided to be brutal, so everyone voted for Cedric out of pity and to piss them off. Just, gha, Jesús, I love you!!!!!!!!! And everyone was crying about having him leave, too! The Jessi/Pasha thing was depressing, but Sara is pretty much my girl here, okay? And she and Jesús were one of the dream teams... I love them... And I shall now proceed to find gajillions of pictures of them and make a blend.

Gha, I'm going to cry... Tonight was almost as depressing as when Allison left, and I was sooooooooooo not happy that night.

UGH, AND I HATE FERGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, sorry if I've offended/pissed off anyone, but, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm über riled up right now. And, once again, I'm not trying to say that I wanted Cedric to leave, but, in my opinion, he should have gone, as much as I felt for him over the judges being assholes.

I also apologize for any lnguage that may have offended anyone, though I certainly left out a lot of choice words I wanted to use.

Ugh, and my parents are driving me crazy again, too! I mean, they have an annoying tendancy to downplay the show... i.e. Talking about all those "Teeny-Boppers" voting just for the hot guys (I reaaaaaaaaaaally wanted to mention that some of you guys are in your twenties and thirties... But my parents would steal my precious computer away if they knew that I talk to you); saying that Lacey's okay, but only doing so well because of Benji; talking about all of last year's dancers and downplaying them... Rawr! lol... And, God, the night started out on a high note when they showed Donyelle (It is truly amazing how happy I get just seeing Benji and Donyelle in the audience...)!

Alright, I'm going to go cry now!!!

~ Moosey Has Another Reason To Hate Her Country... Okay, Not The Country So Much As The Government. Mostly Bush. Sorry, I'm A Democratic Socialist :-P... Hey, Candice? I'm Moving To Canada, Okay? Good. ~

(Psst. And sorry to any Republican's who may hate me now, too. I wouldn't say all this if I weren't so crazed right now. If it helps, my best friend's a Republican, as is the guy I like, so I have nothing against you, personally :*)



Moose said...

So, reading over this, I sound a liiiiiiiiiiiiiitle rabid... Sooooo, sorry about that.. UGH

Anonymous said...

Seeing Donny was the highlight os the show for me..

That and Jesus's speech...

onlyhuman13 said...

Wait.. Donny was there? Eff. I really should pay more attention.

I'm also upset that Cedric's still there. There's just something about him that doesn't sit right with me. And I'm sad Jesus has to go home. =( And Jessie. That sucks too. But.. what can I do. I hated that the judges didn't give any explanation for her too. That was.. not cool. And Jesus' speech almost made me cry.

Buut hey. Kameron and Lacey were safe. Whee? They're adorable. They need to get married and have some pretty dancing babies. mmkcool.

Anonymous said...


I'm angry.

Jessi was my favorite girl.

Jesus was really good.

I really think Cedric should have gone home but nooooooooooooo.

Damn it.

Anonymous said...

Wait. I didn't see Donny. Where was she?

Anonymous said...

Donny was sitting with Tyce.

That soooo was not cool how they just said you'll be leaving us and then gave no explanation as to why. It made it kinda awkward too cause she just stood there for a while waiting for the explanation and when it didn't come was just like "Okay".

And I didn't want Jesus to go. I think out of the 3 guys there it should have been Neil. But really I was expecting and accepted the fact that Cedric would go tonight. I was completely shock when he and Shauna were announced safe (although I found it kinda funny that their "dream team" was in the bottom. There was and will only ever be one dream team...the Benjelle of course).

Last year my sister and I were usually always able to pick who would be going home. This year I have absolutely no clue. The judges seem to have gone slightly crazy over the break between seasons it seems.

Anonymous said...


1) i really don't like danny and anya. they can just go jump off a street corner. to me? no chemistry at all. i was hoping danny's solo would suck so he would go home.

2) the good news is, kamcey and laureil were adorable tonight

2) the bad news is, one of my favorite couples, passi, was broken up. they were so cute! they did the birds...they did that gorgeous waltz...they did that fantastic cha-cha that got no credit! and pasha held jessi's hand at the hospital in her time of need. and he's her prince charming. awwwww

3) they got rid of jessi with NO explanation whatsoever

4) when cat was closing up, she was like "remember, your votes could have saved them!" but our votes could NOT have saved jessi. which isn't fair.

what is wrong with the world these days? honestly. you can dance around the stage in your underwear for 30 seconds (*cough lauren cough*...although i really do love her...), but you can do your best after being in the freaking hospital and get cut with no explanation.

Moose said...

Honestly, I'm okay with Jessi going home if it is for medical reasons, but they never said that. Until tonight, I've never really liked her solos, but, medical issues excluded, she shouldn't have gone. I'm more outraged over Jesús, since I was personally more attatched to him, but Anya should have been the one to go (Or Lauren, but I like Lauren a lot, and Anya's kind of blah to me). Neil should have gone of the three, but I didn't want him to, either. Personally, I would have been least affected by Danny's departure, since he hasn't really shown much personality, and so I haven't connected with him as much... But he's an amazing dancer. I just don't feel any connection with them or between them... If they want votes, they really need to put themselves out there... Otherwise they'll always be in the bottom, with the judges saving their butts just because they can. I mean, my god, they've made some bad decisions this year...

CandiceB said...

Lol, Hey moose, I do have an extra room here at my apartment.

I was soooo upset when they got rid of Jesus. I didn't like Jessi, so I was ok with that (there was just something weird about her personality I didn't like)...but Jesus? I welled up when he started talking about D-Trix and Hok and sad! Cedric should have gone home. America just reacted in a Save Cedric! mode and then didn't realize that they'd be sending an actual good dancer home....ugh. Unhappy with this.

Taylor said...

O_O *watches as Moose foams at the mouth*

erm...*hands a cookie and runs*

UGH! I missed Donny?!? I didn't see her =[

Unknown said...

i was crying with you Moose.
right now I'm so numb. this show has lost its appeal for me.

if I continue to watch its only so I can support Sara since she got fcuked by this. Jesus would've wanted his fans to support her.


Moose said...

Candice: Alright, good, I'll pack all my stuff and be there tomorrow, okay?

Candice and Ora: *sobs* I would keep supporting Sara either way, since she's maybe my favorite girl (Lacey and she are fighting it out), but I am noooooooooot happy about this. It's not that I don't like Pasha, but I kinda hope she completely outdances him next week, but with no connection whatsoever to show them how stupid he is, and he gets eliminated for not keeping up... But than she might go, too, and I really couldn't take that. Sara and Hok should be together... Their Hip Hop would be incredible. Oh, and I am soooooooo writing a Jesúra fic when I get a chance (Between the doctors, my Benjelle fic, my Jesúra blend, and my vote for Sara blend... Well, and my life, but that's pretty boring).

Moose said...

*By 'how stupid he is' I meant Nigel. Unfortunately, in my scenario that I'd hoped would prove they needed Jesús... It would also end up keeping Cedric around, and... He really needs to go. Do I like him alright? Sure, but, at the moment (And the two weeks preceeding), he is the weekest of the guys, and they can't keep sacrificing their best male dancers to keep him around. Their going to end up slowly getting rid of people like Kameron, and Neil, and even Pasha so that they can keep their two favorites around: Danny (Who, as I sid, is an amazing dancer, but he really needs to show some more personality to draw us to him) and Dominic (Who I also like, but who they are seeeeeeeeriously overhyping here to justify losing Ricky). Meanwhile, they'll keep being mean to Cedric (It's one thing to be critical, but they've never outright said that someone will be the one to go home, and never quite so harshly), so everyone will vote to keep him in.

Moose said...

i just showed my mom the blend i made, and she tried to be nicer about it, but she still made it quite clear that she'd rather i spend my time on something more worthwhile *sigh*

Anonymous said...

moose: well dont be too obsessed! cause what happens if (godforbid lol) SYTYCD only has 3 seasons? then after a while you'll keep this blog but what happens when you decide to not do the blog or anything anymore? all the time you spent worrying about benjelle and etc will be to waste. i think its fine to like SYTYCD and vote and stuff, like alot of people do, but dont let it take over your life, and maybe your mother is concerned about that.

Anonymous said...

time benjelling is never a waste! hehe

anyone else think of our favorite couple when one of the solo songs last night was to a "ben jelen" song? ahh i need my straightjacket again.

Anonymous said...

dear jidges,

Please take me out of my misery and send Lauren and Neil packing. she was a pole away from stripping and all he needed was a bouncy floor and leotard to be in a gymnastics competition. One solo was crap shoot and the other had no connection to the music whatsoever. I would appreciate if the couple that has been consistently bad be booted out of the competition. I am incline to vote for Cedric just to give you a big ol FU for removing 2 versatile and great dancer at his expanse. when you boot neil out then I will start voting for others so that you are given your chance to boot Ced before America has sole decision. But if another good male dancer is booted out before these 2 guys I will be majorly pe'od.
