Benjelle Bad Dancing
=D This was too funny. I liked the beginning where Donyelle punched his butt. XD
-Taylor :P
=D This was too funny. I liked the beginning where Donyelle punched his butt. XD
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: Benjelle Bad Dancing mlsness
What should happen with Benji and Donyelle after this season of 'So You Think You Can Dance' concludes...
AHHHHHH i love them!! very much =D
OMG. i wish i was there :(
was that like a school assembly??
LOL! I like how Benji's movements are all wild and sporatic and Donny's are all slow and sloppy. That was so funny.
omg, this just made Wednesday even better!
awwww YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! i love this, they are dancing together again and it is hilarious! i could list all the moments my shipper heart squeed at, but ill just say YAY!!
benji or donny= yay!
bad dancing=haha!
benji AND donny=YAYY!!!!!
benji AND donny bad dancing= YAYY!!!! hahahaha :D :D :D
this is love
That was ahmazing!
BAHAHAHHAHA when she punches his butt. Funnynynynynnyy
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