Saturday, July 07, 2007

Silas Kicks Arse

SYTYCD Season 2 Brushes by ~Silas-Quinn on deviantART

I'd write more, but Ally will send a hitman after me if I don't update Fall With Me and post my oneshot (Jes'Von Smutt!) soon!



~ Moosey ~


Anonymous said...

Yes, I will send a hitman after you. But I think you'll send one after me too if I don't get working on this so I can do MY hawt/emo Jes'Von. (eventhoughaboutanhouragoiwasconsideringquittingwritingforgood*cough*).

=D See? I came out of lurkdom.

Moose said...


*Moosey tackles Ally to the imaginary ground of the blog as they are out in cyberspace*

Why do Moosey and Ally keep talking about themselves in the third person?

*Moosey Shrugs*


Okay, I'm cutting the crap.

I will freekin' hunt you down if you stop writing, girl... We've already establised (Several times, in fact) that I'm your #1 fan. Why, you ask? Partly because you wear tights under your shorts, but mostly 'cause you're a freeking amazing writer, okay? I assume you think people only voted for you guys because they like you, right? WELL WHY DO YOU THINK THEY LIKE YOU TWO SO MUCH, HUH?????

I would love to read your hawt and emo Jes'Von (And by love I mean I would willingly donate all my money, my stash of Dr. Pepper, and my spleen for a chance to drool over it), but, beyond that, I want you to keep writing for yourself, because I know you love to do it, and you shine when you do.


I loooooove you, my spamming buddy!

Anonymous said...

Chillax. I'm not quitting, but I was thisclose to dropping out and just stopping. BUT I DIDN'T. So pleasedonthuntmedown. o_O xDD

Moose said...

Well good XD

I love you too much to let you quite doing something that you're so good at when it (Aside from this particular incident, obviously) seems to make you happy.


Anonymous said...

Blah. It does, most of the time. When I'm not banging my head on the keyboard trying to get something perfect. But those are always the fics that turn out best, despite the brain damage that I'm surely causing xD

Moose said...

Same here... I can spew out any ol' fluff fairly painlessly (Though clearly not at the moment), but angst is much more my... Art. Do you have any idea how many times I revised the first chapter? I write in layers, so the first time I just go through and get it out on paper, then i just keep rereading it over and over again, changing any little thing that annoys me. Finally, I post it, not when I'm 100% satisfied (Because that has never, ever happened), but when I'm so friggen' sick of the thing that I can't stand to look at it, anymore.

Unknown said...

for anyone who cares, I updated the fic... for the first time in almost a year XD

Taylor said...

Hey look! It's Ally!
