Friday, July 13, 2007

Hey Look, Moosey's Posting!

I'll just make this an odd little assortment of things here...

First of all, I'm gonna cry to you by saying that the new layout on the fanfic site screws with my computer, so I may very well not be able to get on until next week when it's changed again, and that's a little more than mildly heartbreaking...

Now, I have another delivery for Ora, too. Honestly, I don't know whether or not I like this blend, so you guys will have to tell my what you think. It's more annoyingly grainy once saved than how it was when I made it (Damn you, Photoshop!):

Okay, and now I'll actually do some sort of rough review of this week's show...

Kamcey Hustle: Not neccessarily my type of dance, in general, and I spent a great deal of time laughing over her pants... But the tricks and execution were AMAZING. And my experience with the Hustle up until this point, too, has been something more akin to... "DO THE HUSTLE! do do do do do do do do do, do do do do do do do do do, etc."

Shedric Mambo: Was pretty good. I feel bad for Cedric when people are so blantantly mean to him ("When I heard I had Cedric, I brought 3."), but that doesn't mean I think he should have stayed this long.

Danya Contemporary: Not as high up there for me as Tyce's choreography for 'Why', but still great. The song has been stuck in my head like crazy, so I put it on my facebook XD. I think these two are amazing dancers, but they are missing a bit of that 'It Factor," particularly Danny, and I've been saying all along that he has some arrogance to him. I like him, but he needs to show some more personality, and seem less sure that he's gonna whoop ass.

SASHA WEST COAST SWING: *dies* Okay, so what do you get when you mix Benji and Heidi with WCS with Sara (The love of her life, along with Jesús)? You get Moosey with the dancing version of an orgasm, essentially. I'm sorry, but no words can possibly describe how amazing that was from the beginning of their video to the end of the judges' comments. I loved every single friggen' second of it. That said, I'm still 100% Jes'Von Junkin'. I think Sara and Pasha make great partners, and they're adorable friends, but I may very well crucify the next person who tells me they're shippable... Get it? Got it? Good :D!

Dombra Hip Hop: I was totally and completely in love with the umbrella routine (Ivason!!!) last season, so I didn't like this one as much, but it was still incredible. They're adorable!

Homie Waltz: Sadly, not as good as it could have been... They were amazing last week, and I'm just hoping they do better next week.

Laureil Jazz: Honestly, I'm not quite sure how I felt about it... It's a Wade piece, so I automatically loved it in some sense, but it's not gonna stick with me like Ramalama or the Vagabond Cabaret (Jes'Von <3<3<3). I thought Neil did much better than he has in the past, though.


I pretty much agreed with the Bottom 3. They all did well, but Danya's just less charismatic, and the other two dances weren't as good as the rest. I thought Shauna, of the three girls, should have been the one to stay (Or Jamie, I dunno... I just like Shauna more), but I'm at peace with the decision. And, as nice as Cedric is, I (Along with all my buds on the FanFic board, I'm sure) would have needed to kill myself if another amazing guy went home before he did.

Yep, so that's my post.


~ Moosey ~


CandiceB said...

Oh my God Moose! Your review for the Sasha routine is craaazy! Lol. Love it!

I'm getting partial to Dombra...they keep doing so well.

I really thought Anya should have been sent home. And there really is something weird about Danny--some kind of implied superiority complex when he dances. Hard to explain. I can't watch him dance because of it. Maybe he's just too damn good!

Anonymous said...

i didn't like shauna leaving, i'd rather have anya leave. also didn't like adam using BENJELLE's music! for the opening number! haha i'm so possessive.

love sasha and kamcey. and starting to love dombra.

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