Monday, July 16, 2007

Moosey's Jes'Vontage

Hey guys, I know I'm shamelessly promoting my new ship on here, but it's not as though there's anything Benjelle-related to squee over at the moment. At least I know neither Ora nor Ally will kill me for this.

And thus, enjoy a little thing I like to call a "Jes'Vontage," and, purdy please, leave a comment! This one was infinitely more difficult for me than a Benjelletage, simply because I had far fewer clips to work with *tear*. Gha, sorry it's so damn fuzzy *curses* I'm working on cnfiguring it as a higher quality file. I saved it as DV, which was really, amazingly nice... But too big to upload online... So I'll have to get back to you on that. >.<


Also, um, squee! First both Dominic and Sabra put my Dombra blend on their MySpaces, and now Sara (Who requires that all comments be approved) accepted my spamming comment! It doesn't look quite like her page (There's no background), and it's cut off and such, but I'm just happy I figured out how to save this.

Muchos lovers!

~ Moosey ~


Anonymous said...

even though i'm not a jesvon shipper, the montage was really good. so prettyful!

Unknown said...

oh my god Moose. the 2nd time I saw that (when I tried the OR selection) it kept repeating on Chuy's elimination in the beginning and I started to tear up again.

god I want him to come back so badly. *cries*

but ANYWAYS... MOOSE! OF ALL THE DAMN SONGS IN THE WORLD WHY THAT ONE?! I always associate that song with the end of Season 1 of the OC in which I was completely bawling my eyes out as Ryan gets taken away *even though Hallelujah was playing at that point but you know what I mean*

that was FABULOUS Moose. for cereal. like it had me reliving all of Jes'Von in my head and making me SO angry with the show for eliminating Chuy. he coulda made at LEAST Top 8 if not more.


...nevertheless... I'm very proud of you and your awesomeocity of a montage

Moose said...

haha, actually, i don't know what you mean :P. i know that song from the most amazing show ever - WONDERFALLS (and fuck you fox for cancelling it)

Unknown said...

fuck Fox for allowing Nigel to eliminate Chuy

Moose said...

so true, but see, they cancelled wonderfalls after 4 fricken' episodes... i own the entire collection, so i have all 13 ever made, but seriously... they got rid of witty, sarcastic, clever, entertaining, and original show. why? because some of the characters are liberal. damn you fox with your flaming conservatism >.< !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and why the hell are they called conservatives, anyway? conserving is the exact opposite of what they do.

sorry to any republicans.

Unknown said...


Fox also canceled one of my favorite shows. Reunion. that made me so freaking angry. you have no idea. that show was like the most innovative way to do a TV show ever. but NOOOOOOO. it was too creative for them. fuckers.

Unknown said...
^--Jesus/Jessi interview
^--Jesus/Jessi tribute video

...god I need to get over this. badly.

Moose said...


Well, I have to turn Herold off now because of the fucking thunder storm (I love rain, but I tend to be crabbier than usual during the monsoon season - Yes, the Sonoran Desert has 5 seasons; We kick ass - due to all the copious time spent laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, with absolutely nothing to do all day... I'm officially caught up on sleep -.-).

Anonymous said...

lets go outback tonight

Moose said...
