Tuesday, January 30, 2007

omg. squee!

AHH!! Lacey's new bulletin!! Do you guys reazlize what this means?!?! Everytime we see the Candyman video we can watch the amazing LANJI! *dies*

Body: Hey everybody update time!

TEXAS- was fun. The most tiring trip ever but non the less fun. Met some adorable people.

LA- amazing. I've been in la since tuesday. Then left to go to texas now I'm back in la filming christina aguilers new video. CANDYMAN. Benji and I are swing dancing.

We taught her some tricks and we are doing this video with two of our swing friends sarah and melissa. Fun fun. I'm excited! In hair and makeup as we speak.

Have a fab day yal

Big love lacey.

-Taylorkins :P


Anonymous said...

Aaaaaahhhhhh I can't believe it, strangly I have that song on my Mp3 what a cowinkydenk and I can't help but move to it " sweet chocolate sugar coated candy man".
Wierd I was just listening too:)

signed oh how I hate being Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I miss Benjelle!!!
signed oh how I hate being Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I miss them too. It's been long since squeeworthy benjelle news has come up :(. But we will soon have news from Benjelle when they start teaching together, right? And then rekindle the spark that they have :). But for now maybe many of you have seen this video, but here it is again, it is sooooooooo squeeworthy. Btw what does state is CT?


Anonymous said...

Donyelle has another bad dancing group video up

Anonymous said...

I didn't get Lacey's bulletin even though I am myspace friends with her. Anyone else have the problem?

Taylor said...

anon: Yeah that is happening to me with Benji's bulletins. >(

but omg. I can't wait! I will be glued to MTV Hits as soon as the video is out. :) :) LANJI MUFFINS!

CandiceB said...

CT = Connecticut

Anonymous said...

wow! that really cool.. i bet christina is a seceret bejeller :DD

Anonymous said...

Hi it's Nony!

Here's some more news from twop.com.

And speaking of seeing more of SYTYCD dancers, guess who went to Carnival tonight? It was a frickin' SYTYCD extravaganza. In one evening, I think I saw Kamilah, Blake, Snow, Dmitri, Ben, Jason, Ivan, Travis, Joy, Brian Friedman, Alex DeSilva, and Mia, plus Shane and Wade had choreography in the show. The show itself was so jam packed, I had to watch most of it on the big fuzzy jumbotron and probably missed half of the actual dancing. On the other hand, completely unintentionally, I ended up watching most of the show from about 10 feet away from the whole SYTYCD crew that was there. This was the anniversary show, so it was a veritable who's who of the dance industry. Some fun tidbits:

- Kamilah is more petite than I expected, and perfectly gorgeous in person. She was doing some sort of interview on camera outside, almost like she was a host, so look for her somewhere on TV I guess.
- Blake is just adorably cute in person. In a totally endearing baseball hat on sideways kind of way. He had a smile on his face every time I saw him, there was absolutely nothing "intense" about his demeanor. This is his territory and he seemed really happy, didn't get a diva vibe from him at all.
- Blake is the guy that everyone (or most people) performing in this show strive to be. The emcees were making Blake McGrath jokes on and off throughout the night, but at the end, were pretty much like, "Blake's amazing, dude should have won SYTYCD, can anyone even remember the name of the guy who did win?"
- Ben is surprisingly not all that short. I was wearing 2 inch heels, and he was definitely still taller than I am. (I'm 5'5" without heels.)
- Mia is shockingly tall. She looks short and heavy set on TV, but in person more like tall and big framed. I did a double take when she walked by me.
- Alex is a tiny, tiny little thing with an even tinier partner. But they did a frickin great latin dance that incorporated some of the Allison/Ivan tango choreography. While their salsa and mambo just blew me away, I didn't love them doing Tango. I daresay I liked it better with Ivan and Allison. Weird.
- And speaking of Ivan, he and Travis did that piece they choreographed. It is exactly as it sounds -- if you picture Ivan's solos and Travis's solos and now kind of merge them together, and put a chair in the middle as a prop, that's what it was. There was one point where Ivan took off his sneakers and Travis put them on, and I was expecting that to be like a stylistic pass off or something, which would have been wicked cool, but either I missed it or it didn't happen. In the end, I liked it their performance a lot less than I wanted to. But it was fun to see them both perform. Travis is sporting a lovely not-so-faux hawk.
- Shane did this two part hip hop meets contemporary meets sci fi piece that defies explanation. Very creative, as Shane reliably is, and I wish i could have actually SEEN the whole thing. I hope he brings it to this show for a group number. Wade did a piece that told a modern day Romeo and Juliet story. Loved what I saw of that one too, hope he busts that one out for SYTYCD as well. Those two just bring a level of creativity and ART to their choreography that really sets them apart.
- Ready for this shocker? Joy was in Wade's number. And she was really very good. She really did not get to show her stuff on this show.
- Jason also danced, and now I can't recall in what routine, but he brings that sort of African style to his dancing in general. I picked him out almost immediately from a big group. He also came and watched from our area for a while. He and Blake are clearly buds. Not like BFF buds, but buds.
- At one point during the show, a performer got naked. A male performer, to be clear. Totally in the buff, leaving nothing to the imagination. Yeah, not a PG show. Anyway, the look of disbelief on Jason's face was priceless. I suspect he knew the guy, it was definitely a "no.he.did.not.just.do.that" kind of reaction.
- Mia and Blake, also buds, and both paying close attention to the routines.
-Apparently DanceLife is doing its "Carnival" episode in a couple weeks. The timeline seems to be spring/summer of 2006, so keep an eye out - I know Blake did a routine for Carnival around that time, I wonder if it'll be showcased.

Ok, that's everything I remember. Back to your regularly scheduled anticipation of S3.

Unfortunately, I don't know exactly what Carinval is so I can't see if there's any youtube videos. But I bet there will be eventually.

This is interesting that B's is going to be the Candyman in Christina's video! Too bad for him she's already married. He could totally transfer his Brittney crush over to her!:^D

Anonymous said...

Wow its crazy I am seeing all the sytycd stars in commercial first Ashlee Nino for Shoe Carnival now Musa for Popeyes
signed oh how I hate being ANONYMOUS

Anonymous said...

....em pee free.

no no man i was the MVP.

Anonymous said...

Joshua, What are you talking about?

Signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Taylor said...

anon: lol yeah I saw Musa on popeyes and was like WTH? *rewind* omgg Musaa! haha

-Tayzor :P

Anonymous said...

mary = more mad than...eh im mad.

Taylor said...


Anonymous said...

Taylor, Don't you guys have a Fanfiction site, because there were some stories I didn't finish reading and I really liked them. Could you give the name of the site, plzzzzzz!
Signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Anonymous said...

*coughs* uh..long story FO SHO!

Taylor said...

yesh. very long story. ahck. D8


-Tayzor :P