Thursday, January 11, 2007


Hey everyone, sorry I've been AWOL (Curse you University High School!!!)...

But I just thought that everyone should know that Ora (Quite possibly the only other person on the planet - The first being me, lol - who's a semi-Buddhist, Bush-hating - Sorry to any Republicans, I love you, all, too! - Muppet and Rubber Ducky obsessed person on the planet)... Has her 17th birthday tomorrow! Yaaaaaaay!

I love you!

And so, for your birthday, I bestow upon you (A picture of) the one and only Buddha Rubber Ducky!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Haha! Okay, so there was another picture where it was easier to tell that it's a duck, but it wouldn't get bigger... Hmph...

Anywho, hope your day is full of Benjelly goodness!

~ Moosey ~


Moose said...

Well aren't you special : P

lol, I just meant first in that I'm the other one.


Anonymous said...

haha happy bday tomorrow my love!

Taylor said...

YAY! Yubbycakes! Loves you. :D But remember don't get too crazy...without me. Don't go running away with Captain Jack yet. XD

...keep it gangstaa! *gang signs*
haha Lover you big cuzzykins! You be da ish. I'll probably give you your b-day pressie when I get home on myspace. But anyyyway Happy Birthday Miss Oradoraboraboncorastoraloraflora!! See how I love you? Even though you haven't updated Unbridled Desire!! *cough* *runs* Please don't hurt me with a KKD truck. O_O =D

-Yippydoodle :P

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

signed oh how I hate being anonymous