Thursday, January 18, 2007


a) In case you had forgotten, read the title of this post!!!

b) Be on the lookout tonight! (Thanks Ray : D)

ray said...
everyone stay tuned for a donny blog tonight!! (hopefully)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I didn't forget about you!!

I am trying to get this internet stuff right you guys. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.....PLEAZZZZZzzzzzz

I'm going to do another video blog tonight. YAY!


we can celebrate b's bday by watching donny! that's as he would have it!

8:14 PM, January 17, 2007

c) This is the 799th post! 800 is creeping up!!

Much lurvlith and huggles to all!

~ Moosey ~


Taylor said...

haha. lurvlith.

-Pumbaa :P

Anonymous said...

WOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOOOO 23 YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

donyelle's favorite book is the color purple.... OOOOOHHHH

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHHAHAH thta is weird.

Anonymous said...


i don't understand why nothing ever goes right in benjelleland.

Anonymous said...

benji is still leading the ship, but donyelle has walked off.

i'm glad she's happy, though.

Anonymous said...

isn't today bama's bday as well?

Anonymous said...

Is this Donyelle?

Anonymous said...

nope. that's not donyelle.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah that video was poop.



Taylor said...


Yupyup, I told you she wouldn't make it. *sigh* My abilty to predict the benjelle future never turns out happily!! *cries*

HAPPY ...belated....23rd B-Dogg

-Tayfoshomoshomosho :P

Anonymous said...

Hi it's Nony!

This is pretty pathetic but...

I was watching J.Lo's Dance Life tv show on MTV starring a bunch of dancers and that Blake guy from sytycd's 1st season. J.Lo did her auditions for the show with Marc Anthony at Millienum Dance Complex. And I was like "Isn't that the place that D taught lessons once?" So I had to come here to share. So tune into Dance Life to see the place where D once danced!

Anonymous said...

Omg I noticed that too the first time I saw the preview of the show I was like omgoodness thats where Donny taught I can't believe it sooo I was really happy to notice that!!!:)

signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated birthday Benji! I hope you had a great one!

Anonymous said...

fakest vid blog ever

Anonymous said...

is it me or did donyelle sound...different in that vid blog of hers? she really really seemed & sounded different, like...i don't know, distant somewhat. it's not about what she said about tahir being her biggest fan & how much she loves him but the way she was talking to the camera the whole time. this vid blog really is so much different from the one she took herself. in that one we had the donny we know & love from the show. this one in the new vid...she's just...strangely different. maybe it's just me? please someone help me out with this by agreeing or disagreeing. anything!

Anonymous said...

Hey Taylor & Moose! Benji's changed his top MySpace friends. Donyelle's no longer in the top list. I know it doesn't mean anything but I thought you guys ought to know. I wonder what's going on. First we get a weird blog from whoever and then the reshuffling of top friends with him being the first in the list and then four other guys after him. Go see. You'll know what I mean.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey ANONYMOUS at 1:37 am jan 20.

I know what you mean when you say d's vid blog was really strange, and she was very distant. maybe its just my crazy and biased imagination but of the three vlogs i've seen with her, she was sortof the same way in the dc vlog and then when she was in canada she was different, more donnylike i guess.

who knows, people generally have many faucets to their character, maybe t brings out a different side to her or whatever(i don't mean that in a negative way, people respond to different things. . .differently).

but, that being said, i definitely agree with you that this seemed like a sham, there was def more oomph in her first vlog. i don't know if i'm making any sense here, but i watched it and went oooookaaaaaay. I found the tossed off, super casual, happy b-day to benji more telling than anything else; it makes me feel like some serious drama went down, *shrugs* who knows, i'm probably making something out of nothing. peace out, cubscout

Anonymous said...

Dony wishes Benji a very cool, oh whatever, Happy Birthday AND declares openly & finally, I might add, her love for Tahir in one vlog. She then sees the need to inform everyone in that same vlog that she won't be able to make it for his party. I think Ms Jones has had about enough of this Benjelle thing, is what she's trying to tell people. Frankly, it's her choice. I mean, whatever makes her happy you know. That's what's important. What makes her happy & what makes Benji happy.

Anonymous said...

So, Benjellers are responsible for Dony not going to Benji's b-day party. We would have gotten the message loud and clear if she showed up to his party in Tahir's arms. But if this would've crushed Benji', i guess not going to his party was was an act of kindness.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you know for all our analysis of this whole benjelle business it could really be there's NOTHING going on between them, as in there never was, never is & never will be. maybe it's all just us, speculating based on what we see. maybe benji never really did have any romantic feelings for dony & dony has never had any romantic feelings for him too. i don't know. who's WITH me on this? cos benji never did say he had (or has, whichever) any real romantic, man to woman feelings for dony, i mean did he EVER admit it, clearly, explicitly admit it? it's been mere guessing on our part, so perhaps dony's just trying to avoid a relapse of benjelle fever not so much cos she's trying to be kind to benji & yes perhaps you're right anonymous at 8:31am, perhaps dony is just tired of the benjelle business. though i do wonder what'll happen the day NO ONE even mentions them anymore.

Anonymous said...

*cough* whats goin on here....
does this mean the ship is going down???

Anonymous said...

hmmm maybe she's just pretending to be nonchalant about the whole thing & just telling us she's not going so she won't have people expecting to see benjelle action anytime soon before the benjelle dance together again. maybe she'll go after all & all that 'oh, it's your birthday? happy birthday' whatever attitude was just her pretending. on a side note, it's odd she didn't mention anything at all about benji & her dancing again when clearly benji has done it in his last blog (prior to the welch wench's entry). maybe nixie's right. something's rotten in the state of...benjelledom perhaps???

Anonymous said...

Anna, in my mind this certainly stinks to high heaven but, what do I know? All I can comment on is what I've seen (yes, I know that things are not always as they seem, and I also know that truth is often waaay stranger than fiction--including the stuff I write,lol--)and from what i've seen--taking into account what both b and d have said, making all allowances for out and out lying--you get a really contradictory view of donyelle, she seems to blow hot and cold at times making it very difficult to make a clear reading of her.

At the same time, benji--who for a long time seemed fairly predicatble in temperament and manner also started to blow hot and cold. at the beginng they're both waxing poetic about how they're soul mates and will be best friends for life(my best friend knows when my birthday is, and you can bet if i was having a party she would know about it well in advance) etc, then, when some fangirls take that and run with it and the attention gets kindof cloying they both back up and do a complete 180.

benji posts a really stern blog in which he chides the more zealous fans. they back away from each other via the mysterious*sarcasm* top 8 on myspace. from my point of view this all really stinks

Anonymous said...

I agree, I thought Donyelle's blog seemed and sounded kinda fake. It doesn't sound like her at all, she seemed really different in her blog. Also she seemed like she didn't know what to say even though she was caught off guard. When she said Happy Birthday Benji yada yada, she seemed mad. It seemed like another Donyelle, a more serious one, one one that... I just don't know there's just something about that blog. It seems there is something that we don't know about there. Also, Donyelle isn't on Benji's top 4 friends list like Anonymous at 1:42 said. I will still be on the ship whatever happens because you cannot forget what happens from night to day, it'll always be at the back of my mind. I mean it's not like one forgets how to multiply after one learns it, just like Benjelle. Anyway, life works in mysterious ways. Good things come to those who wait. Whatever will happen when everybody stops talking about them? *ponders in her mind what it would be like*

Anonymous said...

I believe both of themare extremly busy and tired.who need space form this so called"fandom of benjelle." but then again what do I know? They are still pretty fantastic dancers together and/or seperate.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 5:23 PM, January 20, 2007

Hmm you make perfect sense

Anonymous said...

Benji did say he was hacked so perhaps his top friends list was a victim of that act? Anyway, he is strange Benji is. I wonder sometimes what goes on in his head. Maybe Dony is mad that Benji's put up shippy pics & captions of their relationship after it's been quite a while that Benjellers have come to accept that Tahir & her are together. I mean, look at the posts streaming in after what Benji did. Everyone started going back on 'oh how wonderful you guys are together; you make a great couple; you are the one & Tahir isn't' yadda yadda. So maybe Dony is upset with Benji for rekindling the Benjelle madness. We don't know why though he did considering he chided the overzealous Benjellers before, like Nixie pointed out. A friend of mine said that maybe he did it to create more interest in & sale of his new DVD cos when you look back, the pic & captions came up right after his DVD came out. That's saying outright he's using the Benjelle situation to his advangtage. I have no comments though, cos I for sure don't know what kind of person Benji is & if he would do such a thing. It's not nice to speculate like that but everyone's entitled to his/her opinions. All I hope is B & D just keep being friends & keep on dancing no matter what people say or think of them, separately or together.

Anonymous said...

i watched their dances again & i think to myself...benji loves her. how can you fake that kind of look when it's so clear in your eyes? his smile reached his eyes whenever he looked at her or whenever the judges talked about her. i don't know why there's this sudden talk about them going through a bad patch now but i'm guessing they probably need some time off each other. maybe they gushed too much about each other to notice certain minus points about each other & now they're only noticing them so they need some time to deal with that. this whole benjelle thing will end only when sytycd 3 comes & we have a new couple to go crazy over i think.

Anonymous said...

DONNY MYSPACE MESSAGED ME! <3333 OK sorry, i'm done


Taylor said...

ray: omg omg rayzor! What did she say? what did she say??

-Frantic Tayzor :P

Anonymous said...

Some people wonder what's up with the attitude Donyelle has toward Benji's b-day...

Well, if you've been keeping up with benji's comments, he invited Jason to his party well in advance. Jason replied, sure, I'll be there - woundn't miss it.

Meanwhile, donyelle waits and waits for her invite. It doesn't happen til the day before. The girl has pride. Sure they're friends but they've only been friends for less than a year.

Why did benji invite Donyelle last minute? Was she last on his list? They're friends and they'll get over it.

As for the rest of the vid. Donyelle said she really wasn't prepared.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:02 am, you're completely right about the last minute invitation thing. If you listen to Donny in her blog, she sounded as though she was scolding Benji for waiting till the last minute to invite her to his party. With her booked schedule, as you can see on her myspace page, there is not much room for leeway, and if they truly are becoming good friends, then Donyelle should have been one of the first to receive an invitation.

Now, regarding what is different about her in this video blog, Donyelle is more up front and real with her disposition on her romantic relationship, and I think she is trying to make it perfectly clear that she is in love with her man, and doesn't appreciate the negative comments about him, nor the overexaggeration of her relationship with Benji. She achieved that goal with the video. The real problem with it, is that she seems more interested in getting that point (that she is happy with her man) across than the point of allowing her fans to get to see a little more of her personality or thanking the people who leave her kind, supportive messages. Her 'Toronto' video blog came off very warm and genuine, while this one, was more focused on scolding fans who, maybe in her mind, went to far with things (as far as her personal relationships). Because so many people love her and Benji together and separately, her sarcastic "Happy Birthday, Benji" came off a bit caustic to readers, and what she was saying about fans wanting her to come dance in different cities sounded like she was annoyed. This video blog painted her as more annoyed and less appreciative of her fans. I think that's what the difference between the video blogs is. Even though people need to understand and respect her personal choices, she should be mindful in how she gets her message across, as the way things are perceived and the way they are meant can become entangled and cause her fans to feel alienated.

Anonymous said...

Sweeet, Donny messaged you oh how I wish i could have a myspace, but I can't :(!!!!

Hehehehehehe I loved Donyelle video, I loved it when she said "this is not my house and I don't have a computer at my house" her tone was funny and when Ty said she will get a computer her facial expression.. I couldn't help but laugh. To be honest guys I am a BEnjelle fan but not full throttle I love seeing Donyelle and Benji together, but also I love seeing Donyelle with Tahir!!! I am mainly a Donyelle fan (I am sry Benji and others!!!!) When the show first came on I didn't get to see the first episode because I wasn't at home, but when I got home I watched it because my mom recorded it. The second time for the Cha Cha I still didn't know anyone, but I know Donyelle and Benjelle did another outstanding performance, then came the Pop Jazz night well I STARTED VOTING THEN Like crazy seriously like crazy and then I kept voting like that until the second week of switching. Donyelle was my Favorite so I started voting for her like crazy and my mom she voted for the both of them! I am a Donyelle fan so you know, I just want to see her happy, she is incredible at dancing.I actually think Ty is a pretty cool person, so i don't have anything against him or anyone or anything! If Benji ever needs help or support, I will support him! I'll always support Donyelle!!! If Benjelle needs support I'll definitly be there!!! I can't wait until Donyelle's website is up!!!!!
They were watching American Idol phew I am thankful AI finally got some good singers. Next week they will show the Memphis auditions I wonder how that's going to turn out, I am sick of the bad singing!!!

I have a question what colors are ballet shoes or what can they be?

signed oh how I hate being anonymous
p.s Love, peace, Harmony, be peaceful plz!!!

Anonymous said...

Oye I don't see why people are still fussing about her not being with Benji..get over it!!! Sure her and Benji were good together on the show and they had chemistry, but she is in love with Tahir!!! Ughhh I am happy as long as she is happy !!!!!!!

signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Anonymous said...

To me i really dont care who she is with .she can date an ump-lumpa(sp?) for all I care haha that is her life so be it.she is a fantastic dancer and well she is human so what do you expect.donyeele and benji are great dancers i mean they have a great friendship what more can you ask for.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree nicey!!!

signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Anonymous said...



sTAY wELL. mUCH luv

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous I was wondering the same thing

signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Anonymous said...

Oh how I hate being anonymous, that's great that you have love for Donyelle and you support her no matter what. You are a true fan!

I don't have a problem with her personal relationship with her man. That's who she chose and he looks supportive enough, so good for her. I just didn't really like the tone of her blog, like Bridg said.

Anonymous said...

A lot of us don't like the tone of her blog. I guess she forgot she had fans.

Oh, and anonymous at 2:39? I don't think people are really fussing about Donyelle not being with Benji, but her being with Tahir. A lot of us think she can do better and better doesn't necessarily have to be Benji.

Anonymous said...

i've just watched dony's vlog & here's what she said, "happy birthday benji! you told me about this party the day before and i can't even make it", to which tahir replied, "yeah good job benji" & dony continued, "but he's busy so i guess i'll let him, i'll let him get away with it this time", to which tahir replied by making a sound that had the "yeah right" tone to it. ahaha! even tahir knows dony won't let benji get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Honestly and truthfully, I think Tahir is a really nice, funny, cool guy. I was looking at his myspace pics and him and Donyelle look very nice together. Like I mentioned before I think Donyelle didn't sound like herself and there's just something about that blog. I don't doubt for a minute that she loves Tahir and has chosen him to be with. If she was really annoyed with the whole Benjelle thing then she could've maybe done it in a nicer tone and way she was being just something. Nice person nonetheless, but just something about that tone she used, even if she was annoyed that is no way to talk to her fans. Also if she was annoyed at Benji, than she could've just told him to take the pics down of him and her, obviously it is not probably that that she is mad at because he has had that Jenny and Forest one up for ages, so it must be something else. Maybe since she considered Benji her very good friend she got annoyed that he didn't tell her about his party. Who knows? And in regards to him putting up one of the shippiest pictures of him and Donyelle to promote his DVDs he doesn't seem like that kind of person or has the character to do something like that. But I don't know him so, yeah. Also I was just on his myspace and Donyelle isn't even in his top ten,maybe someone still hacked into his account? AND I CAN'T access his pictures, I don't know why. I feel like I should stop ranting about things, but I need to clear up my mind before I do some homework<-- I wish I didn't have to :(. I can't wait to hear the news that Moose has for us. I hope it's great news. I couldn't believe it snowed in Arizona, I read it today and I was like woah. It snowed last night here too. I'm so happy that it's snowing, I LOVE THE SNOW, fun times in snow. It's FREEZING HERE but if that's what it takes to keep the snow in place then what can you do? I love talking on this website, it takes my mind off things and it distracts me in a good way. I'm so glad you guys started this website! I am leaving something for everybody to hear, even though all this has happened, in the end -I will always be a 100% Benjeller, still on the ship! Sail on!

Taylor said...

anonymous at 5:28: Loved that comment. ;)

-tay :P

Anonymous said...

Donny's tone was different, but maybe its because she wasn't planning to be on camera that soon and she didn't know what to say?
I am a Donyelle fan, but I am also a benjelle fan, trust me I am you can't get over Benjelle. Soooo I am still Benjellin, sooooo does that make me apart of the La Benjelle Familia, Idk its up to you guys?
signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Anonymous said...

It's me again, I won't be posting too many rants on this blog because I have exams to deal with at school right now and that will be going on for a week and a half I will try to go on as much as time permits me. :(. Anyway I'm glad to be talking on this board/blog, once again 100% BENJELLING! I feel like you guys are my people, hope to be part of the familia soon.