Saturday, January 20, 2007

Benji's New Pictures

Okay everyone, sorry to leave you in the lurch, here's the deal:

We've had a bunch of posts saved as drafts to put up, but this is officially our 800th post, and we had something amazing to put up to celebrate, but Taylor and I STILL haven't received an email back, so I'm giving in and posting now. Some of the posts we were going to put up are irrevelent now, anyway, so I just deleted them. Hopefully that amazing thing will come through (No, I'm not telling you what it is and getting your hopes up, lol), and we'll just have to celebrate a beleted 800th post if it does.

In the mean time, things are going crazy in the comments section, so I just wanted to say I'm still a Benjeller, and am fully prepared to spread my unbelievably peppy good cheer - It snowed in ARIZONA yesterday!!! The last time we got snow was YEARS ago, and that didn't even stay on the ground! SO HAPPY!!! : )

Here are Benji's two latest pics:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Schpiffy, no? : D


~ Moose ~


Taylor said...

...say nothing chicky. :D

Anonymous said...

...what lol?