Sunday, November 05, 2006

Woo for random vids! Thanks Venus and agirlnamedliza

Woot for me finding these vids. *feels special* :)

Ramalama bang bang! Crash bang bing bang! Bing bong bing bong boom boom bah boom boom! :) Ahh!! This dance never gets old :D

Bunny. Dancing. Shirtless...

Okay I should really stop watching this because this song always gets stuck in my head. *walks off mumbling* come on come on come on come on. Come on Travis, stop beating around the buuush. Heyyyy come on Bunny! doo doo. Lemee do ya good. oooh.
:D :D :D *guilty smile* haha


Benji's "special announcement"

ACK B-Man! He had me scared for a second. Dang, I bet if he played that joke on his fans with Donyelle every single Benjeller would just melt right then and there. I know we would all squee our hearts out and then when they say just kidding I think I would have died. :( :( But annyywayy...

-Taylor :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg that was too much. first off, you'rre right, theres no such thing as too much ramalama!! haha too much da pantz!

i wonder how much travis and allison rehearsed that or if it was all improv. that was really good though, i wish we couldve seen all of it.

omg i would SOOO have died if he had "proposed" to donny! that would be the happiest moment of my life right there. but then the angriest moment would come when he said just kidding. haha benji is so silly i bet itd be a lot of fun hanging out with him on the bus.