Saturday, August 18, 2007

SYTYCD or High School Musical

Mmaky, so my sister and I are huge fans of High School Musical... And by that I mean we mock it mercelessly and have had an amaaaaaaaaaazing parody planned for months (If we ever really make the video, I'll post it here). But yeah, so the second one premiered tonight, as you may or may not know, but she was going out, so we taped it, and just watched it now... And let me say... Loooooots of laughing... It's seriously like a two hour Old Navy commercial. With people dancing in the desert. And infinitely more cornyness than the first one. But my sister and I officially have a gajillion new inside jokes (i.e. "His pants are there to keep his legs from...fusing.") And ooh, ooh! Okay, so, because it was on tape, we were messing around with the speakers, and it started playing the sound for a design show on the channel the TV was set to, so it was, like, two southern voices speaking rather perfectly to the mouths of Sharpay and Ryan, and my sister fell off the couch... And then it was talking about superb countertops, and how she just loves him so much... And, literally, we were dying here. And we spent the entire time hoping for SOMETHING to make it not so Disney-friendly. I was so desperate that I swear to Buddha I heard her say, "But what about the drugs?" in the song where she's dumping him for being a bastard (The people in these movies are too damn forgiving).

But, yeah, so the point behind this story of our mocking is this:

Jaymz was in it! First Allison, then Sabra, now Jaymz?



Peace and Love!

~ Moosey ~


Taylor said...

Haha yeah I saw him! My sis and I were all "OMGGOHOMEJAYMZ."

I dunno why we said that. I think we were hyped up on skittles and popcorn. =P

Anonymous said...

hahahah wow that is exactly what i was thinking when i watched this movie.. my friends(mary) and i were all "is this a commercial?"
i liked how they tried to make corbin say words like "dawg" and all that shiz. it was pretty dang funny

Taylor said...

Corbin Bleu is freaking gorgeous.

And lmao, yeah it was funny. XD

"I can't wait till summer so I can take that little hottie on a proper date." BWHAHAHA. ♥

Anonymous said...

do they say that or sometin?

Anonymous said...

i think corbin needs to shave his head!!!! lol

and woah i think i saw jesus too! haha the dancer not.. you know. XDD but i wasnt sure if it was him!

Taylor said...

Lmao, Erica XD

Moose said...

you saw jesús???

Anonymous said...

moose: yeah as part of the background dancers!! or maybe I was mistaken? I'll have to watch the movie again to be sure